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To fix the game crashing on startup, do the following:

Right click "TWD.exe" in your extracted folder, show more options if on windows 11, send to, desktop.
On the desktop shortcut, right click & go to properties. Under "target" at the very end, type in -steam like this:
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Click apply, then OK. Your game should now start without crashing.
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This is totally wrong. Everything without -steam must be in parentheses. Something like that:
"C:\TWD\TWD.exe" -steam
Otherwise, it will treat the whole as a filename rather than a file and parameters.
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I click apply and it wont accept the change
Supports VR play only. Does not support standard play.
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Don't have a VR headset? You can try to play this VR game with a Google Cardboard (Or a copy-cat clone) viewer, an Android phone and VRidge (freeware)! For more details, see my post.

Not sure which "cardboard" headset to buy? Check out the following buying guide:
"10 questions to ask before buying a Google Cardboard VR headset".
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Hesitant about playing VR games due to the current fact that not all games support all VR headsets? Then see the post concerning an effort to standardize support for all VR headsets by all games through OpenXR! (You may need to refresh the page as the linked comment may take a while to load up in the page).
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Don't get a cardboard headset, its literally the worst thing the industry has ever done.
It will leave you with the worste taste ever. You'll never want to try VR because its just that bad with "cardboard" style headsets.

Get a Quest 2 or Pico device if you want a cheap but good vr headset.
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The cheapest that a brand new Meta Quest 2 VR headset costs is around $200.00. Not everyone can afford one! If you have a spare $200.00 then get a Meta Quest 2 but if you need that $200.00 for something more important then use that $200.00 for that other thing and buy a new Google cardboard or clone for around $10.00, wait for VR hardware technology to improve further and prices to gradually drop further before plunking down serious money for VR equipment!
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Sorry but standalone VR is already cheaper than most phones while requiring a lot more tech, don't expect anything sub-phone to be any good.
Lenses and good vr screens are expensive and you won't find anything close to VR with a piece of cardboard, plastic and varying phone sizes and screen qualities. You will find sub-pixels and screendoor effects.
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I don't know whether that may be valid about standalone VR and most phones as some phones like the low-end T-Mobile Android phones come "free" with a mobile plan while others are completely free for the poor via the Lifeline government program. Let's say "some" would be a more conservative estimate rather than "most", unless you've actually done a nationwide survey across the US about the subject.

Oh, I know that a phone based Google Cardboard is limited in VR functionality compared to any dedicated VR headset but again, the considerable difference in price between the two platforms ($10 versus $200) should be a factor when comparing the two, especially when a person can't afford to buy a dedicated VR headset (Things like rent, utilities, groceries, medical, dental, cost of raising kids if you're not single, cost of repairs, ... etc). Put it this way - It's like comparing an eBike to a motorcycle - There will be big differences with the experience that a person will go through with either one but there is also big differences in cost. Ultimately though, both will get you to where you're trying to "go" (End up playing a VR game) but while one will give you a better experience than the other, simultaneously, one is definitely considerably more affordable than the other. If money was no object than of course, everyone would go for the more expensive option but unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees!

BW - I know that some ancient cultures, like the Mayans, used cocoa beans as currency but that is another story for another time ...
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I am more arguing its a unicycle vs a car. It may not be a super car but it sure as hell is a lot better than a unicycle. Most would rather go for a car than ever use a unicycle.
The price for the product is really good while the price of a cardboard isn't even justified by the quality because its just so extremely low.

Many VR users will agree with me, I would rather use a View-Master than use any cardboard or similar plastic device and it will even bring me more joy.

PS: "free" phones with a mobile plan are just predatory and lock people in to something they might not need or want for a long period of time and you'll end up paying more than just a phone + prepaid or a phone and a cheap mobile plan. (Depending on where you live and cariers ofc.)
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I used the analogy of an eBike versus a motorcycle as both have two wheels. IMHO, your comparison with the unicycle versus a car is more like comparing apples and oranges as the former has one wheel while the latter has four wheels. What you wrote afterwards in your first paragraph is a matter of opinion and everyone has their own opinion.

Again, unless you've done a survey of some kind with hard numbers to back up up your statement, it would be better to use the word "some" rather than the word "many" as it's less disputable that way. Also, the View-Master is considered to be in the Google Cardboard platform even though it's made of plastic instead of actual cardboard. I can back up what I've just said with this article.

Of course I know about that "free" phones in a plan are a rip-off and that a person is really paying for the phone through a hidden charge which just raises the actual cost of a plan. That's why I wrote the word free surrounded by quotes. Come on, man.
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(Part 2)
Furthermore, the lack of haptic feedback and other sensory input in Google Cardboard further limits its potential as a true VR system. High-end VR systems often incorporate haptic feedback, allowing users to feel physical sensations in response to virtual objects. This further enhances the level of immersion, making the experience feel more realistic.

Google Cardboard can also be uncomfortable or difficult to use. For example, users may need to hold the device up to their face for extended periods of time, which can be tiring or uncomfortable. They may also need to adjust the lenses to get the best view (while keeping their eyes in the lens' focus), which can be fiddly and time-consuming. In contrast, high-end VR systems are designed to be comfortable and easy to use, with features like adjustable head straps and integrated audio.

It's also worth considering the limitations of Google Cardboard in terms of software and content. While there are certainly some great VR experiences available for Google Cardboard, the selection is relatively limited compared to what is available on more advanced VR systems. Additionally, many VR games and experiences require a more advanced (and expensive) VR system to run, meaning that Google Cardboard users may miss out on some of the best VR content. As such, those that can run it are possibly better off saving up for a headset, keeping in mind that they can always return it if they deem it not worth it. Also, Google Cardboard-based streaming apps to make them display desktop VR content can have varying support from game to game and platform to platform. This also requires either a good quality, high-speed cable or super stable internet with your phone and desktop relatively close to the access point for a stable and enjoyable experience.

Overall, while Google Cardboard may provide a basic VR experience, it cannot compare to the more advanced VR systems currently available on the market. The limitations of 3-DOF, usability hurdles and low visual quality, as well as the lack of haptic feedback and limited content, all contribute to the fact that Google Cardboard is not a true representation of what VR can offer. As such, it might leave potential VR buyers to think that VR is not for them, just because Google Cardboard scared them away.

You may argue that Cardboard devices are a good option for video or 360 viewing however there are way better devices for this, especially on the second hand market. And I would still argue that trying and refunding a quality product is still the better option for someone on a low budget.
I did intend to write in an opinionated way, that is why I used words like "good" and "me". However you seem to want a more substantial conversation so I've taken the time for you to write the following, hope you enjoy reading it!

(Part 1)
Firstly, it's important to note that while Google Cardboard may provide a basic VR experience, it is not truly representative of what VR is capable of. The technology and hardware that goes into low-end VR systems like the Quest 2 or high-end VR systems, such as the Valve Index, are significantly more advanced than what is included in Google Cardboard. (If someone happens to own a Nintendo Switch, I would however recommend Labo over Cardboard because Nintendo is well known for their non-traditional hardware and software, this may provide the most "fun" and the best experience) I am mostly against Cardboard type devices because of the lack of quality and the fact that people who try Google Cardboard may not realize that there is much more to VR than what they experience with this device.

The difference between 3-DOF and 6-DOF is significant. With 6-DOF, users can move freely around a virtual environment, allowing for a much more immersive experience. Google Cardboard, on the other hand, only provides 3-DOF, meaning that users can only look around in a limited capacity. This also means you cannot interact with the world and items within, which is a key part of VR experiences. Users are limited to a passive viewing experience. This severely limits the level of immersion that can be achieved.

Additionally, the visual quality of Google Cardboard is quite low compared to more advanced VR systems. The resolution is much lower (often 1080p or 1440p for the whole display), which can lead to a lack of clarity and detail in the virtual environment. (For most cheap VR headsets you will reach at least 1920p or higher per-eye, so 2 displays) On top of that, the lenses used in Google Cardboard systems are of low quality, sometimes even plastics. This can make it difficult to fully immerse oneself in the experience, and can even lead to nausea or motion sickness for some users. It's also important to note that most phones have a refresh rate of 60Hz, with some getting up to 90Hz over the years, which also contributes to motion sickness and a lack of responsiveness in VR. (preferably you'd have 90hz as a minimum and 120hz in use) Additionally, there's a significant gray-to-gray and "button" to photon response difference between mobile phones and VR displays.
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"However you seem to want a more substantial conversation so I've taken the time for you to write the following, ..."

Wrong. I'll stop you right there. You have already managed to drag out this "conversation" longer than I care for as well as have taken up more than enough of my valuable time.

My intention was simply to offer people who were interested in trying out VR games but who do not have a dedicated VR headset, an affordable, viable solution through the use of an inexpensive Google Cardboard, so that they could try out a VR game as sort of a "Glimpse into the possible future of gaming" rather than not have any experience at all trying out a VR game. You either forgot or dismissed the fact that some people can't afford a dedicated VR headset or are hesitant to buy one since the technology is relatively new and there is no industry standardized support for all VR headsets in all VR games.

Does that mean that I think that a Google Cardboard is a 100% perfect substitute for a dedicated VR headset? Of course not! I had already wrote in one of my previous replies that it was limited in functionality, that there would be big differences with the experience that a person will go through with either one and that "If money was no object than of course, everyone would go for the more expensive option ...". Somehow, you misinterpreted my intention as being otherwise (Maybe you are a proud owner of a dedicated VR headset and thought what I saying was an insult to all dedicated VR headsets? Yes, I'm aware that's an assumption on my part) and obsessively tried to assert yourself as some kind of pseudo-intellectual on the subject of VR headset technology in order to champion your cause and try and "correct" what you mistakenly thought I was trying to convey.

I was not soliciting opinions of VR elitists like you who really don't care about the less fortunate people who can't afford to buy a dedicated VR headset. In addition, you continue to insist that everyone in the World should only buy a dedicated VR headset whether they could really afford one and totally forget about buying a Google Cardboard! Again, your elitist opinion was not solicited nor is it welcomed (Yet more erroneous assumptions made by you). I'll end this now as life is short and I just don't have any more time to spare for you.
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to play add -steam
"D:\The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution\TWD.exe" -steam
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still not working for me. is this a simple file rename?
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No. Create a shortcut to the desktop. Right click, go to properties, under "target" at the very end, type in -steam. Like this: Uploaded Image
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have some imagen where put this?
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where put this?(have a imagen?)
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Create a shortcut (on the desktop for example) to the exe, then go to the shortcut's properties, and there you can add the -steam
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Thank you this helped boot it properly now another tip is playing through air link. steam doesnt recognize meta quest 2 controls properly
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Uploaded Image just make sure to put a space between .exe and -steam if you still needed help
VIPHelperRob Conner
Thank You so very much for sharing this fine VR title, IGG-Games.com [admin]~!
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hello, I can't play with my Pico 4, the error notice. How could I fix it?
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Doesn't work on quest 3. The game says you have vive and you're unable to get past the main menu.
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can you upload the update seperately like you do with other games? or at least update the torrent to the current version?
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Yes, I'm finally not being eaten by invisible zombies. :)
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How can such things. You are lying that the game is supposedly updated, but it is exactly the same with the invisible zombies. They made me want to slam my helmet into the ground. I didn't have any nerves left.
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buy it
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some one can help me ? the game start whit the htc vipe controlers and i have a pico 4
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The game is not made for your helmet, that's normal. It only supports Oculus and Vive. See what it says in the folder below. There is the information about the supported controllers. For now, the game is worthless. This is the non-updated version that has defects. They may have fixed them on 25 March, but this is not the version with the corrections.

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Das spiel startet nicht.
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Now I saw that the game was updated on March 26th or so it says. It's good to put something here in the games to show if it has been updated and when. I'm going to download it now and see if this problem is finally fixed. Thank you so much for updating it so quickly.
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Will there be an update that fixes the invisible zombies? It says that an update was released on March 25 that makes them visible. Thanks.

VISUAL Improvements

Invisible walkers are now visible
IPX-689 uncen
IF you See (VR) IF you No VR you Can't Play game your fools
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nope lots of vr games has the option to play without vr headset
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This game as well as the Quest game has a serious flaw. There are invisible zombies in places. Whether they are also in the original, which is not cracked, is not clear. In the first part of the game downloaded from here everything was perfect.
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Just a drifter
Where is the save for the cracked version?
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C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\TWD\Saved\SaveGames
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game won't save any suggestions
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I was able to download it from links, but it's a total disappointment. There are more seats and it's dark at night, but that's all the pluses compared to the previous one. Going down a ladder without falling is a real miracle, my character is constantly moving without me doing anything, regularly dropping things and so on. I'm glad you took it off here, not buying it. It's not worth the money they're asking for it judging by the few hours of play so far.
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The game reached 91.4% and the speed became almost 0 bytes per second, :( And there are 43 sharers.
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Not working for me game doesnt run.
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Not working for me as well. Ran as admin, game crashes before anything loads. Using Rift S.
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Try the how to start txt
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Crashes on startup sadly