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Gabriel Nzekwe
Quick question, how do we go about this accountability and licensing?
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Desmond Ezuluebo
It starts with you. The same conversation has come between me and some group of friends. you need to be proud of your project not just following design principles, but also having your users (you as the first user) and reputation at the back of your mind.

Build what you would proud to talk about with test of time.
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Linda Okorie
I suppose there is no formal body of designers with a committee to look into cases of fraudulence, is there?
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Rildwan Bello
Glad this conversation is coming up. Just because the economy of the country is shitty doesn't mean we won't be liable for designing things that we know is ethically wrong. This reminds me of the folks at Volkswagen that got some jail time because they concealed the emission level of their vehicle and misled the public for years.
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Sheyi Owolabi
Exactly. The book by Mike Monteiro even talked about the Volkswagen scandal.
It's important we try to be honest with the work we do.
Simeon Fadahunsi
I believe situations where people would be charged for such will start happening soon because people like to learn the hard way.
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Sheyi Owolabi
It's just a matter of time. The point of this piece is to spark the conversation while the industry is still relatively young.