Haze in the atmospheric graphics doesn't make up for crappy textures.
since when does firing a rifle make you hungry?, it's just a bit of stamina.
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Iale Idioma
pressing the trigger is tiring
Nameless Wanderer
For those who goes What!?
When we mention the Civil War in North Dakota, most people say, “What!?” North Dakota is so far from the area we associate with the Civil War. Were there Confederate troops here? The answer is “no.” However, events did warrant sending resources - men, equipment, and supplies - to the frontier as conflicts between Dakota tribes and Euro-American settlers became more frequent. The Dakota War of 1862 by Kenneth Carley, The Dakota War by Micheal Clodfelter, Brackett’s Battalion by Kurt Bergemann, Columns of Vengeance by Paul Beck, and Through Dakota Eyes edited by Clayton Anderson and Alan Woolworth give insight into the Civil War-era conflicts that occurred on the Northern Plains between 1862 and 1864.
Sources: http://blog.statemuseum.nd.gov/blog/civil-war-north-dakota
Going to try this.
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Yeah how hard would it be to make it natives instead of confederates?
The Sioux used guns as well, it'd just be a reskin.