I really like the length of the stages, and how the vehicles feel driving on sand (it actually feels like a deep layer of sand, not just a sandy texture you're "floating over"). What I dislike is the inconsistent AI. When they're too far away to be seen, they are simulated. Only when they get close to you, do physics apply to them. They seem to consistently have more horsepower to get up dunes than the player, and they never have to slow down to navigate or think where the next waypoint is. They really are machines, treating every stage like they know the route by heart (because they do). They only make dumb mistakes when they're near you - when they're offscreen, their performance is flawless (they even arrive at the finish without a single speck of dust on their car) but they get random repair penalties (even though they never stopped). For the player, there's a repair mechanic between stages, but it doesn't cost time so no thought goes into this - just press "repair all".
I could go on for hours... there's a lot they could improve in this game, but it's still pretty enjoyable as it is.
I could go on for hours... there's a lot they could improve in this game, but it's still pretty enjoyable as it is.