Lord Tato
I thought this game have political intention or things similar to that until i so multiple Russian comments saying things like this:

"So, what about all this memes:

In the beginning there was a famous in Russia historian-sciencefreak (sadly, we have a whole academy of them) - Alexei Bagirov. All his works was about "All present science is made by reptiloids to fool the humankind, because in true history they fought with Slavs - true predecessors of the whole mankind, which civilization tamed dynosaurs and conquired Africa in the stone age". And all this sh..t he threw on Youtube and his Telegram channel.

People saw it. People rofl. And decided to make some memes about it. About "True history of Encient Slav Civilization, that defended mankind from evil Reptiloid invaders from out of space, that used their uber technologies against the power of Slavic Gods, Motherland, and Baikal Water". First memes was simple. Some selfmade coolstories about "Famous battles" and "Noticable history moments". Some joke Slavic-like names, like Masturbslav. But someday it became too famous in Ru-net and memes started to appear by dozens. Especially, when people remembered the "3 Bogatyrs" cartoon series from Melnitsa Studio. They used AI voice of main characters to create memes like "Slavic testicle grip" or "Slavic dick punch".

Shout "Goyda" been originally used by "Oprichnina" - personal army of Ivan the Terrible. In present, Russian propaganda used it as a national shout of Z-supporters. So it became a meme too.

Baikal water is a meme because Russian people like this lake. It`s a Russian national treasure.

This game is just a rofl and silly attempt to collect all that memes into one thing."

so i don't think it's meant for anything rather than that.
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Reptilians must be pushed back to their caves, Earth for earthians!!!Uploaded Image
we be committing anti Semitism tonight boyz
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Lord Tato
i thought that too but, there is no antisemitism in here Lil bro.
just some dog shit memes
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anti semitism? i have nothing but respect for kikish people
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Lord Tato
anti semitism? What?... you are the one who commented it up there????????
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that was before they started killing muzlim arabs left and right
☽ᚺeronymus Ωm̀Đraco☾
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Classically Abby
Why would a bunch of big dick lizards invade Russia? It is literally cold as fuck. Reptilians are smarter than this. This game sucks and the immersion is not there.
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Rog Ally
LIZARDS MUST DIE - Gameplay Walkthrough STORY !

Yt : https://youtu.be/l3d24wemi4g

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