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It funny to read comments here. Many guys forget one comon truth - When we download any game from site like this - WE ALL are commies.
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tamerlan110, in very simple and laymen terms, communism (as Karl Marx defines it) is about seizing the means of production. For instance, creating a law that says all game developers must get permission from the government before publishing, would qualify as they would be in control of what is or isn't allowed publication.

The same law may also demand that any money made from the sales of that game would go to the government first, so they could then decide how they would share it with others (part would be for taxes, part would be for the needed, etc - in the end there may not be any money left for the people who actually developed the game).

Downloading a game from the internet is just theft - and theft exists in all forms of government, be they Left, Right, or Centre.
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Communism is "stateless, classless, moneyless society." What you're talking about - centralized state ownership - is classical socialism, or more accurately state-socialism. Socialism is "worker ownership of the means of production," which CAN and has been done through collective state ownership in a representative state ala classical socialism, but can also be done in a free market through worker-owned businesses, like cooperatives.

State-socialism has been conflated for communism because Marxist philosophy asserts that communism is impossible so long as there is scarcity, and state-socialism was conceived as the best possible way to ensure centrally controlled production for the purpose of eliminating scarcity and therefore enabling communism. They are not the same thing, though, and many Marxists actually criticize this method of transition, as they note there is no defined mechanism by which the state would give up control of the means of production and dissolve to create a stateless society after scarcity had been solved.

Theft of physical property isn't communist in nature because it doesn't contribute to sustainability of the practice and therefore will not sustain a moneyless society on its own - but copying of infinitely reproducible data constrained only by arbitrary capital limtations is actually a move to remove money from a process that has essentially ceased to need it (the transfer and production of the good - in this case the data) which is in fact a step in the direction of removing money from the process of the flow of goods and/or services in a market that has reached post-scarcity (because data is infinitely reproducible and therefore scarcity must be artificially created with things like DRM) and IS in fact therefore communist in nature, philosophically speaking.

It's worth noting that a centralized planned economy with state ownership of the means of production is only socialist if that state is beholden to the workers. If a state has seized control of the means of production and utilizes it solely for its own profit with no mechanism to ensure they represent the workers, then it's a different kind of centrally planned economy called state-capitalism. (Capitalism, for the record, does not mean "free markets," it means "capital investor ownership of the means of production." This is true even if the state is the only capital investor.)

Do note I'm not advocating or opposing any of these ideologies - just clarifying.
lol no
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Thabani Alyce
communism simulator:
1.make money by sell drugs, human body, slaves,
2.control the social media, slander others, brainwash,
3.take control of the army, and nuclear weapon,
4.deploy spy to groups and other countries,
5.spread covid and other virus, plague,
6.make everywhere to communism, cult, and take the control,
7.energy and source reducing, kiil most people by virus and nuke,
8.nothing can growing and no new tech, human become extinct.
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You mean USA sim?
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Thabani Alyce
correction: I mean communism China, Communist Party in China,
correction 2: to more precisely, not native Chinese, only Communist, I'm not racist.
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sounds like USA to me lol
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Now I can finally starve my entire country to death
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Lots of commie apologists in the comments... and I'm Cuban, I've forgotten more about actual socialism than 99 percent of the Starbucks socialists have ever known.
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And I... Live in Russia in 90s. It was be fun time. Very fun. Ideas about socialism then were somewhat different than now. When, seeing what a toilet hole the country had turned and not being able to join the ranks of the new elite, even prisoners of the Gulag sometimes began to miss Stalin's times.
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many triggered snowflakes in the comments XDDDDDD
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Thabani Alyce
you know who was angry at there, XDDDDDD
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Eliot Roger
Nah, true socialists despise American democrats
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there's nothing less appealing than a political satire game with anime girls but like...
Uploaded Image why her hand gross like that
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its literally just a starvation sim lol
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Noooooo! i wanted fascist simulator..... they have cool hats
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Literally any NTR game at your service good sire!
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now sociailsm is the symbol of hot girl with nice sniper and sexy uniform,anyway,i like it very much guys
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fascist destroyer
finally i can shoot fascist dogs in the streets
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When dog has nothing to do - it licks balls, when parasites have nothing to do - they spill another version of own perverted world-view, prescribed to "red bad guys".
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lmao what
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i have not downloaded the game so therefore i am not a commi,e i winn you lose, byebye