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update plz
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Gay beastiality...🙄
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Huh huh it's Furry ! Respect other's kink (:
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There have been more gay VNs than straight since the past 2 or so weeks. Where are all the straight ones?
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Lmao I hope you realize the stupidity of your sentence, if you were saying (backing up by fact) it was the last 2 month I would understand, but 2 weeks ? Jeez get a life man.
And I'm not even LGBT, I don't give a fuck (litterarly)
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Hey, I didn't ask you to reply. That was your own choice.

Plus, if you have the time to reply condescendingly, then you also need to get a life.
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"I didn't ask you to reply even tho' I'm the one who replied to your coment , but I don't want you to reply to my coment in return, also get a life even tho' by that logic I don't have a life myself"

Bro, you ascended beyond Super Sayan of Stupidity, legit you are probably the biggest retard I've read here.
You might even be in good competition's place on reddit.
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I don't think I am stupid unless you call sexual preferences bias as stupid, then yes.

I'm straight up going to say it. I am SERIOUSLY TIRED of checking IGG everyday just to get extremely disappointed with alphabet community visual novels.

Just straight up done.

I get if they got 2 or 3 a month, but 5 in a WEEK... wtf!?
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Well if you are THAT MUCH tired you can... well... you know... Make your request ?

Like for real I hope you realize the Staff in IGG aren't some paid actor from the Dev or what-ever entity that release LGBT stuff in exchange of money right ?
What you can do is be a good Otaku (since you read VN you should fairly be considered as one) and check various ressource like VNDB to see the newest VN release, note the one that interest you and then jump into the request section of IGG in order to ask the staff to upload some VN of your choice. Heck it can even be super straight white couple VN bro'.

You make it sound like the website is filled with LGBT stuff while in reality you can find as much Nazi game and racist shit here, they are super onpen minded so don't brake it down to the only thing you dislike like if you were some sort of Incel.

Again, just request the shit you like and they might upload it.

One thing for sure, is the only thing you will get by doing nothing but complaining about what other people resquest is looking like a moron.
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  1. I do know what VNDB is since I mostly frequent it for visual novels.

  2. I made a request once and I did get it, but rather late as I just ended up purchasing it on Switch.

  3. My issue is not with homosexual visual novels being uploaded, but rather the frequency and quantity at which they are starting to show up.

  4. What made you assume I'm all about straight 'WHITE' people!?

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  1. Even more reasons to think you're dumb

  2. Even more reasons to think you're dumb

  3. Because there is a lot of this content requested, same goes for shitty indie game and such. If people start asking for regular VN they will be uploaded, no matter you like it or not, LGBT became more accepted and de facto more popular.

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But I'll stop replying now, I made my point, got a good laugh and now I'll just move on. Sorry if you feel insecure or offended about that.
And before you yell "reee muh principle" , I'm a 25-30yo heterosexual white male, with his gender of birth, virgin and loveless that reject society and hate the destruction of the value of mariage, love, and long term reliationship. Yet those VN would never make me feel as insecure or threatened as an heterosexual could.
But to each their own I guess my man (or gal')
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Maybe I am dumb, but hey, atleast I ain't submissive to the modern trends. I will be proud with that knowledge.

This argument gave me a lot of insight on the current world.

Say homo, get ready to be called an incel.

Not your fault though. You can accept everything, but the catastrophic reality of things.

Also, for your information, I'm a 23 year old "brown" (sad I ain't white?) man who understands the value of relationships and marriage as per the natural order. I have been hurt by "idiots" exploring ideas of homosexuality and the very representation of the sodomites community. So, I choose to stick to the path of being straight and not confused.

However, like you said, to each their own, Mr. white (or are you a closeted gay🤔)
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Tbh, if the game is gay but it still has interesting characters and/or story, I just pretend the player character is the opposite gender of the love interests, or genderbend the love interests in my mind and play it that way, it's rather easy once you get used to it, fiction can be anything you want with a little imagination.
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Yeah, but I'd rather stick to my principles because from the looks of it, everyone is compromising their stance on something because of societal pressure.
Don't forget, it's pride month
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It is also SGN month, but so many homosexuality games!?
It's pride month, honey. Bear with it for just 30 days, m'kaaaaay? M'kaaaaaay.
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Gay VNs have been popping up on this website since a while back. At that time, in every 5 visual novels, only 1 would be homosexual based. Now, every 1 in 5 is straight!
still gay tho^^
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please update
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the game have already been updated (i supposed)
Aaaaaaaand cue the flood of "GAAAAYYYYYYY" in the comments section.

looks down at comments section Huh. That's actually pretty restrain-oooh! It's Pride Month! THAT'S why you're being restrained! Well, good for you, internet!