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Hey craigz! i'd like you to know that i do this thing where i pirate games and if i like, them, i buy them! lets see if your game goes through...
@disqus_LLiT28JScH:disqus do you mind if i download the pirated version for a while just to test it,because its not worthy to get games and you actually dont like them, so i will test it for a while,and will be back with some glitch and bug report,after this will be updated...
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Sorry for the late reply! :)
Oh gosh man, of course I mind! :D I'd love to be able to keep making games, and you paying for them is the ONLY way I can do that. It's just me, so no big company - if you do buy it, know that you're literally supporting ME, like you've bought me and my family dinner and paid our electrical bill and payed for the game to have [insert cool feature here] :D
I try to keep the price super reasonable while in Early Access :) I push hotfixes pretty often, so the IGG version will no doubt be always at least a couple versions behind.
But regardless! Let me know what you think of it, lots to do still, but I'm cranking away! :D
Rafael Jeciel
how do u download?
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it's on steam! :)
Update please!
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Buy It?
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no money on steam
Haxy Go !
Oh no craigz here! Oh god...
Anyway update please!
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Sorry for the late reply! ;) gotta go where the people are! Hardest part of doing an Early Access game is that people who pirate it rarely go through the usual channels I'd see for feedback! (steam etc) :) just trying to make the best game I can!
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Haxy Go !
To be fair (i know the dev will see this so)
your game is beautiful so i bought it because you need the most support you could get
developing games is a hard thing ( i tried before to make a cube move it didnt work XD) so Good luck
-xoxo eldez
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Thanks eldez! Yep I'm here :)
Thank you for the support! It seriously means a ton to me. Games are hard, doing it full-time is even harder ;) haha oh gosh! Then you know! Making even a "just a cube game" can be deceiving ;) stop by the Steam forums/Discord and give a shout! Would love to know what you think!
Oh no, that's my game :(
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Pompadour Jtm Sintawarat
ist ok craigz im best gamers download but my son work download by driver san francisco
Haxy Go !
Life Eater
The google drive download page doesn't load. Its error 404.
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The game is actually pretty good! It takes a while to get used to moving around (you move on a 45º angle so up is up/right, etc. you get used to it easily), and for those saying the shooting is horrible, the first bow they give you is purposely bad, get a crossbow as soon as you can it's much better. Ranged is also better used in stealth. And learn to guard! It's done with middle mouse button or left Control by default, I'd change it to something like E so it's easier. Once you get used to the controls and learn to fight (use combos!), this game is pretty enjoyable.
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Hi Balthor! It makes me happy to hear you're enjoying the game, I actually just pushed another update today adding in a slight aim assist to ranged combat, should help the people who are struggling with having arrows go where they're aiming, especially with enemy archers on ledges xD :) If you do enjoy the game, definitely think about supporting development, it's literally just me working on it :) this is my first time feeling the repercussions of game pirating, and it's super weird finding people who really enjoy the game and have great feedback (like yourself!) that just haven't bought it :) give a shout if you ever need anything!
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Hey man, I know it must be hard to see so many people pirating your game, but don't worry, people who like it will buy it (eventually), and people who don't weren't gonna buy it anyway. I'll keep an eye out on it (it's already in my wishlist ;D) and when I get some money, hopefully soon, I'll buy it. You've done a great work so far, I sincerely hope you the best of luck. Oh and the little Castaway easter egg with Wilson was nice.
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Oh it's definitely hard! :) And I know that people who genuinely want to support development will buy it at some point (or better put, at SOME price). That being said I've seen data showing that majority of people who DO pirate games buy in general much FEWER games per year than a typical game buyer. Because sense of worth is tied to direct price, so the game needs to either be SO cheap, its worth it. Or so HIGH (read: AAA) they can validate buying it. So regardless, I'll always be kinda stuck in between :) and thanks, I'm all about the easter eggs! :D Thanks for the well wishes, it means a lot to me, just hard sometimes - got my first kid coming this week, so feeling the biological crush as well ;)
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Well,I was thinking in buy this game on steam,but I didn't know if was good,now,let's see!
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And if you do like it! Be sure to support development, because it's just me my friend :)
And the game turns out to be horrible.
Iale Idioma
"Inspired by games such as Shadow of Mordor, and Mount & Blade. But with more… cubes."
I haven't played the other two but seriously Assassins Creed...
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kamal mohammed
hiding in the pushes, the map system from AC, and the rival system from SoM
Golden Coin
idk, this game is a total garbage tho
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I was spawn camped by 20 cubes my screen didn't even finish loading and i was dead again and the shooting is SHIT.
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Been doing updates every day to make it better! :) I've added multispawn points to stop camping and just added a hidden aim assist to make arrows actually go where you aim :)
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Im glad.
Don't get me wrong i love the game and can't wait to play more levels.
But i just got so mad having to restart levels after levels.
Also im kinda surprised that your ok with people pirating your game.
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Oh yeah, total oversight on my part :) literally that was one of the first big pieces of feedback I got and I was like uh yeah, that needs to change :) really trying to do Early Access right with quick turnaround on these quality of life bugs xD Oh and hey! I'm definitely NOT okay with people pirating it, honestly as a solodev it never even occurred to me that it'd be an issue, I thought piracy was only for popular games/AAA. It's really weird seeing it directly affect me personally as far as financials go, even as just one person, it's totally sidelined me on the possibility of doing development full-time, and that definitely hurts >< granted I grew up as part of the Kazaa generation so I know the appeal. I just genuinely never thought it'd happen to me. No idea how to get it taken down, I'm just here to get feedback so I can make the game better! Nothing worse than people feeling like a developer doesnt care to make a game better, ESPECIALLY in early access, and even moreso the fact that most people who pirate don't go through regular feedback channels like Steam/Discord where I can hear them easily :( I believe in the early access program, but I don't believe in pirating early access. Nobody wins with it xD People get a broken, late to update game, and I get zero feedback xD
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I understand i don't agree with pirating small dev team games but unless it has a demo i have not real choice as i don' want to get all the money together and buy the game only to not like it.
Mind you if i like the game i buy it alot of people here do.
Just ask IGG to take it down he might his done it before..
Also i wish that we didn't have so many early access games on here as the request page gets spammed with request after request when they get updated (which is often)
I mean i think i saw like 10-20 people ask for your game so you must be doing something right.
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Oh for sure! Totally hear you on that man :) that's partially why pirating Early Access games is even MORE dangerous, because it's not a demo, it doesnt show the full game in any capacity outside of its current version :) I'll definitely be getting a demo together closer to when its actually done, that way I can show off some of the features I'm most excited about like sieges/specials etc!
I did post on the main comment thread yesterday, but after waking up this morning just felt weird about it so deleted it. Just a strange mix of things :)
Oh also! Was telling Balthor down a little bit, there's a fair amount of data showing that majority of people who DO pirate games buy in general much FEWER games per year than a typical game buyer. Because sense of worth is tied to an even more subjective 'price', so the game needs to either be SO cheap compared to time given to make it worth it (Besiege). Or so HIGH (read: AAA) they can validate buying it. So regardless, I'll always be kinda stuck in between xD
Well! To think I must be doing something right feels good, but I imagine it'd be even better to ACTUALLY have those people asking ME for an update, and giving me feedback on the game and supporting me so I can even continue to work on it. Rather than IGG posting an update with me entirely out of the loop. I mean, except to be raiding comment sections ;)
Iale Idioma
Uhm I kinda like it lol
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Thanks lale Idioma! that means a lot to me! Definitely support development if you enjoy it, it's actually just me working on it >< I'm doing pretty consistent updates (every other day or so?) to help with lots of these initial bugs/quality of life features, granted, the pirated version will always be a little behind...
I like the idea of it but at this state it is unplayable at points.
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Iale Idioma
Marco Funke
Please request your game here:
(the past 3 days from this comment)
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Hi Lie_RenFTW! I'm craigz, the guy making Warcube :) If you DID enjoy it, definitely look into supporting development, it's actually just me working on it. I work hard to update it with new features/fixes every day, so if you want to stay up to date AND support me working on it, be sure to buy it :)
ah ok i just asked
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS we made it thanks igg u were getting bored of reading upload warcube ?
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Well! If you do like the game, be sure to support development! It's just me working on it :) and I push updates pretty much every day/other day, so this might get out of date sometimes.
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of course ill do when i have money ;)
Golden Rigby
:( http://prntscr.com/e1oliy
Transalation : Windows Has Protected your computer
Windows SmartScreen has stopped running an unknown application , this type of files may harm your computer
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Very true! It's a false positive :) this is actually an ongoing issue lately with Unity Developers and Microsoft. I've got a thread going on the official Steam forums for it. If you DO enjoy the game, definitely think about supporting development. It's just me working on it :)
two words FALSE POSITIVE turn off any antivirus software you may have running Aka Smartscreen
Valithor Obsidion✔️
Your computer is blocking the file because it thinks it has a virus. Turn off your Windows Defender/Firewall and try again.
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Thanks guys !
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Hi there: ) I'm craigz, the guy making the game. If you do end up enjoying the game, definitely support development! It's actually just me working on the game. No huge team at all. Literally just me :)
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oh , and by the way , (I'm probably going to get banned for asking this) isn't there a way that you can report this website for piracy ?
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I actually downloaded the game to see if I liked it , and I really did ! I felt the need to support you so I actually already bought the game , so keep up with your great work , it must be really hard to be a solo developer and deal with these pirate sites , but if you have a great game (and you do) people will end up buying it :D
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Dahhh! SpartanKing that means a ton to me :) thank you so much! :D it's definitely difficult, but also rewarding in the knowing that I get the full autonomy to respond to feedback and QUICKLY get some turnaround on updates without having everything be a conversation like it how it is with some teams no doubt :P and oh gosh haha pirate sites are seriously something I hadn't even THOUGHT of until now, I guess I just never thought I'd need to deal with it? So just trying my best to let people know I exist, that I care, and that if they're pirating an Early Access game they're missing out on half the fun :D Don't hesitate to give a shout if you need anything! :)
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Thank you guys!!!
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Hi Warhero! I'm craigz, the guy making Warcube. It's just me working on it, so if you want to stay up to date, definitely support development, I update the game every other day, so it might get out of date if you're relying on a pirated version. Thanks for checking it out though! :)
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HA! :) I'd hardly say they're the best for offering a pirated game I've worked hours and hours on... but hey! To each their own :) I'm craigz, the ONLY developer on this game. If you DO end up digging the game, please support development, it would mean a lot to me :) I update the game every other day so this version will prooobaably get behind at some point :)
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lol, sry tho dev, IF i have the money, i'll probably buy the games i want.
so thats WHY i jut download pirated games.
quite sad tho...
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It is sad :( it makes it sound like you downloaded my game (that you didn't want in the first place) just for the fun of it! (which is actually the same reason people buy games, right? :P) enjoy what you can! My hope is just that at some point you'll "want" the game enough to buy it! Until then, peace my friend! :)
thanks for uploading it.