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John Snake
Thanks for uploading san francisco liberal policy simulator 2023 (with tenderloin district DLC) :DDDDD
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yawn says the republican methhead on terminal unemployment.
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John Snake
I forgot that criticizing the liberal agenda is a sacred cow and cannot be touched. Of course the liberal must come to terms with their bad leaders and decisions to vote them in and will blame shift and name call instead of backing up their failed leaders.
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You mean like how you're getting triggered from my own comment? The fucking IRONY lmao! Perhaps throw another vote down on your orange super hero rapist Putin cock holster, that'll make a difference in your life (it won't).
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John Snake
You wear your emotions too bluntly on your sleeve, nobody is "triggered". I call a spade a spade. Of course you would bring up Trump, what liberal wouldnt? Not everyone's life revolves around worshipping politicans, and not everyone lives watching news to cheer for their "big guy", but PROTIP: its not a baseball game with teams.
One is free to call out bad people, bad policies, and immoral crowds that follow them, if you worship politicians, you need to get off the internet and social media and go do something with your life.
You watch way too much news and believe every bit of it.
Politicians are NOT role models, and not everyone who isnt for your immoral cesspool of sin-side, is some weird trump lover, you are Trump obsessed.
It may be hard for you to grasp, but there is not "its my side or your side".
Now if you excuse me, i gotta go sniff some kids like creepy uncle Joe and think the russian boogeyman is out to destroy the world.
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Paragraph andy over here isn't triggered apparently lmfao
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John Snake
Apparently everyone who is critical of immorality is a triggered libtard, now if youll excuse me, i have a drag queen story hour to attend.
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John Snake: not triggered
Also John Snake: *writes an essay on not being triggered"

Nothing funnier than some holier than thou conservative berating others for holding politicians above the law, while holding their own politicians above the law. Please stop embarrassing yourself dude, we all know you can give it and sure as hell can't take it.
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John Snake
You apparently do not possess reading knowledge. I have no "own politicians", not everyone cares about them, you certainly do and once again prove the liberal mindset of "if you dont support what i like, you support everything i hate". Educate yourself.
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I guess when I asked you to stop embarrassing yourself you took that as a personal challenge.

Nothing you've said pertains to anything I've said, you're just spouting off gibberish at this point. Typical brain washed red pill zombie going off on hypocritical rantings.

At what point did I ever say I was liberal? I've just been criticizing your stupid fanatic far-right rantings but you've made up this entire story about me and my beliefs. And what the fk is "reading knowledge" you mean literacy? that's what "reading" is called, but I'll give a 9/11 on your "reading knowledge". But seriously, you're not fooling anyone, we all know you're a grade school drop out LMAO!
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"At what point did I ever say I was liberal? I've just been criticizing your stupid fanatic far-right rantings but you've made up this entire story about me and my beliefs."

Is this meant to be satire? I honestly can't tell these days.
If it isn't, then this just reached the elusive level of ultra-tard.
Projection and gaslighting are common tactics of leftists, I get that, but this...
this is incredible work.

You even capped your post with a laugh AT YOUR OWN JOKE.

Pure gold, my man. *cheff's kiss"
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You see what you want to see, just like how girls don't like you because of feminism and not because you're an unwashed, 2-incher peen, conspiracy koolaid drinking "free thinker", free thinking just like every one of your icons that you parrot. If you think it's a common tactic of "leftist" to use your own words against you then yes, I'll take that as a compliment because when I do it, it sure does trigger the ever living hell out of you snowflakes. Without using a bunch of buzzwords, how did I gaslight or project? seriously do you shit-for-brains actually think before you type or is lying just part of your normal everyday repertoire that you have no idea what you're saying anymore? What joke did I make that I laughed at? I laughed at the fact this guy doesn't know what "Literacy" means while telling people to go "educate yourself" typical conservative home schooling advice I'm sure you're no doubt familiar with, much like the word "literacy".

I'm not even a leftist, it's funny that I have to keep saying this because people like you are so bound to a black and white world where it's either you or them right? How sad. Not everyone wants to be a part of your silly culture war, there is a world beyond your limited vision and yes it's absolutely hilarious to see the people who say "suck it up" fall over, wincing in pain if you question THEIR narrative. I just laugh at anyone who wants to fight over stupid culture war nonsense like yourself who like John Snake, have to invent things to back up your words. Seriously, you're all about calling people "tards" but when you speak at a 5th grade reading level that's when the real projection begins.
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"...feminism...conspiracy koolaid drinking free thinker... triggered...snowflakes... typical conservative home schooling...silly culture war... I'm not even a leftist.

Without using a bunch of buzzwords, how did I gaslight or project?"

Okay, I get it. Your response is a tacit admission.
Your posts are self-deprecating humor. The lack of self-awareness involved is too staggering to be real.

But again, on the outside chance that they ARE genuine,
then I'm not even mad. It's actually kind of impressive. It's like some form of hybrid aspbergers and tourette's syndrome.
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Nice, Gotta train for what's coming soon ! Thanks for the tutorial IGG !
Jate Hews
LOL! This truly does capture the feel of living on the West Coast!
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John Snake
As a californian, you can play the VR version for free by going to Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Francisco.
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Jate Hews
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Can I chokehold mentally deranged homeless people in this simulator?
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YOU are the mentally deranged homeless person in this game
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And in Hoggsters case, in real life as well.
Absolutely hilarious game with a cool concept, The survival/crafting/building aspects of this game are awesome. Would def recommend to friends
Can i play as female hobo and get naked? Asking for a friend.
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Depends, was this made by David Cage?
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All the links are dead !!!
Wheel of Pain
Well you gotta prepare for the worse just in case
Extra points for Hobo cage fights if they allow it.