Rob Conner
Guys and Gals, please don't try to poke fun of the last picture in this game page. For all we know, those could be two interstellar space rockets used for space exploration instead of ICBMs (Note: The only difference between a space rocket and an ICBM is the payload that is fitted at the tip of a rocket whether it be a capsule holding space explorers or a nuclear warhead).

This game is not about Communist China which stands to lose too much economically if they decided to attack any NATO country. After all, killing your customers would only hurt your own business and ultimately kill yourself in return. Nevermind all of the mumbo-jumbo about political ideologies. Business is still business!

I'm going to take a chance that there are no people living in North Korea that are visiting this site since there's a complete Internet blackout imposed there upon its regular citizens (See "Internet Policies" in the following article here) and add that North Korea should take notes about and learn from the bit of knowledge that I've "dropped", should they ever decide to start manufacturing retail goods for export instead of only mass weapons of destruction to use as a bargaining chip at the UN's negotiations table. Peace~!
😉 ✌️😎
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I hear you, bro. Like Rodney King once said "Can we all get along?" - That sentiment should also apply on a World-wide scale so that people the World over, can live in peace and treat others with respect as their fellow human beings. If not then I'd hate to imagine what happened during the LA riots to happen on a global scale especially after nukes are dropped on all sides. Anywayz, if peeps looked carefully at the design of those two rockets, they can see that there are circular windows on each rocket's sides. Why would unmanned, ICBMs need circular windows? The windows are for humans to look out of while in space. Obviously, those are space exploration rockets! Peace, man!
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Rob Conner
Hmm ... I'm surprised that I missed that minute detail. Either my vision must be starting to fail me or I need to get more sleep. I guess that you're getting better than me at being a detective to try to figure out problems! LOL~!
🤔 😀👍
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Nah, you're still "Batman" in the FAQ section to me and some others but there's something to be said about "Nightwing's skills of deduction" as well!
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Sadly, the problem lies with NoKor government by being a tin-tyrant and everyone else living there unaware of it. No one is likely challenging except others who are either dead or manage to escape.

NoKor's future lies in getting conquered by it's southern brother back to the fold.

As for what you said else, the other problem is because we humans having an extreme diversity and racial differences that led to all sorts of dumb-fuck. If resources were problem, people can try to buy-sell them. But if ideology or cultural difference were the problem- well that is a different story.
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Rob Conner
Perhaps economics, politics and the military are three distinct aspects that play a shared role in the problem of reconciliation with North Korea. The North Korean economy is too hard-wired towards weapons manufacturing (Retail consumer goods manufacturing there is almost non-existent with North Korea importing most of its retail consumer goods from other Communist and former Communist countries) thanks to Kim Kim Jong Un's "new" version of the insane policies that his father and grandfather had enacted decades ago which directs almost all of the country's manufacturing towards building up weaponry for the North Korean military which continues to demand even more government resources.
🙂 🙃
Dr House
Remarkably interesting comment where I didn't expect it. And by it I mean the information contained within the comment.... not the comment itself, since I wholly expect those in the comment section.

Fuck Im stoned
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Hey, a positive comment is still welcome than a negative comment!
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Yo its fucking Dr. House ?!?!?
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Dr House
The one and only, drug-riddled, sarcastic, sort of lame but high-functioning addict that made House M.D. the most interesting and funny and pretty often even based on things that actually can happen.

I think I have a man crush on Hugh Laurie for the guy is a walking modern renaissance man. Music, acting, writing and several degrees etc..

Man I wish I was gay at times. I just don't like the part where you have to be in a relationship with a guy to make that work so I guess that's a pipe dream. Unless the Satanic Church is willing to offer gay-conversion therapy for straight men just to spite the evangelicals but Im going off topic I think.

Time for a medical intervention in the form of a blunt
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Welcome back from your six months absence, Dr House!
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Dr House
It took me 2 months to realize that you meant from commenting here 😂

Cuz I can't remember how long ago it's been that I've not checked for interesting games at least once a week. Although I can't be sure I wouldve remembered if I did lmao. If ADHD was a river, I'd be white water 😂
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There's no need to overthink it, man. I was just referring to the time that had lapsed between your last posted comment roughly seven months ago (The one in your profile that has a datetime stamp of "9/9/2023, 8:28:36AM" marked as "7 months ago" that was made in another game page) and the post you made two months ago in this game page that began as "Remarkably interesting comment where I didn't expect it ..." that has a datetime stamp of "2/7/24, 10:19:26 AM" (It's more like seven than six months but I rounded down the figure since, IMHO, it sounded better as half a year. Technically, there has been seven month gap between your posts, so I figured that you were away during that period of time).
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Dr House
yeah, can't say ur wrong about the over thinking.. Just never found a way to stop that except for drugs tbh. But no worries, your answer perfectly adequate to shut my brain up so much appreciated lol
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No problemo! I'm glad to be of help!
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Dr House
I wanted to type I have raging ADHD but I'm not angry so I guess that came out making more sense to me. Plus now I'm thinking. Wait what if you meant something else with 6 months since I've been on the site more than once in that time. So now I'm kinda curious and wanting to know...😅😂
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Perhaps you had visited this site on occasion during that time period but since you didn't post any comments back then in between those two comments, your profile only reflects those two posted comments for that period.
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Oh yea this is the real deal
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Does not seem to want to start.
The game always ask me about download .Net Core despite me downloading the newest one off Windows
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Dr House
Same here, tried reinstalling all .net components to be sure but none of it helped. I think it might be a hiccup in the crack
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It's a bit early to say until there are more peeps all over, not just on this site, that encounter that error but maybe a proper crackfix might just be needed. The latest .Net frameworks are supposed to be backwards compatible with any (game) code written with earlier versions of the .Net framework starting with version v.4.5.
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Rob Conner
It's possible that there is a problem with the crack concerning the .Net framework. It's still a bit early to tell for sure. I searched Reddit for any reports of this problem to no avail and the only thing that I could find about this problem concerning the game in general at this game's Steam Discussion pages (See here), regardless of whether it is a legitimate or cracked version was useless. A crackfix might indeed be required.

In the meantime, perhaps installing an earlier version of the .Net framework might resolve the problem if an earlier version than what was already installed (i.e. - The latest version), is actually what is being expected (See a possible somewhat related user report here). An earlier version of .Net framework, v.3.5, can be downloaded here. A brave soul is needed to try out this theory as I didn't download this game. Someone needs to try to download, install v3.5 of the .Net framework (I couldn't find the download for just the v3.5 .Net Framework Runtime) and then try to run the game to see whether the error still occurs (The risk is that the earlier version might have forwards compatibility problems with the latest version but it appears that v3.5 works with v4.7 (See here). Someone can try this out, report their results here and maybe be a hero in this game page! I hope that this helps~!
🤔 🙂
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Update please
Can we get the update? also for the no steam problem just install the stuff in the redit folder , then restar and before u click play delete the tenoki.ini and done :D
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Why it's say 'steam start error' when i launched the game ?
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Delete the tenoke.ini file , works fine then .
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doesnt work for me
i Delete the GameSet file every time before i start the game
i use a .bat file for this
with the commands

CD /d D:\Games\JiangCity
del GameSet
start jcGame.exe
Dr House
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Thank you very much, it's work
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I installed the missing netcore package from the redist folder in the game directory, and game works fine. YMMV.
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Rob Conner
Thank You so very much for sharing this information with the rest of the community. Can you also please share what version of the .Net core that you installed (eg. - v3.5, v4.7 or ... etc.) from this game's redist folder? You can run the .net installer again to find out the information and then just cancel the operation.
😎👍 ❓😐
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I just tried what you just said. And It works! Turns out it's provided in the redist folder itself.
For all of you struggling to run the game because of the runtime errors you need:
Microsoft .NET Core SDK 3.1.426 which is located in JiangCity\redist folder not JiangCity_CommonRedist