I think this has been in early access for a long time. Glad to see its finished now.
this brings back memory. tried this few years ago and felt really hard to run for a game its calibre but hope that it was fixed now
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You're a cop. A street thug tries to rub you. You gun him down. He passes out and gets up seconds later to initiate another fight. And you don't call dispatch, you just shout "stand down", mumbling "ack, it's gotten so bad". Your only option is to run off.

This happened quite early on, maybe 10 mins in, and pulled me right out of the game. Later, you suspect something odd is happening in an abandoned hospital, just in walking distance, so you get in via the sewers, instead of breaking in through the front door. It all came off as really shoddy presentation/story telling.

I get a bit of deja vu... Likely I have played this many years ago, having gone pretty far into late game... but would I really?... can't recall...

There're traces of development hell in steam review. Made a search on youtube, it's been going on for at least 8 years. And it does show in the pacing. I stopped after chapter 1, about 40 min. (A let's play on youtube took 3 hours, but I suspect it's just slow reading.)