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Well maybe if the joke wasn't overused, unfunny, and unoriginal, then this wouldn't happen. Listen - I have no problem with you at all, but I do have a problem with comments like these. They're just garbage, spam. They clutter comment walls and cause misunderstanding like the one that happened here. But I see that you deleted it, so thanks for that.
Henk Van Helmond
The point is, who cares who is first or last or doesn't post at all. Those kinds of posts are annoying, its why most don't bother to read them, and a guy was asking for help and no one replied. Its like people on FB posting to see how many LIKES they can get.... namely... pointless.

Lets move on, right?
To be honest everyone has good and bad days! I have been working on computers for over 20 years and sometimes its the simplest things that make me want to throw it out the Window!
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Henk Van Helmond
I have been working on computers since the early 1970's. My first IBM was 4.7 Mhz... Mono and didn't have a floppy, but it did have a cassette interface. :)
Pelo Dilovan
I'm probably a retard here, but how do I install these games? I download all the parts, but I don't know how to install...
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Nameless Wanderer
Act first think later or never ask questions even in doubt are the real ones.
Unzip, extract and look for launcher icon or exe to run.
after you download all the parts use a program like WinRAR to open the first part extract the file then if you see an installer run that otherwise just run the exe
Henk Van Helmond
Who cares. First, last or whatever. Either way, you are an idiot child.
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The Gamer Whos Bored
its just a joke damn
Henk Van Helmond
No, you are an idiot, an uncaring twat! A keyboard warrior who is such a coward that you make stupid insulting comments at a person because he asked for help. Next time, think... IF you can, if you cannot help, then keep your pussy mouth shut.
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The Gamer Whos Bored
sry about all of this
The Gamer Whos Bored
I was making a really common joke I didn't mean for ANY of this to happen
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Wait a second, wait a second, there is a serious misunderstanding here. You think that when I said, "You realize nobody cares, right?" that I was replying to Josh C. Alix, right? That's not who I was replying to! My reply was to the user called "The gamer whos bored", the one who commented "first", not the one who commented for help. Just look at the comment wall, my reply was to him, not the other guy. You misunderstood who I was replying to, I just realized that
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Henk Van Helmond
Yes, I never saw his post, damn this cluttered page. I am sorry, you are right, that guy is a twat. (I'm 56 and have bad eyesight) Yeah, as you were, say what you like about him. Again, sorry. :(
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The Gamer Whos Bored
I only made the comment as a joke I'll delete it
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The Gamer Whos Bored
also I never meant for all this to happen
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It's no problem at all, and let me just offer my sincere apologies for what I said myself. I hate misunderstandings like this lol
Josh C. Alix
Can't play it on 32 bit. But it says in the requirements that it is compatible with 32 bit OS Please help
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Dont listen to that guy... me and a bunch of others care!!!
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You realize nobody cares, right?
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Henk Van Helmond
You are a real P.O.S. I hope you know. You are a user, not a giver, you TAKE and then act like an arrogant child. Gamers who care would, of course care, and there are more of us than you. We loathe people like you, so, really, no one cares about you. F.O. already.
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God damn, you really took that like I insulted your entire existence didn't you? Seriously, all I said was that no one cares that he's the first one to comment here. Why would anyone care? It's literally just a worthless achievement that clogs up comment walls. You want the entire wall to be filled with, "First! Second! Third!"? That's just childish bullshit. You're literally getting salty and defending this guy because he said "first" and I said that no one cares. "A user, not a giver". And what the fuck have you ever given, huh? Where are all the games you developed? Where's your game development company, mister CEO? You're taking one little comment and blowing it out of proportion.
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Nameless Wanderer
We care that you don't care, and care that some do, and frankly, would you rather live on an island by yourself all your life with no one to speak to? No one. Enjoy the uploads like we do. That is all that matters here. Thanks http://Igg-games.com for being there for us all.
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I just realized that both you and Henk seem to have misunderstood me. You must be thinking that I replied to the user called Josh C. Alix, right? The user who asked for help? That's not who I was replying to. I wouldn't reply that harshly to a person asking for help. I replied to the user called "the gamer whos bored" because he commented "first" and that's just spam on a comment wall
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The Gamer Whos Bored
it was a joke and that was the first time I ever did that ;_;