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For Alpha 6 however (released on 2023/11/5 or 2023/11/6, depending on your time zone), it is no longer freely available; you now must be a patron to get access to the new alphas... until someone decided to upload it here (I made a request for that), so that no one will have to part with their money anymore (sorry Tobias, that money will have to stay in the players' wallets instead of contributing to the development of the game once the new alpha gets uploaded).
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Specially when its funded by the gov.
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Ah, that's why. Quote from reddit:

If you are interested in trying out the alpha builds, they are available in our discord!
In case you are wondering why I keep them in the discord: The main reason of the alpha builds is to receive early feedback, so if I would just share download links this would make collecting feedback a lot harder!

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Looks decent but its still in early access
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Alpha 15.3 is the demo version of this game. Game time is limited to two hours. Also, this demo version can be downloaded from Steam.
On the Steam page for this game, it says "Early Access" but it also says "Planned Release Date 2024" so it's very confusing. It's more likely that the game is in the Alpha release stage. The dev should have just labeled it as "Coming soon" with "Planned Release Date: 2024" instead of EA since there is no official download option in Steam (Technically, "Coming soon" with "Planned Release Date: 2024" makes more sense since the dev did provide a general estimated release date).
Very ConfusedWink
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IMHO, the game should have included:
Uploaded Image"Coming soon" means that this game is in the Alpha/demo stage and not in the "Early Access"/mostly playable stage! Those downloading it should consider it as a "preview" of a game that may be worth looking into! For more information, see here.
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I agree. That's why I was so confused about it and double checked on Steam aswell. Early Access normally means that you can buy and play it but with the game still in development. "Coming Soon" would've definitely made more sense, since it's not actually available to buy in any shape or form. There is not even a demo out for this to play test (atleast on Steam).
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Right, "Early Access" means Beta version. IMHO, it would have been more practical if Steam used software development terminology rather than marketing terminology.
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It's avaliable for free on the discord.
Above the 'about this game' part in the steam page is a 'play the prototype in our discord' with a link.
Basically free EA.
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Thanks for sharing that info with the rest of the community here! Also, you should verify your comment. Unverified comments get deleted after about one month has passed since their posting.
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oh great, another dev doing that staggered release/update BS where the steam version will (when it eventually releases) be intentionally kept BEHIND the patreon early access updates.

no, screw supporting that. this is another victory for piracy.

also, i looked at the steam forum and...

thread: Patreon and game on Steam

dev: "The game will become available on Steam at some point, and keys will be given out to medium supporters on Patreon to activate it here, after supporting the game for more than 3 months."

checks the patreon...medium is $20/month...so, that's after you've paid the dev $60.

there is a nsfw game dev who also does this and it's the scummiest setup i have ever seen on steam. it intentionally keeps people who play the relevant game on steam 1 or more updates behind those who pay a monthly subscription via patreon.

spare us your greed, devs! we're better off just pirating the game in general if you do this.

i think the nsfw game was...carnal instinct iirc. the steam version will always be 1 or more updates behind the steam version because enough people are willing to pay to access the latest version before it gets released as a free update on steam.

i really wish game devs would stop giving us gamers a never ending list of reasons to not support them and their games instead of giving us reasons to support them and their games.

but that's the grim dark future of video games we now live in!
Looks decent but its still in early access
Uh oh, someone in the discord who had alpha access shared this.

game looks and runs very well. I thought it was a long way out but the foundation of this game looks very very good. runs smooth and everything on 12900k+RTX4090. Can't wait to buy when released.
How is this in here? The game isn't even out yet. It's suppossed to be out around 2024. And I think only content creators can test the alpha at the moment with a copy sent to them by the devs.
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Because it's freely avaliable on their discord, which has it's link on the steam page.