this site really is going to shit
blocking my add blocker so that i cant see the screenshots of the games
and the only reason im using the addblocker is because if i click on next page or on anything it opens a fucking other web page
which i fucking hate
so either remove that or forget about getting ad revenue if the ads are too fucking annoying with every click
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We haven't changed anything from the source code over the years. Only assholes in the ublock group are trying to blackmail our, by destroying the site, you know???

Why are you blaming us when we didn't do anything? take a look at what that bastard has been editing ublock for the past few days:

Besides, if you feel uncomfortable about the ads, then please accept my apologies, as we have no other way to maintain the site. Did you know the admin (not me) of this site has to spend an extra 2-3 thousand dollars per month to maintain the site? he has to pay us salaries, server fees,... revenue from advertising can't make up for the price of electricity and rent a server every month. On my side, I only get $500 per month, nothing more. Therefore, if you are annoyed by ads, then consider this site dead, no need to come here anymore. We have also considered shutting down the site in the near future because we don't want to spend extra money to maintain this site with ungrateful people.

Many years ago, the admin was still interested in this community, but today is different, internet users are becoming more and more toxic. I believe he will realize this, we should move on to other commercial projects rather than pirate.
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ur words made me a little anxious... not all of us visitors r ungrateful, on the contrary, I admire u for my part...ignore them n keep going :)
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Don't worry, my friend. That was just my exasperation. All I can do is forward the information to the admin (real IGG). And he makes his own decisions, I have no control over this entire site, except posting posts and uploading games :D.
the ads themselfs are perfectly fine
as long as they dont open other pages when i click on "next page" or click on a game to see wahts it about i dont care for the ads
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it usually only pops up 2 times in 1 page. Besides, you can use a trick, which is "right_click" on link/url, then press "T" :D
the ads arent the problem
i know ads are important
the problem is
if i click on something and it opens a another webpage which is thankfully blocked
had that not been the case i would just leave the ads
ads are important
but if they are annoying af when i click on something
then i dont enjoy them
ill see if i cant figure out why none of the games have a screenshot in the main page but additional sites opening everytime i click anywhere on the side even if no ads are visible is annoying
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Saga of Tanya
IGG really help these "ungrateful" asshole for nothing.
Although it's a pity to get free game from IGG which accompany many year and I really gratefull for all of you IGG member, it's time to teach these morons a lesson.
VeteranActive WarriorJoachimgamer
Great game