1.02 was just released... like a few hours ago. It fixes an annoying bug that makes a certain tutorial popup never actually stop popping up. If possible, an update would be great.
My computer warned me that two of the downloads can be very dangerous? are they really safe? and is it possible for something bad to happen to your links? my computer took me here for your 5th link down, it looks like that link isn't working...
If possible, an update would be great.
1.051: Playable. https://steamcommunity.com/games/monstersden_godfall/announcements/detail/2901858592728632957
show unexplored, missing desc added, less unsleeping dungeons
1.061: Global class unlocks.
1.1: Important fix, new dungeon, class and missions.
my computer took me here for your 5th link down, it looks like that link isn't working...