It's got a secondary check that bricks the game after 2 hours of play. On reload, textures are reduced to minimum, and it gives a piracy notice. Wasn't able to keep playing even with reduced textures.
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Check your firewall if its allowed to have access to the game exe, i nobrained clicked on approve when starting the game that was a mistake cause i got the same problem as you!

After removing the access for the exe on the firewall settings its working with no problem
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Wasn't firewall settings.

Apparently the game checks the steamapi64.dll size. There is a cracked game.dll and thirdparty.dll floating around that will fix it. Otherwise, it's a standard Goldberg setup.
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Any idea where one could find those files floating around?
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This page has an updated crack at the very bottom(just above the comments under "Crack Fixed") as a download.
Sadly this didnt help. Or would I need to start a new save as well?
was this problem on all downloads?
Active WarriorUSNCBSLIXX
An update has been requested. Be patient. (Anniversary Update: One Year of Early Access)
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wait this is literally save our ship from rimworld
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Why you lyin'
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No, not even close.
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you mean Prison Architect... that came first
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Bro no one is going around saying these games all came from Dwarf Fortress. Games take inspiration from the ones that came before. It's been like this since the first kids that played video games grew old enough to make their own.
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All these games are Pong ripoffs because the concept of entertainment software was made up by the pong devs.
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please update to version 0.9.5
Thanks for the update!
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The dev confirmed there are some anti-piracy measures, it will take some time until someone patches it out.
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Not a fun game, and your fun is very directly tied to the RNG you get at start up. One game may be easy breezy because RNGeezus bent over for you, the next game RNGeezus is laughing and making you bend over and forgoing the lube.

Difficult is one thing, but putting an hour into the game only to find RNGeezus decided you didn't need any "disks" which MUST have to do anything just makes for a very unfun game.

In time it will probably get better. I'm just not investing my time in a game that requires time to get better.
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Liar liar pants on fire!!! 👖🔥
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Would be interesting to see the anti piracy measures, but too risky for my taste.
Some games anti piracy measures leak your personal data online.
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Kevin Albertson
It just has two checks if the contents of steam_api64.dll add up to the right number. Then when you go to the main menu with a play time over 2 hours and the steam_api64.dll check failed, it sets your texture quality to a specific setting that marks you as a pirate until you delete the cache file, and it pops up messages about having a pirated copy instead of letting you play the game.

It's a fairly interesting measure, but not too bad as long as you know where to look in your AppData to find and delete the cache file after fixing the crack. It's even a bit disguised in the code to not be found with the simplest approaches, so the dev apparently put slightly more than the bare minimum effort in. I just have a suspicion the anti-piracy check will change with future updates, so things could get more interesting.
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So all you have to do to bypass the anti-piracy check is delete your cache before every 2 hours hits?
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Kevin Albertson
I don't know where the time is stored, so if it's read from the save instead of the cache that wouldn't work.
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But you still don't know if it does something else too, or did you datamine the code without finding something?
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Kevin Albertson
I looked pretty closely at the code, but I don't have the kind of time needed to exhaustively check everything so I might have missed something. I looked at everything using similar methods as the two checks that cause the popups and everything that uses their results. If there's something else it must be much different, but for now I doubt there's anything more. However I do get a feeling that this dev is the type to change things up every major update until either he or crackers get tired and move on, so I wouldn't trust it to be the same in future versions.
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Looks complicated af. Sign me up!
Active WarriorUSNCBSLIXX
Thanks IGG-Games.
is there a dump file? game keeps crashing
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Update please :3
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Update please <3
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Update it please
Benchmark Gamerz
Stardeus - Intel UHD 770 - i5 13600K (Low budget gpu)
good luck trying to keep this updated, it get update almost everyday.
it is a good game , but i admit it is a bit salty on price , just have fun, and if you can in the future, buy the game.
i am one of the translator for fan made translation.
The v0.6.118 is working fine now. I haven't encounter any issues yet.
[You don't have to download the 'Crack Fix']
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"There should be 'Stardeus_Data'
folder next to the executable"
there literally is
My cursor isn't showing...

Any one know why? anti-piracy measure?
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Had the same issue with 0.6.109 - but fumbling through the menus by "feel" to enable "Software Cursor" made the cursor visible, so it's likely just a bug rather than anti-piracy.
That being said, I also couldn't load saved games under 0.6.109 (game appeared to freeze, but with music playing), so I ended up rolling back to 0.6.108 (which has both a working cursor and working saved-game loading). The 0.6.109 cracked version appears to be another borked crack.
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I applied the "Crack Fix". And my cursor is showing now.

They updated fix maybe?
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Are you able to load a saved game after applying the crackfix to 0.6.109? I tried it, and although the cursor did re-appear (as you said), I once again couldn't load a saved game. The file dates in the (re-downloaded) crackfix appear to still be the older dates (i.e. from a previous version).

It appears that Skidrow has had a little trouble circumventing all of the anti-piracy measures (and anti-anti-anti-piracy measures) in the latest version(s). That being said, they did just release a crack for 0.6.116 (google "stardeus skidrow" to find it) that hasn't been mirrored here yet - maybe that version will work? EDIT: That version should work. I've played it for a bit, and it seems good so far.
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I just tired to start a new game and and it doesn't load the world. So I think it's borked.

I can't seem to get the cursor to show even after turning on 'software cursor'...

I just check the request page they are uploading v0.6.116 soon.

Hope it's fixed.
After updating to v0.6.108 (and re-applying the crackfix), I can neither start a new game nor load a previous save. I noticed the file dates in the crackfix don't match the file dates in the latest game .RAR - the crackfix may need to be updated.

EDIT: The v0.6.108 download appears to be properly cracked as-is - it appears to run just fine past two hours without applying the crackfix, and applying the (old) crackfix to this new version breaks the ability to load or start games. Unless there's some more insidious anti-piracy measure still lurking, a supplementary "crackfix" patch no longer appears to be needed (for this version).
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Mine is accusing the pirated version when accessing the game : /. can you fix it? :/
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You were not supposed to give it internet access. Go into your firewall and disable the game's ability to access the internet.
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The crack fix is considered a severe threat by the firewall. This legit?
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False Positive. It happens with crack files unless you accidentally download it from an ad.
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Okay, I used the crack file, and the game no longer detects it as a pirated copy. However my graphics are still low res. I deleted the game and file in the Appdata and downloaded the whole game again but the resolution is still low. how do I fix this?
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Kevin Albertson
In the options, change your texture quality to what you want. Assuming of course that the crack fix patches out the parts where it sets it to a special value rather than the parts that check for that value...
Did these guys do any copyright patching at all?, or did they made game playable and posted it just to have barging rights that they got it first? or maybe they got tricked by game devs "Game Dev Tycoon" developers uploaded free version of there game to torrents but changed it so that players got fucked if they played far enough. Maybe its same thing?
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Kevin Albertson
Nah, it's just a sneaky check that only happens after playing for 2 hours, so it's not very easy to find when getting the game ready for upload.
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Nedal Nnee
Games crashes on start
Kain Yusanagi
Early Access.
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was just about to search this game up, good timing!