You can mod this game. You need a proper file path though. If any errors show up for you, it's your problem. I'm not tech support so piss off.

If you're wondering why you need to put the exe into 3 folders, well, my Folder 1 has games in it so that's where all the games go. Folder 2 is usually individual game folders, but you need a folder 3 otherwise this game's mod loader will try to look for the workshop folder on your desktop, which is fixed by adding another folder. Unless you don't care about littering your desktop then you do not need a folder 2 and you can drag workshop to your desktop.

Now because you're even too stupid to figure this out, I suppose I'll have to tell you where to get the mods. Skymods, obviously. I just googled brotato mod download. Use your brain.


Folder 1 (name whatever)
...>Folder 2 (name whatever)
......>Folder 3 (name whatever)
...>workshop (you must name it this)
......>content (you must name it this)
.........>1942280 (you must name it this)
............>UNZIPPED mod zip files (make sure inside the zip has a .import folder)

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The word
Good game. Not as mindless as vampire survivors.
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is it posible to mod it
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Yes. There's specifically a mods button in the game. If you're asking where you can find mods, just do a web-search, there are some listed in the wiki and Steam page.
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yes i know but if i subscribe to the mods they still wont be ingame
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It is too addictive,i will never touch game like this
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I don't find it that addictive, because you have to start over from scratch every time; there doesn't seem to be any progress like other VS-like games. The only thing Brotato seems to provide is new characters to play as.
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another VS wannabe?
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The word
Vampire survivors is mindless. At least this game requires some thought.
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Less so. Most VS-likes provide some sort of permanent-upgrades as you progress, but Brotato seems to only provide new characters.
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Just crash everytime when i'm Stage 8, 8-18sec. how to fix this? it says online that the .Exe stop working
I keep seeing this being sold on the Play Store...