Anyone having graphic issues with this, or am I alone? Just curious.
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Hardest Owl
If you're still having graphic issues let me know and I will download it so I can help you fix your issue!
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Hey thanks alot for the reply, yeah the problems im having are the squares where you pick a level are all pink, and the character you play as is invisible and the controls are all over the place, I would greatly appreciate some assistance! thanks!
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Hardest Owl
I agree that the controls are all over the place on the keyboard and I don't know how to adjust those. I didn't have a graphics problem at all though from downloading it from google drive so if you didn't download it from there then check that and see if it fixes it! I wish you the best of luck my friend!
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Okay I played it and still the same problems, I mean I can actually play it with my xbox controller, the graphics are way out of whack, the trees and things you can cut through or destroy, are all pixel flipped and they just look like big boxes with color, and the character you play as is invisible, cant see it period, odd issues.
Thank you very much, I will try that out and let you know if thats the issue, I usually use the mega links as they are the simplest in my opinion. Going to do that now!
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Hardest Owl
Alright bud, let me know if it fixes your problem!
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Did you see my other comment? Had a problem writing back but I fixed it now, anyway yeah same problems bro.
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Hardest Owl
Then I don't know what to tell you other than something in your computer doesn't like the game. I'm really sorry I couldn't help you fix your problem.
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No problem Owl I can wait for the update which just might fix the problem i'm having, either way, I appreciate the assistance my friend. :)