Rob Conner
The uncensor patch v1.03 (2.75GB) can be found here. Enjoy~!
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how would i add the patch to the game? Would i put it in the main folder of the game or in the same folder i extracted the game in. New to this sorry.
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Rob Conner
There's no need to apologize, jayypax. Like Jesus said in the Sermon at the Mount, "Ask and you shall receive, ..."

After you have downloaded the uncensor patch, execute it [Double click on its icon] in Windows Explorer. A window with an EULA (Electronic User License Agreement) screen will appear. Agree to the EULA by selecting the appropriate radio button option, click on the "Next" button and then proceed to the "Installation Folder" screen. In that screen, click on the "Change..." button and navigate to the installed game's folder (Do not navigate to the inside of the folder) and select it to specify the path to where the uncensor patch's files will be copied. Afterwards, click on the "OK" button and then click on the "Next" button and allow the patch process to begin (You may need to click on the "Next" button again in other subsequent screens). Once the patching process has completed, close the window, lock the door to your bedroom, get a tissue box ready and enjoy the uncensored version of the game. LOL! - Just kidding about locking your bedroom door and the tissue box. Just enjoy the game discreetly. I hope that this helps you~!
😀 😉 🙂
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