It looks like the dev must have been a fan of Bob Oblong from "the Oblongs"!

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jogo muito bom
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I use play this game and also the rest of the games from the Papa's collection on the browser..but it surprised me to see this game can be downloaded..But when i tried installing it into my system..it just doesn't work..
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i tried to download this game and the download button cant be clicked even tho i didnt use the adblocker, how am I gonna download this? any solution?
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Sorry for the inconvenience, every time I download the link and extract the file, the link to install the game that I do does not appear 😣
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Does it have a ".exe" file? it's probably one of those "no install" type of downloads. If it does have the .exe for the app just uncompress the file in a place where you usually install your games (not your desktop) and double click the .exe file to start the game.
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I have never seen this game before.
I don't see the point of it, people can play these games on browser for free, and I doubt that there are who knows how to buy games and also be at the age of interest.
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Please educate yourself before posting. This game is new and costs £4 on Steam. It cannot be played on browser either because Flash Player has been discontinued.
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Even without flash the games are still there. The games won't disappear along with flash. That's a misinformation, flash still exists, not in chrome but other browsers still uses it. In fact Chrome is the most used browser so it's to expected many of people including you to believe that Flash died.

Also "educate yourself" is disrespectful.
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nah bro. The dev has already announced that they dont develope the papas' games for browsers anymore. Ofc the games are still there but you have to download specific browsers just to play the game
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Bought this game on day 1 cus of the nostalgia for it. The original is still available on the devs website but obvisouly many people won't go to trouble of finding the best solution on how to re activate/emulate Flash to play it. Also the game has mostly new stuff to do. It took the improvements and content of more recent games and re-added on this one.
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adobe flash is disabled so you cant play these flash games on browsers anymore. also papas' games are legends for children back in the days.