Ok, so, first of all John Kricfalusi was only involved in the first two seasons of the show, he was fired afterwards for not meeting deadlines and the show continues for three more seasons after that and he's not even getting money from the show's revival on Netflix(At least I think it was Netflix). Second of all has Ren And Stimpy ever touched on subjects such as grooming or SA in a positive light or has in any way, shape or form reflected the political or sociological views of it's creator? No? Then please realize that not every artists makes art based on their life experiences or personalities. Sometimes art is just an expression of imagination with no touch of the real world, it's a form of escapism. Thus you can very easily separate art from the artist.
You forgot "Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon which he did do (and was vile).
You really don't see an issue with characters created by a groomer was sexual towards 14 year olds, being used in a game played by kids?
He used the success of Ren & Stimpy to abuse those girls. They're the tools of a child molester. And their creation and personalities reflect his abusive nature too (not just sexually abusive but the temper he had which people often saw when working on the show.
"Kricfalusi’s abuse extended both within and far beyond the Spumco offices. Happy Happy Joy Joy reveals that in the decades following the death of The Ren and Stimpy Show, people had plenty of stories about the verbal and psychological abuse they endured while working with Kricfalusi. And as Buzzfeed reported in 2018, he had multiple sexually abusive relationships with underage girls over the course of his career. The young women, Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice, were aspiring animators who idolized Kricfalusi. Byrd, who was 13 when she first communicated with Kricfalusi directly, desperately wanted a career in animation and eventually moved to Los Angeles to live with her idol. It was during this period that much of the abuse occurred. Because of this, he has fallen even further out of the public's favor, making it tougher and tougher for most to revisit his seminal creation."
Maybe it's cos I'm a sexual abuse survivor myself but those characters are tainted as hell. Used to be a fan of them myself in the early 90s. Not any more. And do you think he isn't pleased to see his characters still appearing in media? He might not get money for it, but it's more than likely he gets some sense of satisfaction. Creepy.
Weird. I came here because email notification that 'Bowie' responded to me again. But there's nothing here. And the previous responses from them have disappeared. Was I blocked? For mentioning why this issue is kinda personal to me? Hm. I don't know. Oh well.
"Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon" is something I don't think about because it was simple trash, it was such a failure that it only had 3 episodes so I tend not to think about it at all.
"You really don't see an issue with characters created by a groomer was sexual towards 14 year olds, being used in a game played by kids?" No I don't. Because he isn't his characters, or rather the characters aren't him. The show never reflected his personality or his views. IF you want to punish someone punish the creator, not the creations, the creations are innocent. NEVER punish the tool, always punish the one using the tool because a tool has no agency of it's own, it can be used for evil but also for good. The man is not involved with the show anymore nor is he involved with the characters other than simply making them. Also you don't have to quote his history to me, I am now very well aware of it because I looked into it extensively. Also who cares what he thinks? Who cares if he's pleased to see his characters in the media. He's not making any money off it so who cares if he's satisfied or not? He's a creep like you said and a creep's satisfaction and what a creep thinks is irrelevant. It's fine if YOU don't like the characters and think they're tainted, that's totally fine and valid. But as long as the characters themselves aren't a self insert or reflect his personality and views people can still enjoy them and SHOULD enjoy them for what they are. Sure Ren is an angry little gremlin ready to explode at the slightest provocation but so are a lot of people. He was never sexually abusive towards any other character. Also there was no need to involve other children in the discussion. You could have just said" No sir I don't like it" and that would be that.
Also let's all take some time to separate art from the artist yeah?
And nah, art is an expression of the artist. Comes from their mind, their imagination, their life experiences. It's always part of them.
You really don't see an issue with characters created by a groomer was sexual towards 14 year olds, being used in a game played by kids?
He used the success of Ren & Stimpy to abuse those girls. They're the tools of a child molester.
And their creation and personalities reflect his abusive nature too (not just sexually abusive but the temper he had which people often saw when working on the show.
"Kricfalusi’s abuse extended both within and far beyond the Spumco offices. Happy Happy Joy Joy reveals that in the decades following the death of The Ren and Stimpy Show, people had plenty of stories about the verbal and psychological abuse they endured while working with Kricfalusi. And as Buzzfeed reported in 2018, he had multiple sexually abusive relationships with underage girls over the course of his career. The young women, Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice, were aspiring animators who idolized Kricfalusi. Byrd, who was 13 when she first communicated with Kricfalusi directly, desperately wanted a career in animation and eventually moved to Los Angeles to live with her idol. It was during this period that much of the abuse occurred. Because of this, he has fallen even further out of the public's favor, making it tougher and tougher for most to revisit his seminal creation."
Maybe it's cos I'm a sexual abuse survivor myself but those characters are tainted as hell. Used to be a fan of them myself in the early 90s. Not any more. And do you think he isn't pleased to see his characters still appearing in media? He might not get money for it, but it's more than likely he gets some sense of satisfaction. Creepy.
"You really don't see an issue with characters created by a groomer was sexual towards 14 year olds, being used in a game played by kids?" No I don't. Because he isn't his characters, or rather the characters aren't him. The show never reflected his personality or his views. IF you want to punish someone punish the creator, not the creations, the creations are innocent. NEVER punish the tool, always punish the one using the tool because a tool has no agency of it's own, it can be used for evil but also for good. The man is not involved with the show anymore nor is he involved with the characters other than simply making them. Also you don't have to quote his history to me, I am now very well aware of it because I looked into it extensively. Also who cares what he thinks? Who cares if he's pleased to see his characters in the media. He's not making any money off it so who cares if he's satisfied or not? He's a creep like you said and a creep's satisfaction and what a creep thinks is irrelevant. It's fine if YOU don't like the characters and think they're tainted, that's totally fine and valid. But as long as the characters themselves aren't a self insert or reflect his personality and views people can still enjoy them and SHOULD enjoy them for what they are. Sure Ren is an angry little gremlin ready to explode at the slightest provocation but so are a lot of people. He was never sexually abusive towards any other character. Also there was no need to involve other children in the discussion. You could have just said" No sir I don't like it" and that would be that.
Gameplay --> https://youtu.be/R7EoL4urs5s