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just like everyone else, I'm asking for 1.8.23 uptade. Thank you !
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we need updates please
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update to 1.8.23
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Please update to 1.8.23
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please update to 1.4.0
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Spicy sugar
You do 100% need a training mode or tutorial.
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Wow i'm impressed.
There is a multiplayer list and multiplayer actually works, as long as both players are on same version.
Seems the steam is already at version 1.0.3 while this is version 10.0.1. But the lobby shows all, and gives an error if you try to join someone with dif version.
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You can always buy the game, use a Steam emulator like Golderberg and then refund the game and close Steam before opening the game again.
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thats interesting.
but wouldnt it create same problem again after steam version is updated? Since we refunded the game, we cant update it anymore
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That is correct, if you refund a game you cant update it anymore.
However, if you feel like there have been enough changes to warrent the hassle of updating your self-cracked copy, then you should just buy the game again, crack it and refund it.
As long as your total playtime stays under 2 hours and you don't absolutely hammer Steam with refunds, you should be fine.

Worst case, you make a new account just to do the refund trick,

An alternative would be looking for cracked or uncracked files on CS.RIN.RU for example. However, the earlier mentioned method should work on most Steam games, even if they just came out a minute ago. Since you're getting them straight from steam and don't need to wait for others to share the files or crack it.