To those wondering why this game isn't fully updated, it's all because of Denuvo and the scene group Empress. It's not IGG-Games fault.
Empress were the only scene group that could crack games with Denuvo, however they were also "mercenaries" who only cracked a game if someone paid them hundreds of dollars/euros for it (while, traditionally, scene groups do it for free and for the challenge) - which is inane since if someone has that kind of money to spare, they'd probably just buy the game legitimately, as it would often be cheaper... but I digress.
In short, unless some other group comes along and challenges Empress monopoly, or Empress themselves return and stop being money-grubbing c****, games like these will never get updated, and newer Denuvo-infected games won't be available.
Agree with her, especially the "male nowadays are either sissy bitch or mysogynistic". Not to turn the post back to male, obviously, but as a man that sit in between, I've countless of time been seen as a myso' if I didn't bow to their idea, or a sissy if I didn't went full incel mode.
Not gonna go further into the arguement, as it is not the place for that, but yeah I can totally understand her frustration, especially as a woman that, truthfully, also is doing master craft work (because crackin IS craftwork) in a place that is more often than not seen as "for male only".
Cool she is doing it in an NFO and not forcing anyone to listen to her, which is what the other side (the tweeter group) should also do.
Tried several different levels of zoom and still can't read it. I only bought the game to piss off the woke nutjobs, but the fact is Rowling is a woke nutjob herself, and the left ALWAYS eat their own, as she's finding out first hand.
I could care less about Rowling, I just want to play a decent game. Just like I could care less about games being made by Russian devs, if the game is good I'm gonna buy it, fuck you people and your fake ideologies and fake outrage.
'She' sounds quite deranged even by her standards, not even sure what's her point, or even ideology. She's right about reddit tho, they're bunch of woke fa....
I don't think "she" even knows what Rowling stands for when it comes to trans people...Whoever wrote this rant is a shit human being that's for sure. That or "she" is just trying to be edgy for edgyness's sake. If "she" really does stand with Rowling then "she" wouldn't have cracked the game just to "Stick it to the woke people" because this way people can play the game and not give money to Rowling so it's counter propductive.
to be 100% honest, most game pirates like to try before they buy, as for me i have a running list of games that i liked and plan on buying when i get the money. do i think what she said was wrong? no, not entirely, JK Rowling is a traditional feminist men cant be woman and woman cant be men, man can dress up as woman but never truly be woman. and a lot of "trans men" are simple pervs that just want a peek at the female's bathroom, not saying that everyone is like that but there are a lot that are.
as for empress, she cracked the game because the game hid behind Denuvo and Empress took that as a challenge. nothing more nothing less.
The debate about the game is nonsense anyways. JKR got snipped out of context to claim her as an trans enemy - and nobody knows why LOL.
Just ask those guys for sources and they will give you some braindead cut outs of a whole statement etc.
The only thing why HL should get boycotted is the denuvo reason LOL. Also there is no sense behind a boycott. You wont help any transgender with this action and also you will hurt devs (aka the workers) with such actions. JKR is rich AF, you simply cant boycott a rich person and do much of financiel damage to her.
"out of context" And I guess all the evidence that shows her giving money to organizations that want to erase trans people from the world is fake...and her support on bills that wish to erase transgenderism is also fake and out of context...Please, JK is a transphobic as a transphobic person can be but that doesn't mean that you buying her shit agree with her views, despite what she herself says.
There is no such thing as 'transphobia' - it's just another retarded mantra/label created by LGBT propagandists and used by utterly indoctrinated braindead zombies.
The game is already made. Hurting it will not hurt JFK or even the shareholders of the parent company, it will hurt the studio that made it because it will have to downsize and fire people to make up for the losses - but both JFK and the shareholders will still be getting their paychecks and dividends at the end of the day.
dude, just go play the game. the political issue or gossip issue or something like that doesn't affect and ruin ur life and ur family. if the game is good then its good.
well damage already has been done by those people that cut off their body parts and normalize it to later regret it. The biggest german lets player canceled his deal to play the game on stream cos of the hate and wordtwisting that was done against him. rip, imo he shouldve just streamed it lol, sadge
Do yourself a favour all and stop carrying art, like games, into political problems. Its just pathetic that you all stuck in a "wokie" bubble and really think that a boycott will hurt JKR (an rich AF person).
Just keep in mind the piracy code of honor and buy the game if you can or if you like it, to support the DEVS. (And stop harrassing the gaming community with your political bullshit, you self righteous kids - thank you).
I don't get it. The game, or devs, has taken a political stance, the author of the franchise took a political stance too.
It's a bit absurd to be asking to not get political at this point, don't you think?.
In any case and above all else pirates are for freedom. Buy the game or don't, protest or don't that is up to you all as free individuals, don't let people tell you what you should do.
How do you do that with the human expression of ideas?. I've read people foaming at mouth because the protagonist of a game is female, or because a mythical creature is portrayed as black. This game allows you to create a trans character, there is a trans character in the game too. Incredibly, there has been very little backlash. It's the perfect storm, one side doesn't protest too much because of JKR stances and the other doesn't because the game shows the finger to JKR with characters she would not like at all.
Very little backlash? Have you not been paying attention? There has been WAY TOO MUCH backlash, especially when it comes to the trans character because she has SIR in her name followed by a typically male name
Paying attention?, usually you don't have to pay attention to notice something going on. Usually there would be a lot of people complaining about "too many blacks in the school" and stuff like that. With Forspoken I saw a dude complaining that the protagonist should have been a white male because most players are white males. Not some person with a "gnash" between the legs and black to boot.
Well in this case there's a lot, and I do mean A LOT of "slacktivists" complaining that the game is transphobic and antisemitic and other dumb shit like that but I guess if you don't frequent Twitter you don't see all the backlash the game got. And yes it's specifically because of the trans character's name
What about talking about the game mechanics and gameplay and if you like it or not and leaving the political assholes movement to those leechs who make money from the minorities nerds only?
See?, you prove my point. I have never used twitter and I have witnessed a lot backlashes and calls to boycotts for a lot of reasons. How many people complaining do you define as a lot?. There were also a lot of people saying that people that didn't get vaccinated were treated as Jews were during WWII.
I said VOCAL. There are many MANY members of the community that didn't say anything and preferred to stay away form the whole drama and others who took a stance against the vocal majority. Heck the ones that didn't say anything might outnumber the ones that did but that's impossible to say. All I know is that when it comes to the members that did speak up, the majority of them are against the game and it's players, going as far as to doxx streamers that played it. And no it's not impossible to keep that to Twitter only because Twitter is basically the only platform they have. Keep in mind that the people screaming bloody murder against the game aren't true activists, they're slacktivists. They go after the game because it's easier, all they have to do is log onto Twitter and spew whatever venom they feel like that morning
I can't answer you below so I'll do it here. Give me a number of likes or a link and I'll tell you. Man, I'm gonna need a twitter account. Welp, consider it done and point me in the right direction, give me a name or whatever. I didn't know you could be wrong with an opinion or a feeling.
Everytime i buy a game it miraculously gets cracked fast....
Well who cares, happy for you guys that it's available so early, it's really worth it. Great fun and looks gorgeous.
Have fun :)
Edit: Small tip, stick to the mainquest for a while before doing side missions. Edit2: And don't rush it, there is so much to see that one should really savour it. :)
you know what's really annoying? people who say stuff like "fuck the wokes aaa" when nobody said anything about that situation, comes across as trying to stir the pot for no reason
your post could also be described as such, since i see nobody saying what you described yet literally every "review" of the game mentions the opposite. i wouldnt go out of my way to say it but wokes definitely are annoying
are you suggesting i'm part of the problem for simply pointing out the problem? because that's a very stupid take, but here you go again talking about the wokes when my original comment wasn't pro or anti woke, it was pro "learn to shut up if nobody said anything about the thing you're complaining about"
when did i say everyone else is the problem? lmao i pointed to a specific group of people, i have the feeling you just wanna perceive me as a wokescold just because i said "people who say fuck the wokes when there aren't any wokes around are annoying" like you're the one acting like an extremist
Going down swinging I see.. Bless your heart. As mentioned earlier, the people criticizing the wokes are annoying, just as the people criticizing them are annoying
the basis for my comment is that it just stirs the pot for no reason, that's why it's annoying, yours is what exactly? that i'm not better for calling them out? weak but go off ig
Agree,since it shouldnt be something i wanna read in a gamers section. Live and let live thats it.But talking about games oh yeah luv it(well maybe not here in the comments,hihihi).🤗🤖😎
Hey whatever floats your boat man. If you think Rowling's belief that men who get fake tits and get their dicks chopped off under the delusion that they are women, are not ACTUAL women, justifies you pirating a videogame based on her work, then sure, go right ahead oh mighty SJW.
Research argues that Rowling's belief is more emotionally driven than based on the science regarding transgender individuals. Studies indicate that their experience is comparable to a woman's brain being inserted into a man's body.
nah man theres nno such thing as being born in the wrong body. its mental illness whether you want to accept it or not. But people can make money from those people so they support it.
Gender dysphoria is a mental health issue, yes. Just like any health issue, the answer is to treat it. In this case, recommended treatment is gender affirming procedures. Most biases that exist regarding transgender individuals is emotionally focused and media-driven.
A fair example is Empress's statement for this crack. She declares nature is a series of binaries, completely disregarding that every example is invalid. Level of light, temperature, time of day, etc are all spectrums because nature is complicated. The issue is people will see something that makes them uncomfortable and try to create an "us" versus "them" scenario to justify separation.
so you think people that dont feel comfortable in their body should transition? a lot of those people regret transition cos its not natural, changing what god has given you(if you believe in him or not). This procedure should be illegal. I think she just oversimplified it in the nfo. you can also use puzzle as an example.
yes chopping someones schlong off PERMANENTLY or removing breast tissue shouldnt be an option to anyone. some depressed people cut their wrists because they have a mental illness and people say that they are weird and should go to a mental institution but when people decide to cut off body parts and replace them with cheap man made bullshit that worth to be prased like YASS KWEEN SLAYYY type of shit.
I see. So, you're angry that 1) people are choosing to do something with their own bodies, even though that's none of your business and doesn't concern you at all, and 2) You're angry that trans people are being praised? That just makes you sound jealous, dude. The praise they get also doesn't offset or cancel the amount of hate they get.
its none of my business? trans people make it my business when they try to transition little kids and they themselves transition openly they shove it down our throats because they want everyone to accept them + it does destroy society. 2)you didnt get my analogy my guy. you agreed that its a mental illness, so another analogy here: people who are depressed should be able to go to a doctor that can kill them because they feel living on is not worth the pain. you understand now? Im not jealous I dont want to be praised when I cut my dick off. kekw
Lol, I didn't agree with you about anything. That was someone else. All I did was respond to your "this procedure should be illegal" remark. And all you've done is respond with feefees and no FAX. Is an "analogy" the closest you can get to FAX bruh? top kek, indeed.
The trans people I've met are just people, that's all. Not "society destroying" people, whatever that means lol. If you think anything's been "shoved down your throat", maybe step away from the keyboard, champ.
well I brought an analogy in hopes you would understand what I mean, sadly you dont but thats fine. Its FAX that its a mental illness and you dont want to agree(you dont have to idc) and cutting off fully functioning body parts to replace with something that might not work 100% is not the best solution. I agree they are just people - who need HELP not some body swap. I dont want to touch on society destroying because that would get into religion and I think you arent religious so it doesnt matter to you. yeah we both should just end this conversation. have a good day my guy.
Transitioning is indeed not a 100% solution. Research (from the NIH, and other research from UK, NL, SE) says that less than 10% of the people who transition regret it. So by saying you want to make it illegal, you're saying you want to take it away from the 90%+ it helped. Ninety percent is less than 100% to be sure, but it's also closer to 100 than it is to 0. It's a FAX that 90 > 0. Since you're genuinely concerned with helping people with gender dysphoria, you can see how making transitioning illegal might be misguided.
I'm certainly not an expert on trans issues, and I only know a couple of trans people well enough to consider friends. But I'd side with them over anyone who thinks trans people are "destroying society" (lol) and wants to take away their freedom over their bodies.
Gender dysphoria is a real illness, however gender affirming procedures are like telling an anorexic they really are fat and then recommending they get silicon implanted in their stomach to make them look fat. It's fucking stupid.
Fallacies and utterly nonsensical woke mantras about 'spectrums'. Comparing genders with temperature, how ridiculous... Basic biology and genetics: XY or XX. Nothing else, no spectrums and bs. If you feel 50% male and 50% female that's your mental issues. Like schizophrenia.
Spectrums? You are either 1)alive OR 2)dead. You are 1)pregnant OR 2)not. You are 1)human being OR 2)not. You cannot be both alive and dead, or partially a human being and partially an elephant, or partially pregnant and partially not pregnant, or partially having an uterus.
You are 1)male OR 2)female. There are not spectrums there.
LGBT "studies" by LGBT propagandists made for indoctrinated woke fanatics and supported and worshiped by MSM. All medical encyclopedias until a few decades ago define homosexualism as a mental illness.
Oh lookie here, we've got ourselves a projecting daddy-issue pansy who's really offended and so passive-aggressively replies in the most obvious 'Wojack with a mask on' way possible, all because somebody uses a "Word Which Must Not Be Named"
JK Rowling doesn't make any (more) money from the sales of this game. She was paid for the license that the publisher (Warner Bros) got the rights for, well before the game even began development.
In short, when you don't buy the game, you're just affecting the developers and Warner Bros, not JK Rowling - she doesn't care what you do with it.
EMPRESS cracked it, they are the only group cracking Denuvo right now. Usually they require a donation but they did this one for free to "Piss off the woke"
Thanks for the reply! Amazing from Empress! I can't play the game anyway, i have a 1050, and a i5 2400.. soo... yeah, i can't play it. 😭 But thanks anyway, didn't know that! :D
You might be able to. I have an I5 myself and the game does run moderately well. You won't be able to do, like, 4K but you can still run it if you set everything to low, game still looks great on low
Pretty sure even if the game was free it would piss off the woke, so it has nothing to do with money. So yeah the fact the game is cracked would piss them off, as long as you play the game.
On the other hand, doubt they cracked it for this reason but rather for notoriety, this game is MASSIVELY popular right now (both due to the IP and due to this woke thing) so cracking it is like a gold mine in your garden. The rant has nothing to do with it, only expressing their/her oppinion, only a R word would think that.
90% of the Critic is Rowling, 10% is that bit of half imagined racism and antisemitism. So Jewish communities could hate the game itself, but most don't care. HP has also a big queer fan base, because the world itself is very open to it. Playing the cracked game should be THE solution for them.
Beats me. But apparently Rowling doesn't get any money from the sales either since she sold the rights of the IP to WB. I guess EMPRESS just has a different idea of what woke is, judging from that dumb rant in the NFO file
Never heard, that Rowling sold her license rights. Or never heard, that she won't get money for every sell or HP movie watched. Interesting, would solve almost the whole discussion about HP.
Because each crack will work slightly differently, the version migh change a bit and sometime a single of these change can make the difference between crackable and not crackable (hence why some game that run even older already bypassed denuvo version are yet to be cracked, because those game have a specific version that might be un-bypassable)
Secondly, and most important, taking down these game require time and effort, a massive amount of time and effort, and those are made for free. Therefore, between a game that will interest 10.000 people and one that will interest 1.000.000 , the teams will chose the later, because it will give more reputation Not a lot of "normies" know about Persona 5, but everybody knows about Hogward, even boomers. Cracking this game that even your uncle's dad's boyfriends know about will give more Rep' to the team, which is the "money" they need.
Simple: EMPRESS chose this game first without being paid just to spite the people complaining about Rowling. If you want PSR to be cracked you need to donate to EMPRESS and request that game specifically.
I had this same issue and found through a reddit post this can be resolved by turning the Shadow Quality setting down. Mine was set to Ultra, I set it to High and haven't crashed since.
Okay people. For those who are experiencing the game not starting. Go to the installation path where the game executable is. \Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 Right click on the executable > Properties > Compatibility Tab > and check the Run this program as an administrator option. It starts up fine when you run as administrator. I am running Ultra Settings at 1680x1050 resolution with my RX 580 and it's been behaving smoothly in the starting segment of the game so far. Wish it had a broader character customization, but you do with what you are given I suppose. You all have a good time now.
Yes,agreed.After playing some hours.i dont need to know anything about Potter,Motter,whatever,lol.Which is a good thing,but fans will probably like it much more.Its enjoyable so far but not a burner(a friend used to say it when he liked something very much),hihihi. When it comes to Fantasy Books,i was more Forgetten Realm, Dark Elf Fan(RA Salvatore),damn i loved them to read,back in the days,where there was no PC/consoles games at all.oh dang i am so old😆....heheheh
After many hours and after having downloaded the game again 3 times, for those who have the crc error, it turns out that they need to download or update the Visual C++ Redistributable 2013, I hope they find it helpful in general, the community helps but other times they just say bad words or a simple your pc does not work ... p.d thank you costs nothing and is an act of good manners
I had this bug too, I downloaded dodi repack first bc less gb now I download the torrent from here and its almost done, I hope it doesnt happen this time.
Long live the 7Seas'' Kings and Goddess for providing us with free meals for our gamers minds. ♥
A bit lat to the party (just checked today's upload) but I'll try to seed as much as I can by torrent Have fun guys , and don't bring the already overcrowded drama here pls. <3
Just for shts and giggles imma try the cracked version to compare it to the bought one I wanna see if there is any difference in fps and loading. That aside ALL HAIL EMPRESS!
Massive improvement on non Empress one as expected and the reason she does it. The game is massively CPU bound in the cities and has mega fk up by the poor and insidious protection I bought the game, but would never play it until she fixed it. Tried it with D protection at least 50 FPS improve on high-end rig estimated 20% improvement big Thank you my "Queen" Empress you made an unplayable game playable and stopped me getting my costly hardware trashed by this Kernel Driver fk up
For sure man! but the download is quite slow heh... A friend of mine already tried both this one and the bought one and I was actually blown away by the difference [bought one]>especially in the cities a lot of spikes and sudden drops of around fps 50 normally to 30 then back to 50 other times would drop and stay at 30 to 40 till living a certain zone drops happening everywhere tho. [Empress version]>From the fken start a stable 50 rarely climbing to 55 even in the cities it will go down to as low as 45ish but way more rare and the drops were not sudden more of a smooth curve to the point u don't even notice it. Another example of rancid bloatware messing up a game... She has a similar pc setup to mine soo I expect similar results on mine too tho it will probably be overall lower fps as on the bought one I get 46ish struggles to hit 50+ sometimes but eh its playable and once I finish this one I'm sure It will get better. This is my "research" so far hope it gives some insight! ^^
It does, I find very interesting (funny I had this convo just today), it's so funny all those deepshit CEO want to use Denuvo to protect their share, but not only it's 90% of time pointless (2 week for this game, Lmao) but it actually is a bloatware shit for normal user that PAY for your game. Once again we have the vibrant proof of how useless and shitty denuvo is.
Thanks for your report, it was insightfull ^^
Hope the game will run smoothly for me haha ( 2070Super , R7 5800x but 1080p hehe)
FYI - 4 days to code the crack, 10 days to write a nonsensical rant about trans people. To sum up she says that people should be allowed to attack the trans community, without expecting them to fight back, or anybody to come to their defense. I think I read that she's Russian, and this would explain their stance on war. She talks about the "duality of nature" to justify her view that there are only two genders, then gives four examples (day/night, light/dark, heat/cold, life/death) three of which are examples of two extremes with many, MANY points in between. Thanks for the crack Empre-them, but leave the bile, homophobia, man bashing, and trans hatery to people who have at least a modicum of plausibility. This just makes you sound like an infant who found their way past the child lock on their parent's PC.
It's their opinion, and it's as valid as yours or anyone else's - only authoritarians/dictators/narcissists/psychopaths/tyrants, and the like, rage against opposing views.
Like any opinion, you can agree, disagree, or simply ignore.
Honestly, your comment makes you sound like the "infant who found their way past the child lock on their parent's PC". If you got hurt over something you read online and didn't like, deal with it.
In short, just enjoy the game (or don't), and move on with your life.
Nobody with 2 brain cells gives a shit. They are here for a cracked game not your or her take on anything. You whining about it, especially here, just makes you look like a twat.
In my eyes, Empress is a narcissistic hoe who thinks too highly of her own opinions. She's blind to the fact that people only come to her for the crack not her egotistic garbage.
she created a new unlimited telegram group that only she can chat and add 3 new group where people can chat, i can't recall exactly, maybe 'normal' group or the new one
search inside the install directory .... open the folders : Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Steamworks/Steamv154/Win64.... then open the File steam_api64 and change the language to german or whatever you need :)
If your game is crashing while collecting field guide pages and letters after using Revelio I've found through a reddit post the fix seems to be turning your Shadow Quality setting down a notch.
I was having the same issue and changed my Shadow Quality from Ultra to High and haven't has crash since!
Empress were the only scene group that could crack games with Denuvo, however they were also "mercenaries" who only cracked a game if someone paid them hundreds of dollars/euros for it (while, traditionally, scene groups do it for free and for the challenge) - which is inane since if someone has that kind of money to spare, they'd probably just buy the game legitimately, as it would often be cheaper... but I digress.
In short, unless some other group comes along and challenges Empress monopoly, or Empress themselves return and stop being money-grubbing c****, games like these will never get updated, and newer Denuvo-infected games won't be available.
Not to turn the post back to male, obviously, but as a man that sit in between, I've countless of time been seen as a myso' if I didn't bow to their idea, or a sissy if I didn't went full incel mode.
Not gonna go further into the arguement, as it is not the place for that, but yeah I can totally understand her frustration, especially as a woman that, truthfully, also is doing master craft work (because crackin IS craftwork) in a place that is more often than not seen as "for male only".
Cool she is doing it in an NFO and not forcing anyone to listen to her, which is what the other side (the tweeter group) should also do.
I could care less about Rowling, I just want to play a decent game. Just like I could care less about games being made by Russian devs, if the game is good I'm gonna buy it, fuck you people and your fake ideologies and fake outrage.
'She' sounds quite deranged even by her standards, not even sure what's her point, or even ideology. She's right about reddit tho, they're bunch of woke fa....
as for empress, she cracked the game because the game hid behind Denuvo and Empress took that as a challenge. nothing more nothing less.
once again, great job, empress !
Just ask those guys for sources and they will give you some braindead cut outs of a whole statement etc.
The only thing why HL should get boycotted is the denuvo reason LOL.
Also there is no sense behind a boycott. You wont help any transgender with this action and also you will hurt devs (aka the workers) with such actions. JKR is rich AF, you simply cant boycott a rich person and do much of financiel damage to her.
The game is already made. Hurting it will not hurt JFK or even the shareholders of the parent company, it will hurt the studio that made it because it will have to downsize and fire people to make up for the losses - but both JFK and the shareholders will still be getting their paychecks and dividends at the end of the day.
And regular saves from Steam are on
C:\Users%UserName%\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames
And you can change the language here
C:\Hogwarts Legacy\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv154\Win64
Look for steam_api64
also; screw the woke, imma seed this for a year.
If you really wanna screw the woke, go buy the game and support rowling ;)
Just keep in mind the piracy code of honor and buy the game if you can or if you like it, to support the DEVS. (And stop harrassing the gaming community with your political bullshit, you self righteous kids - thank you).
It's a bit absurd to be asking to not get political at this point, don't you think?.
In any case and above all else pirates are for freedom. Buy the game or don't, protest or don't that is up to you all as free individuals, don't let people tell you what you should do.
I've read people foaming at mouth because the protagonist of a game is female, or because a mythical creature is portrayed as black.
This game allows you to create a trans character, there is a trans character in the game too.
Incredibly, there has been very little backlash.
It's the perfect storm, one side doesn't protest too much because of JKR stances and the other doesn't because the game shows the finger to JKR with characters she would not like at all.
Usually there would be a lot of people complaining about "too many blacks in the school" and stuff like that.
With Forspoken I saw a dude complaining that the protagonist should have been a white male because most players are white males. Not some person with a "gnash" between the legs and black to boot.
There were also a lot of people saying that people that didn't get vaccinated were treated as Jews were during WWII.
Give me a number of likes or a link and I'll tell you. Man, I'm gonna need a twitter account. Welp, consider it done and point me in the right direction, give me a name or whatever.
I didn't know you could be wrong with an opinion or a feeling.
Well who cares, happy for you guys that it's available so early, it's really worth it. Great fun and looks gorgeous.
Have fun :)
Edit: Small tip, stick to the mainquest for a while before doing side missions.
Edit2: And don't rush it, there is so much to see that one should really savour it. :)
Live and let live thats it.But talking about games oh yeah luv it(well maybe not here in the comments,hihihi).🤗🤖😎
help trans genocide
Research argues that Rowling's belief is more emotionally driven than based on the science regarding transgender individuals. Studies indicate that their experience is comparable to a woman's brain being inserted into a man's body.
A fair example is Empress's statement for this crack. She declares nature is a series of binaries, completely disregarding that every example is invalid. Level of light, temperature, time of day, etc are all spectrums because nature is complicated. The issue is people will see something that makes them uncomfortable and try to create an "us" versus "them" scenario to justify separation.
I think she just oversimplified it in the nfo. you can also use puzzle as an example.
2)you didnt get my analogy my guy. you agreed that its a mental illness, so another analogy here: people who are depressed should be able to go to a doctor that can kill them because they feel living on is not worth the pain. you understand now? Im not jealous I dont want to be praised when I cut my dick off. kekw
The trans people I've met are just people, that's all. Not "society destroying" people, whatever that means lol. If you think anything's been "shoved down your throat", maybe step away from the keyboard, champ.
Its FAX that its a mental illness and you dont want to agree(you dont have to idc) and cutting off fully functioning body parts to replace with something that might not work 100% is not the best solution. I agree they are just people - who need HELP not some body swap. I dont want to touch on society destroying because that would get into religion and I think you arent religious so it doesnt matter to you. yeah we both should just end this conversation. have a good day my guy.
Transitioning is indeed not a 100% solution. Research (from the NIH, and other research from UK, NL, SE) says that less than 10% of the people who transition regret it. So by saying you want to make it illegal, you're saying you want to take it away from the 90%+ it helped. Ninety percent is less than 100% to be sure, but it's also closer to 100 than it is to 0. It's a FAX that 90 > 0. Since you're genuinely concerned with helping people with gender dysphoria, you can see how making transitioning illegal might be misguided.
I'm certainly not an expert on trans issues, and I only know a couple of trans people well enough to consider friends. But I'd side with them over anyone who thinks trans people are "destroying society" (lol) and wants to take away their freedom over their bodies.
✌️ Peace
If you feel 50% male and 50% female that's your mental issues. Like schizophrenia.
You are 1)male OR 2)female. There are not spectrums there.
How many women's brains have actually ever been inserted in men's bodies so far? Zero. Which is consequently, also the worth of those "studies".
Or maybe he did, and that made you have some...confusing...feelings you only know how to deal with by getting angry?
In short, when you don't buy the game, you're just affecting the developers and Warner Bros, not JK Rowling - she doesn't care what you do with it.
On the other hand, doubt they cracked it for this reason but rather for notoriety, this game is MASSIVELY popular right now (both due to the IP and due to this woke thing) so cracking it is like a gold mine in your garden.
The rant has nothing to do with it, only expressing their/her oppinion, only a R word would think that.
HP has also a big queer fan base, because the world itself is very open to it. Playing the cracked game should be THE solution for them.
Or never heard, that she won't get money for every sell or HP movie watched. Interesting, would solve almost the whole discussion about HP.
how delightfully evil
they don't have to pay/support the makers and can still play it lol.
this game have denuvo and already cracked, but P5R have denuvo too but still cant crack
Secondly, and most important, taking down these game require time and effort, a massive amount of time and effort, and those are made for free.
Therefore, between a game that will interest 10.000 people and one that will interest 1.000.000 , the teams will chose the later, because it will give more reputation
Not a lot of "normies" know about Persona 5, but everybody knows about Hogward, even boomers.
Cracking this game that even your uncle's dad's boyfriends know about will give more Rep' to the team, which is the "money" they need.
just wondering why those game not cracking yet
For those who are experiencing the game not starting.
Go to the installation path where the game executable is.
Right click on the executable > Properties > Compatibility Tab > and check the Run this program as an administrator option.
It starts up fine when you run as administrator.
I am running Ultra Settings at 1680x1050 resolution with my RX 580 and it's been behaving smoothly in the starting segment of the game so far. Wish it had a broader character customization, but you do with what you are given I suppose. You all have a good time now.
I am very curious about this game,but not big fan of JFK Potter and Co,hihihi
So you may as well see it as a rpg set in a magical world that happen to be set in a school called "hogward", and it will work the same haha.
about Potter,Motter,whatever,lol.Which is a good thing,but fans will
probably like it much more.Its enjoyable so far but not a burner(a friend used to say it when he liked something very much),hihihi.
When it comes to Fantasy Books,i was more Forgetten Realm,
Dark Elf Fan(RA Salvatore),damn i loved them to read,back in the days,where there was no PC/consoles games at all.oh dang i am so old😆....heheheh
And yes, at least during the first day or so they are the only seeder
p.d thank you costs nothing and is an act of good manners
Gonna have fun now :D
Long live the 7Seas'' Kings and Goddess for providing us with free meals for our gamers minds. ♥
A bit lat to the party (just checked today's upload) but I'll try to seed as much as I can by torrent
Have fun guys , and don't bring the already overcrowded drama here pls. <3
LOL it's already cracked thanks to Empress. Nice try though
Hogwarts Legacy MOD Fly UK Royal Air Force RAF Eurofighter Typhoon Jet Fighter Broom PC Gameplay 1
I already downloaded a clean version and don't really want to wait 2-3 days to get it.
I bought the game, but would never play it until she fixed it. Tried it with D protection at least 50 FPS improve on high-end rig estimated 20% improvement big Thank you my "Queen" Empress you made an unplayable game playable and stopped me getting my costly hardware trashed by this Kernel Driver fk up
Feel free to edit your post and ping me when you're done/if you're done
Thanks you <3
but the download is quite slow heh... A friend of mine already tried both this one and the bought one and I was actually blown away by the difference [bought one]>especially in the cities a lot of spikes and sudden drops of around fps 50 normally to 30 then back to 50 other times would drop and stay at 30 to 40 till living a certain zone drops happening everywhere tho. [Empress version]>From the fken start a stable 50 rarely climbing to 55 even in the cities it will go down to as low as 45ish but way more rare and the drops were not sudden more of a smooth curve to the point u don't even notice it.
Another example of rancid bloatware messing up a game...
She has a similar pc setup to mine soo I expect similar results on mine too tho it will probably be overall lower fps as on the bought one I get 46ish struggles to hit 50+ sometimes but eh its playable and once I finish this one I'm sure It will get better.
This is my "research" so far hope it gives some insight! ^^
Once again we have the vibrant proof of how useless and shitty denuvo is.
Thanks for your report, it was insightfull ^^
Hope the game will run smoothly for me haha ( 2070Super , R7 5800x but 1080p hehe)
To sum up she says that people should be allowed to attack the trans community, without expecting them to fight back, or anybody to come to their defense. I think I read that she's Russian, and this would explain their stance on war.
She talks about the "duality of nature" to justify her view that there are only two genders, then gives four examples (day/night, light/dark, heat/cold, life/death) three of which are examples of two extremes with many, MANY points in between.
Thanks for the crack Empre-them, but leave the bile, homophobia, man bashing, and trans hatery to people who have at least a modicum of plausibility. This just makes you sound like an infant who found their way past the child lock on their parent's PC.
Like any opinion, you can agree, disagree, or simply ignore.
Honestly, your comment makes you sound like the "infant who found their way past the child lock on their parent's PC". If you got hurt over something you read online and didn't like, deal with it.
In short, just enjoy the game (or don't), and move on with your life.
There you should replace "English" with the language you want.
My God, I can't stop playing!
I was having the same issue and changed my Shadow Quality from Ultra to High and haven't has crash since!