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Hi all,

My friend ALUCARD will unfortunately be away for an extended period of time as he mourns with his family at the recent, sudden loss of one of his close relatives.

So, in case anyone should be wondering, there currently will be no language support notifications posted for the games that only support the English language. As it was previously, I will continue to post the language support notifications for the games that support other languages in additon to English but those games that are "English-only" will not have any language support notifications posted in their game pages - Simply put, if you see a bunch of new game pages that have language support notifications posted within them while other game pages do not, the games associated with any game pages that are without any language support notifications in them are to be considered as "English-only" games.

I hope that all of this is clear to everyone. If not, then please don't hesitate to ask me about anything about this announcement that is not clear to you.

We are gamers! We are family!

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I think we should not mention him much or tag him anymore. I understand his feelings, I also advised him a few days ago, when he wanted to delete his account. So I think it's best we avoid mentioning him, maybe he doesn't want people to pay much attention to him at the moment.
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No problem. I actually mentioned to Pandurfox two hours earlier that ALUCARD wanted more time to spend with his family and friends. But I will comply and stop responding to any more comments from others concerning this matter until you say it's okay to do so.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you or the staff and most of all to ALUCARD. If asked by others in the future, I'll just link them to your comment, roosevelt2362.
bocchi the entitled
Oh anon
im sorry
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Thank You for your condolences, bocchi the entitled but it's ALUCARD who is currently in mourning, not I - I'm still trying to manage the loss of my own parents from years ago and thus still mourn from time to time but I think that I am managing fine in the present (A person never can "Get over" the loss of a loved one. All he/she can do is to try to "manage" the loss. Some days may be more difficult than others but the person must find a way within him/herself to manage the daily struggle or otherwise succumb and "drown" under the loss [I'm talking about depression]).

I'm sure that ALUCARD would greatly appreciate your empathy.
Condolences to Alucard, that really, really sucks and hopefully he recovers soon.

The language notifications are appreciated, specially for the Chinese-made games (I am often curious about them but often they are Chinese only).
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I'm sure that ALUCARD would appreciate your well meaning wishes, Greater_Zenith.

Like I've already explained to "bocchi the entitled" above, the reality is that a person never can "Get over" (or recover) from the loss of a loved one. Such an event permanently changes a person, as the loved one is now no longer around for the survivor to see, talk to, or touch. I know exactly what I'm talking about since I've already lost both of my parents and I can tell you I will never "recover" from the losses. All I can do is to try to manage my losses and try daily to continue on with my own live as best that I can given my situation.

It doesn't mean that I won't laugh again, cry again or experience life to its fullest (I still have plans for my future) but my losses have brought the fact that one day, I too, will no longer walk on this Earth. That is a side effect of how such a loss will affect a person who has undergone such a loss. You realize your own mortality and start to look at things with a different perspective. The only way that you or anyone else who hasn't gone thorough such a loss will truly understand what I'm talking about is when such an event happens to yourself. Everyone eventually passes away. We all hear that but the only time when we really fully grasp, understand or feel it is when a loved one is taken from us (From that point on, religion helps us to manage the pain daily - Some people manage better than others - It's not all equal and depends upon the fortitude of the affected person him/herself and if need be for those with less fortitude that others, the support of family and friends - In the end though, it really comes down to the person him/herself to try to manage his/her loss(es) on a daily basis since it's what the person feels "inside" in their mind (consciousness) and/or soul on a daily basis from when they wake up, go to work or school, come back at night and before they go back to sleep only to repeat everything the next day).
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Hey man -

I did not mean to come across as insensitive and apologize if that is the case.

With that in mind, and also clarifying that I do not like arguing over the Internet (I find it rather pointless and a waste of energy), there is something I would like to say:

As someone who spent a lot of time with people who consider mortality, the nature of life, longevity, so on as a living (not mine, just to be clear, I just spend time talking to them as a hobby), I am keenly aware of how 'the end' can come for us at any moment. Death is always something that we hope takes place after we have lived full lives, but in reality it always happens in the present and when it does it is often an extremely unfortunate (and thus unwelcome) surprise.

I myself lost a family member last year, and in the decade prior also lost one of the two grandparents I could ever met. Of course it hurt, and of course it felt miserable, and of course it felt like absolute trash for a while.

But just like all happiness is temporary and all parties end, so does the misery. This does not mean that you should not cry, ruminate, or look inward during these times. This what the 'recover quickly' wish is for, not that grieving is cut short or that feelings should be pushed aside, but rather a wish that life regains it's luster soon. It was not meant to belittle anyone's feelings, but it was perhaps expressed badly in which case I apologize.

Polite regards
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Don't worry man. I didn't entirely take your "recovery" wish in a directly negative way but I did have an issue with that terminology. I just wanted to clarify for those who may not yet have gone through the loss of a loved one that losing a loved one is not something that can be "recovered" from, if at all possible. Saying it in that way makes it sound like it's the same as the loss of a house or a car or some other expensive material asset which then kind of diminishes the loss of the loved one. In reality, such a loss is life changing to a person and no one really "recovers" from such a loss, at least not the same as the loss of a house, a car or some other material asset which can be replaced with another.

I wasn't looking for an apology but since you've shown that you understand how the terminology could be misconstrued as being insensitive, even though you meant no offense and have offered an apology, then please consider it as accepted. I've been through a few online arguments myself and as you probably well know as well that it's not worth the extra, unsolicited stress at the end of the day.

This is not the appropriate time for mutual friends of ALUCARD to be arguing so, let's just leave all of this as it is and be done.

You are right about death happening at any moment. Look at the tragic stillborn babies for example - Not even having breathed their first breath of life and they come into this World already dead. And you don't have to be old in your 80s to be near death. You, I or anyone else can be innocently crossing a street with the walk signal or green light and some stupid drunk can plow his/her car past the red light for cars and run over us, killing us instantly (It happens).

My point is that there is no real "recovery" from such a loss. The survivor is forever left a changed person. However, that doesn't mean that it's the end of life for that person. With a strong fortitude, such a person can "manage" their loss but no one really says that they "recover" from such a loss. saying that would belittle the loved one who died - That their loss is like the loss of a material asset. People do recover from the loss of a house after a fire or the loss of an insured car after it's been stolen but nobody really says that people recover from the loss of a loved one - IMHO, it just doesn't sound right, given the comparison I used.

It doesn't mean that technically you're wrong either, as a grief management site I just Googled says that:

"We feel it's important to clarify upfront that when we say we don't recover from grief or experience "grief recovery", we do NOT mean that we don't recover from the intense pain of loss. It is important for all grieving people - despite their loss and experiences - to believe in the hope for healing. No one should expect to live with the anguish associated with acute grief forever."

"I need to tell you that, in the face of significant loss, we don’t “recover” from grief."

"Yes, I'm using the royal "we" because you and I are all a part of this club."

"I also need to tell you that that not recovering from grief doesn’t doom you to a life of despair. Let me reassure you, there are millions of people out there, right now, living normal and purposeful lives while also experiencing ongoing grief."

In other words, people "manage" their grief|loss of a loved one, so that they may continue to keep on living as best as they can - If that means that to some positive extreme, some people can manage their grief|loss really well enough so that they return to some kind of normalcy close to what they had before the loss occurred then "More power to them" but not all will manage such a loss with equal results (If only it were that easy).

Anyway, I hope there are no hard feelings between us, Greater_Zenith. Life is too short to waste on having a grudge against anybody. I have none with you. Peace.
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So how many requests of update should I make to get this game updated?!
Misafir Oyuncu
Gameplay - Trailer;
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Sometimes i miss Steel Thunder from the C64....
wish the site told you what the latest update date was somewhere
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Update please!
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im assuming this isn't the early access release released on the 6th?
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Is this the 6th september release?