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Rekka Games
I understand piracy has always been there and always will be. I don't know anybody who has never played a cracked game, me included.

We took 7 years to make the game, living a frugal life, and we are so happy to see people play the game, even if they did not buy it.

But please, if you do enjoy the game, please buy it at some point. Maybe wait for a sale, but please support devs if you like what they did, we need you to keep on updating this game and maybe make another one in the future.
Thanks for reading this,

Have fun playing the game :)
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Nice to see a dev who understands piracy. I feel you. I'm a musician from a third world (Brazil) and the situation here is awful. But, whenever I have the money, I use to support devs of the games are the most worthy prices and fun, while not supporting some which I think have abusive prices (mostly Squarenix's stuff).
As an artist myself...I'm very glad when I know people are listening to my songs, paying for them or not...but yeah...indeed we need support from people to keep creating stuff for them.
Haven't even downloaded your game yet. Gonna give it a try. The graphics captivates me.

Wish you guys success on your games.
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Rekka Games
Thanks a lot!
Grey market countries are indeed a bit complicated, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey, we tried to price the game as fairly as possible while preventing grey market abuse, but sometimes it's just impossible. I do understand that in such circumstances, Piracy is unavoidable in certain countries.

Good luck with your music, feel free to leave a link here, i'll definitely give your songs a listen :)
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Jake Bauer
I will totally support you guys.
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Hey! Thank you for being so understanding. The main reason people pirate is because (most of the time) they're from third world countries and are not able to buy the game, and they won't be able to play the games otherwise. I am sure I and most people here would pay for the game if they could in the future. But at the current time, I will try to support with others means other than money. Thank you for being such awesome devs <3
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Rekka Games
Thanks, this is much appreciated :)
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The idea is amazing, I love it a lot, and don't dubt it, if I like, I buy it.
Jate Hews
I don't know if this is a rel dev but I'll bite. The only reason I find alternatives means of playing some games is because I'm broke. I really like your game and would support it if I could!
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Rekka Games
Real Dev here, here's a discord link invite to prove it :)

(That Duane GIF is mesmerizing)
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I think that piracy help dev too... In a pick or a trailer you can't see te whole game, i can't buy any game even if i want to, i am from Cuba so... IGG is the only way to play games, that and free game in steam or EPIC or whatever, the only game that i have in steam (not for free of course) is a gift from a friend in USA.
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Rekka Games
That is true, but that is why we put a demo (which has all multiplayer features) for free, in which you can play the first dungeon with all classes to see if you like the game. I do understand that regional pricing is an issue in certain countries, and that is true that sometimes piracy is the only way.
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Is there a way to play with friends online?
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Use Parsec or Nucleus Co-op. I personally use Parsec and host the game and have my friends join me.


thanks IGG !!!
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Jack Bauer
thanks guys!