The dev, Chen Jiacheng, is an impressive kid (He's also a PhD degree student) for having produced all of this in 17 days! See here. Yes, the female models are the same ones as those used in the "Be My Girlfriends - Mystery DLC" but before some wise guy/gal screams "Asset flip!", know that the dev coded the UI, UI interaction, functional logic, character movement system, pickup system, shooting system, damage system, scene atmosphere, AI system, game optimization and etc. all by himself without the use of a template, so it's not like it was something that was simply slapped together in 17 days with pre-made code snippets (already implemented methods) behind objects, all tied together with very sparse code! There was definitely some serious, hard-core coding going on "behind the scenes". Now that's truly, RAD (Rapid Application Development)~!
If you like this freely released game then perhaps you can help nominate him for a Steam Award that's coming in December (Click the "NOMINATE THIS GAME FOR AN AWARD" commandbutton on the game's Steam page). I wouldn't be surprised if Epic Games or EA Games would try to snatch him up in the future (They'd have to find some way to get him a permanent Visa first though and eventually US citizenship, if he desires it)! 😎👍
It's not always about brains - Even zombies need love!
There is English support via the English interface. Either the dev is a terrible self promoter/marketer or he's a very humble game software engineer! It would be nice if he would release a nude patch DLC in the future even though he said that he stopped development (One can only hope)!
I also hope that the dev releases a nude patch - It would be a wonderful Christmas present for his fans! If not then maybe one of his talented fans will make a nude mod! 😀 😎
Sounds like he made it as part of a game design tutorial for his Bilibili channel (Chinese Youtube), he also has a patreon. Here's some info about him
If you like this freely released game then perhaps you can help nominate him for a Steam Award that's coming in December (Click the "NOMINATE THIS GAME FOR AN AWARD" commandbutton on the game's Steam page). I wouldn't be surprised if Epic Games or EA Games would try to snatch him up in the future (They'd have to find some way to get him a permanent Visa first though and eventually US citizenship, if he desires it)!
😀 😎