English not supported. Perhaps sometime in the future the dev can start with an English Interface translation (Easiest and least expensive). If a fan base develops and increases, perhaps English Subtitles can be added (Most difficult and most expensive). See my explanation about translation.
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It's a shitty game created by a far-right Putin apologist. What kind of a fan base do you want to develop?
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You need to calm the fμck down and carefully re-read what I wrote. I wrote "... If a fan base develops ... " and not "... If I and others develop a fan base ... " meaning that if some people (Not myself included) decide to develop a fan base, there might be enough support for a proper English translation to happen in the future. I didn't even know about this game until it was listed here and I visited its Steam page. I certainly didn't know that it supposedly had any politics attached to it. IMHO, a game should be enjoyed or not enjoyed for what it is, just entertainment, for better or for worse. People shouldn't try to attach their political views onto games. Otherwise, those games devolve into tools of propaganda.

Like it's been said time and time before, "Don't kill the messenger"! Unless I state otherwise, I am neutral whenever posting these informative notices. You don't turn on the TV and scream at the news reporters whenever they report something that isn't to your liking, do you? Even if you do, please don't approach me looking for a fight just because you somehow, misguidedly disapprove of my objective reporting of what I usually note with any non-English game that is marketed on Steam towards a potential, English speaking consumer base (What the actual target base happens to be is unknown to those outside of Steam and the dev studio). I hope that this clears up any misconceptions that you may have. Know that I bear you no ill will.
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Your a liar. The jew president of Ukraine has been bombing and murdering civilians in Donbass long before Putin put a stop to it. You're an idiot hipster, repeating terrorist propaganda that you hear on the BBC.
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WTF are you talking about? You can't even spell.

My point was the game is racist and homophobic. You have any counter-agrument to that lol? It's not top secret stuff either, just watch the review.
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Nice atmosphere
Fair warning: this game is openly racist, homophobic, and generally features a lot of very far-right stuff. Written by Goblin, the guy who openly supports Putin and his invasion in Ukraine.
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I'm against the invasion of the Ukraine even though I have had Russian co-workers in a former job years ago who turned out to be very good friends of mine after work which is totally unrelated to these current World events. I'm not racist (I've actually successfully fought some racists on this site in the past in the hopes of removing such shιt from our community!), nor am I against the LGBTQ community. I've had co-workers who were from the LGBTQ community and they at least act like everyone else during working hours - I've never had a problem working with them. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Hayley Kiyoko's hot video, "Girls like Girls" but then again, what heterosexual man doesn't have a little lesbian fantasy inside of himself? IMHO, it was even better than t.A.T.u's famous kiss between straight band members Lena Katina and Julia Volkova in their famous video "All the Things She Said". The constant sexually suggestive interactions between Stefanie Scott and Kelsey Chow throughout Hayley Kiyoko's video really set the stage for a believable lesbian romance story! I'm certainly not a Right-Winger (I'm a Democrat - And I'm almost 99.9% sure that there's no such thing as a right-wing Democrat. That would be like being a confused and conflicted being like Abrodolph Lincoler from Rick and Morty fame). There's this saying NaniNekoChan, that you may or may not know - "You should walk a mile in another's person's shoes before you judge him or her", meaning you should get to know someone in-depth before you decide to like or hate him or her).

IMHO, Russia doesn't have any right to be in the Ukraine even though Ukraine used to be a Soviet Satellite state - The USSR is now gone and Russia is supposed to be a democratic republic even though it's really not under the dictator Putin. I had no idea that this game was supposedly being used as propaganda(?) or maybe that's just in your mind. Judging from what I can figure out (I'm not Russian nor do I speak the Russian language) on that Steam page, it doesn't look like any form of propaganda against the Ukraine though. I'm not sure how you could be inferring all of what you wrote from that Steam page, just saying. Again, I am neither for or against this game. IMHO, it just looks like any other RPG game.
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Awesome, want. The jew president of Ukraine is hiding behind mercenaries dressed up as Nazi's. Anybody supporting that, while you play victim about "racism", is a liar.
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Your source: trust me bro!