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note: version 1.0 is out (i'll request an update in a few hours when i can) and it's...woke.


and yes, i would still complain if it was another case of body type A/B too because that dehumanizing.

like, it's bad enough the t took everything that originally represented lgb people away across 10+ years and twisted it for their own usage...now this t stuff is forced into so many video games.

and no one, including lgb people, wants it there.

BUT since when do we have a choice with the video game industry? where game devs and companies do and normalize whatever they want regardless of what their customers say or want.
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how does it affect you? stop crying
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OK! let's see if someone decides to mod the pronouns out of this game.

the moment it happens, you will be screaming for that mod to be banned.

because it's fine to have them in the game and they're easily ignored...but then you leftists lose your mind when someone tries to remove them from a video game.

what you guys try to do with this stuff in video games is called "having your cake and eat it too".

you want it forced on everyone then complain when it's removed.
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dude its optional. its the character creation screen. if you dont want to change your character then move on. what is wrong with you?
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so...you're saying you'd be ok with someone modding it out of the game?

no...of course not. you'd be calling for that mod to be banned from all mod websites.

because it's optional and doesn't matter when it's forced on us but it's a BIG FING DEAL when someone removes it from the game.

which is precisely what's going to happen when spider-man 2 comes to pc and someone makes a mod to change it to the middle east version which doesn't have ANY of the wokery in it.

people like you will be reeing as loud as possible for the mod to be blanket banned everywhere.

why? because you're LYING! because it's NOT optional. because either we accept your ideology which was created by a pedophile and is rooted in child abuse, lies, and just an outright denial of reality and biology OR you whine and complain at us until WE relent and bend the knee to your demands.

enough is ENOUGH! you people need to stop forcing this crap into video games in order to INTENTIONALLY ruin the ENTIRE hobby for EVERYONE who doesn't share your ideology.

THAT is the problem.
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I think its very strange you're so weak minded that you cant handle seeing something you disagree with.

I dont understand how people use those pronouns and I dont care. very easy

If anyone spent time making a mod to remove it I would be genuinely concerned for their mental state. Actually Incapable of just scrolling past? get help
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got it. you support an ideology that actives pushes for children to be psychologically abused and have permanent physical harm done to them.

and you think someone is weak minded and mentally unwell for OPPOSING such things.

don't bother replying again because you've made it clear that you side with this ideology of mental illness.

and judging by your user name...you likely also support sibling incest.
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Here's the issue, in multiple cases when people made mods to remove LGBT/Trans/Pronouns from a game those mods got carpet banned from almost all mod websites because they were deemed 'offensive' so you're literally not ALLOWED to ignore it/remove it if you choose to it's a stupid option to include overall because Trans is a niche culture who aren't even big in the games market
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Cry harder
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ohhh...yes...i'm TOTALLY crying over an ideology being forced into as many video games as possible while mods to remove that ideology from said video games get banned.

how about you people stop being the most censorious and hateful people in the history of the human species?

it's not enough that you people co-opted and stole EVERYTHING that now represents you away from lgb people across 10+ years.

and yes, it IS only 10+ years. this transgender ideology began that long ago on the website, tumblr!

there is no lgbt. there is lgb and t. two separate and unrelated things. and NO ONE likes the t. not lgb, not straight people, not theists, not feminists. NO ONE!

oh, and your murderous desires are blatant with that username. you wannabe murderer keyboard warrior who would likely crumple like a paper bag irl after hearing mean words.
Jate Hews
Fucking hell with this bullshit! How in any way would this pronoun bullshit even be relevant to the game in the first damn place? How many people outside the niche this game caters to even use this bullshit?

Left out for the entirety of the EA period of the game to be shoehorned in at the fucking 1.0 mark is the exact fucking thing that pisses people off. Then you will have people defending this brain rot ideology like their lives depend on it. Human pretenders that don't even play games in the first fucking place.

Then you will have other idiots say "BUT ITS NOT EVEN A BIG DEAL!" Yeah give this cancer an inch and it will destroy the media we love like it has been doing with most if not all modern day mainstream gaming! Phase out normalcy little by little until all that's left in fucking cancer.

I'm just glad I waited to buy this shit and am glad to save a few bucks.
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just replied to 2 such comments here. and yeah, was left out for all of the early access but now it's added in and earlier on the devs discord server i learned that the dev, kira, is also woke (trans).

good job intentionally driving away me and likely plenty of other potential customers and thus money. i bought this game on steam but will not be buying any of their other games at all.

and no, it's not relevant to this game in the slightest. this game was inspired by From Soft's old king's Field series.
Pronouns in dark fantasy? Yeah, that's truly dark...
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well, the dev got what they wanted.

the steam forum for this game is in chaos. you intentionally added the pronouns to the game after it left early access to instigate conflict and so you could get peoples money before doing this rug pull on them.

more and more, game devs around the world continue to show us that piracy is NOT a "service problem" as gabe newell once said but rather it is the solution to game dev/pub BS.


and all the people taunting us for not wanting this crap in video games continue to ignore the fact that we play video games to escape AWAY from irl drama and from having this ideology forced upon us.

it is the woke people who instead use video games to escape deeper INTO their ideology.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSDP57_pegE this video explains it quite well.

and if anyone wants to taunt me further here, i'll gladly block you. because i don't support the child abuse ideology that stole all that once represented lgb people away from them.

the reason this bothers me so much is because i'm gay but can no longer claim to be lgb specifically because this ideology took everything away from lgb people and nearly had the entire world HATE lgb people until lgb people finally starting separating themselves from it.

that and i actually give a damn about protecting children unlike so fing much of this world which views children as nothing more than tools to be indoctrinated and used as ideological, political, and religious weapons.

edit: regarding the Limbo weapon used to kill death. the broken blade item used to craft it only appears in the forlorn arena during a full moon day. that's IRL full moon day. so, save and close the game then set your pc clock to whenever the next full moon day is (november 27, 2023 as of typing this out) then load your save and grab it. then you can put the date back to the current one.

and fair warning...the results of killing an aspect of the universe are...creepy.
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kys Moron
Imagine being this retarded
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imagine supporting child abuse and mental illness.

and insulting people when your username is "kill yourself moron".

edit: hey, moderators. just wondering but is there a cap to how many people you can add to your block list in this comment system? cause i've a feeling it's gonna be a long list for me since i oppose child abuse and child body mutilation and i'm not afraid to voice it.
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why do creeps like to talk about children so much?
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i dunno if you're calling me a creep but those who support this ideology want to do permanent physical harm to children via puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and cosmetic surgery and long lasting psychological harm with all the lies and indoctrination.

that's the main reason i so strongly oppose the transgender ideology.

and they claim this is to help children and keep them from committing suicide. you don't help people suffering from mental illness by doubling down on and reinforcing (aka affirming) it. you give the therapy and actual psychological help to resolve it and help them recover from it.

transgender ideology does the former of these 2 things: double down and affirm

sadly, it's taken most of a decade for most people to finally start reacting and pushing back against this stuff. takes around 3 years for the general populace to start reacting to something then several more years before much of anything is done about it. that's given this ideology a LONG time to do as much harm as possible to as many people as possible. with the main target being children.
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White Rabbit
The main reason for transgender people having a higher risk of suicide and mental health issues is mainly due to discrimination, stigma, and lack of support. I'm assuming you understand what that's like being gay. Now imagine that tenfold.

You can't force a transgender person not to be transgender anymore than anyone can force you not to be gay. Imagine someone telling you being gay is a mental disorder and that allowing anyone to be gay is abuse because gay people have higher rates of depression and suicide. How would that make you feel? Would you stop being gay? It's the same concept.

Gender-affirming care significantly reduces depression and suicide rates. And surgical interventions, such as gender-affirming surgeries, are typically not performed on children. These are just facts.
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you leave gays the fuck out of this discussion. you people stole everything that once represented them (the gay pride flag and all other rainbow symbolism) away to use for yourselves.

there is not lgbtq+. it is lgb and/or tq+!

the progress flag does not represent lgb people. it represents tq+ people.

i have had to watch for over a decade as you people took everything from them and whenever YOU people cause any trouble irl, you use lgb people as both shield and weapon then throw us under the bus when you no longer need us!

need i remind you of florida's anti-groomer bill that you people rebranded as a "don't say gay bill"? that bill had NOTHING to do with lgb people but trans people didn't like that it was created to keep child groomers out of schools and away from children so they dragged lgb people into the situation and made it about censoring lgb people INSTEAD.

or how about the times transgender people blocked lesbians from attending a lesbian only convention in the UK? or how about the time transgender people called the POLICE to prevent lgb people from attending a PRIDE PARADE in the UK?

maybe transgender people would be at a lower risk of suicide if they got the actual psychological healthcare they actually need instead of gender affirming healthcare that reinforces the mental illness agrees with what they're saying and destroys their bodies via hormone therapy and surgery while removing their ability to procreate.

yeah, that's something us lgb people can do that a lot of trans people can't. we're still capable of procreation if we choose to while trans people sterilize themselves and/or have their reproductive organs butchered, mutilated, and removed.

trans people have actually done SO much good for lgb people over the past 10+ years that there is now the "gays against groomers" movement. that pretty much everyone in the western world that once opposed lgb people now support them. that there is a push to SEPARATE lgb from tq+ entirely.

trans people have done SO much to help lgb people that most lgb people would rather simply being called, gay, bisexual, or lesbian to distance themselves away from trans people as much as possible.

me? i draw the line at being compared to trans people.

there is little else in this world that offends me so strongly as being compared to such people after all they've done to make the entire world HATE them!

oh, and one last thing: leave children the f alone and get the biological males LARPing as women tf OUT of WOMEN'S sports!
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dude theres no ideology being forced, those were put in the game for the sole purpose of pissing you off and it worked for no other reason that you want to be pissed of at the dumbest of shits, it literally has no effect in the entire game, i actually cannot believe this got people upset
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me? i am gay. i am NOT lgbtq+!

i am a biological male human. i am NOT cis!

i am homosexual. that means i like other biological males. NOT females LARPing as women or men LARPing as women.

there is no such thing as non-binary humans. it does not exist.

call me cis and you will be insulting me with a slur!
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ok, got it, you support the psychological abuse and permanent physical harm that transgender ideology intentionally does to children.

you know, this dev had all of early access to put this in this game but they left it out.

do you know what it feels like to have bought this game on april 16, 2022 with NO mention of this ideology in this game only for it to recently be updated to its 1.0 release version and SUDDENLY have this added?

i was taken advantage of and exploited for profit. as was everyone else who bought this during early access. we can't get a refund now. the dev has our money and has taken a big shit on all of us.

and yes, the inclusion of fictional pronouns in this game is a forced ideology.

look at the steam forum for this game and see the outrage! MOST people do not support this ideology. an ideology for people who wish to psychologically abuse and have permanent physical harm done to children!

and since you're here defending it, that shows that you SUPPORT it! that shows that you SUPPORT children being psychologically abused and physically harmed.

that's what you people don't understand. it's not the pronouns being in the game that is the problem. it's the ideology they represent. an ideology most people around the world OPPOSE!

an ideology that stole all its rainbow symbolism AWAY from lgb people and uses lgb people as both a weapon and shield, throwing them under the bus when they're no longer needed.

i don't even call myself lgb anymore or use any of that stuff like the rainbow flag anymore because it no longer represents lgb people. it represents child abuse, racism, pedophilia, and number of other things that can rightfully land your ass in PRISON.

when spider-man 2 comes to PC there will be a mod to change it to the middle east version and you trans people will scream in rage as much and as loudly as possible to have that mod banned everywhere.

why? because it's ok for this ideology to be IN video games but it is NOT ok for anyone to remove it from those video games.

because everyone HAS to be FORCED to accept it!

that's why heelsvsbabyface made that rant about this.

irl...tv shows...movies...anime...cartoons...kids shows...video games...


no one is allowed to escape the IDEOLOGY OF MENTAL ILLNESS AND CHILD ABUSE! we must all be FORCED to accept it against our will!

so says EVERYONE like YOU who defends it!
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motherfucker is chirping on a pirated game website. that's the lowest of the low.
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"and all the people taunting us for not wanting this crap in video games continue to ignore the fact that we play video games to escape AWAY from irl drama and from having this ideology forced upon us."

I can understand how you want to escape away from irl drama since you have posted so many comments pushing your ideology on this game section. Honestly not even going to push back against you, just going to give you friendly advice of ignore it. If you really feel that hurt by added pronouns in the character creation screen then just pretend the game doesn't exist and realized you made a gamble when you bought early access. Plus if you did play it in early access then you probably got your moneys worth already.

It really isn't worth it to get this worked up over words in a video game. That's how you get stomach ulcers and a heart attack early.
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but yes, KEEP replying. keep adding to my block list. KEEP letting me say what other people are thinking and agreeing with in the form of little karma points.

43 points and counting and likely 35+ of those are from this page alone. that's a nice number of people agreeing with my aint-transgender ideology stance.

that also inches me closer to a ban. because it is largely forbidden speech to dissent against the transgender ideology on the internet since the vast majority of moderators and admin on the internet all support it completely.
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"I can understand how you want to escape away from irl drama since you have posted so many comments pushing your ideology on this game section."

excuse me? i have not been pushing an ideology here. i've been pushing against an ideology here.

"just going to give you friendly advice of ignore it."

no. i am NOT going to just ignore this ideology.

"If you really feel that hurt by added pronouns in the character creation screen then just pretend the game doesn't exist and realized you made a gamble when you bought early access."

congrats on missing the point entirely. i'm not hurt by words in a video game.

"Plus if you did play it in early access then you probably got your moneys worth already."

and both me and everyone else who bought it during early access were taken advantage of.

"It really isn't worth it to get this worked up over words in a video game."

you care enough about defending this ideology to come here and try to start shit with me.

the point you missed is that this should not be in this game to begin with. it serves no purpose and has no reason to be there aside from instigating conflict as the developer WANTED to do.

all of you intentionally ignore the reason me and other people complain about this specifically to aggro and antagonize us.

and you woke leftists continue to prove the point with each reply here. that this pronoun stuff is harmless and easily ignored as long as it's being forced on everyone but it's a BIG FUCKING DEAL whenever anyone voices disapproval and/or removes them from the game.

and it's SUCH a big deal to you guys that i openly oppose your ideology that you keep poking and prodding me, hoping to piss me off enough to get me in trouble with the moderators/admin, and i'm just not going to budge.

and no, you're not denying that that's the intent. i've been on the receiving end of abuse from you pro-child abuse people for over a decade on the internet.

you people are completely incapable of civility. all you ever do is try to start shit with anyone who doesn't support your ideology and try to get them banned.

you insult, taunt, harass, and generally just antagonize people into either saying/doing something that gets them banned where they're talking or you push them to... well, it really wouldn't be the first time someone has committed suicide as a DIRECT result of leftists on the internet.
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turns out we don't need a mod to un-woke this game. here's how, courtesy of a steam user now banned from this games steam forum (likely due to explaining the simple process).

If you want to remove pronouns:
-Right-click on Lunacid in your library
-In the drop down menu go to Manage, then go to Browse Local Files
-Now you are in the \Lunacid\ folder. Go to LUNACID_Data\Resources\TXT\ENG\NOUNS.txt
-Delete all the pronouns in the NOUNS.txt file then go to File/Save in the top left corner

yes, trans people. they truly ARE optional. we have the option to REMOVE them from video games if we want to and you have no right to force them onto us.

Kira on twitter (dunno if it's ok to link twitter posts here.): "I'm adding em. Just to make people mad. They won't even show up in-game because NPCs just use your name."
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Lol, that's hilarious. Well, if the developer added that pronoun nonsense just to annoy people, I guess he(?) in turn can't get upset if someone mods the game to remove them; which of course is going to enrage a lot of these folks, which will likely accuse everyone of... pronounphobia, I guess? 😆
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nah, they already have a istaphobe term for this and it's just "transphobia".

except that term's about as accurate as mud in most cases because most people don't fear them
Active WarriorUSNCBSLIXX
Update has been requested. (1.0.1 Hotfix) Be patient please.
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i was gonna download this untll i read the this is another woke game. get woke, go broke
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Small dick problems
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Kuz Netsov
Imagine calling something woke cause of 1 option that is likely is there to make such users feel cared for by the dev without affecting gameplay at all.

Cringy people like that DO belong in the hole.
classic SJW, go cry on twitter
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for what its worth, the "woke" portion of the game is limited to a single field in character creation that has no impact on gameplay and was added at the last minute.
Kuz Netsov
Dunno what is going on in the comment section but I'm excited to play it.
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just a heads up...

you can now be banned for discrimination on steam if you speak out against this ideology.

yeah, it is now discrimination to oppose child abuse.
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bro take a fucking break from the internet and go outside lmao
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going to need some popcorn for this comment section lol
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Higarashi Ayame
frfr, people are angry because the of the dev... who didnt put any form of ideology he follows in his game
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oh, and a bit off topic but did you know that valve actually has a system in place where, if you accrue enough forum and other bans on steam, your account will be forced into a "lockdown" mode which completely bricks the account outside of the chat window, the game library, buying, and playing games.

my current lockdown is due to expire in 18 days! my steam account has been bricked by VALVE for 13 weeks!

yeah...i'm never spending so much as 1 penny on that platform ever again. piracy ALL the way on pc gaming for me!

because the rules and guidelines literally do not apply on steam. you can and will be banned anywhere, at any time, for absolutely any reason.

so, keep that in mind when you spend money on steam.
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What made you think that you'd be able to go on discriminatory rants against transgender people in Steam discussions and not be punished for violating the code of conduct and guidelines, of which you knowingly agreed to when you chose to participate in the Steam community? You can't stop yourself from being absolutely loathsome and hateful towards hundreds of thousands of individuals, seemingly for days on end, and then you have the audacity to act like you're being attacked without provocation, whining like some petulant child. It's completely nonsensical. You seem to think about this stuff way too much and anybody would agree that's what really reeks of potential mental illness, not the simple act of adding or utilizing a new option to flesh out the identity of players' roleplaying characters. I think you would benefit greatly from some deep introspection.
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on second thought. gonna stop this now, moderators. gonna just block these people on sight instead.

cause a big part of why they keep going after me like this actually is them wanting you to ban me for speaking out against this ideology. it happens all across the internet and tbh, i don't want to lose my ability to make upload/update/re-upload requests.
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Wouldn't want to be blocked from asking for updates for your furry porn games huh? News flash: There is no "ideology" and you aren't an activist seeking safety or justice for anyone. You're just spitting vile diatribes about innocent people based on misinformation and the self consciousness you feel over your own queerness you delusional prick.
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transgenderism is an ideology.
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I've been on steam for nearly 20 years. Never once banned or suspended of any kind. Maybe stop being such a piece of shit?
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with my most recent ban, the valve moderators were banning anyone who spoke out against this ideology and even had a number of honeypot threads up to lure people into doing so specifically so they could ban then.

i don't care if you have never been banned on steam. that doesn't change the fact that steam, as a platform, is corrupt af and the moderators (platform WIDE) don't give a f about enforcing the platform rules evenly across the platform. you can and will be banned for any reason REGARDLESS of whether or not you follow the community guidelines and ESPECIALLY if you speak out against this trans ideology stuff.

hell, you can speak negatively of china and get banned! saying "here's your 2 cents" to someone spreading chinese propaganda on steam gets you banned!

and nice try with the insult, scum.
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How close are you to committing suicide or public shooting? coz you've been bitching for 4 days over a fucking pronoun.
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it really bothers you people that i care enough to and have the courage to actually speak out against this ideology with no fear of being banned.

suicide? that's what victims of this ideology are likely to do. and have done in the past.

public shooting? still waiting for the manifesto of that one transgender school shooter to be released. supporters of this ideology are desperate to keep that out of public view.

i'm guessing you guys are wanting the moderators here to ban me really badly now. and if they DO do that, it's gonna reflect badly on them as it'll be a sign that they too support this ideology which, in turn, would likely drive away a good bit of site traffic.
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O_O and browsing the forums a bit more...we can now kill the jotunn (no idea how given how tanky it is. extreme attack power?), death (seems to need the "broken blade" weapon's upgraded form? i'll check when i find said blade), and...spray blood on a headless...skeleton? that last one is oddly random but it looks like these actions get you 10 tokens of spite each.

and these are then used to open something called "Abdul's Passage". no idea what that is. new area added in 1.0 i assume.
Still in Early Access. Guess I'll wait 😩

Edit: On second thought, I'll give it a try. Who knows what will happen tomorrow.
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then buy it!
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That doesn't work where I live; why do you think I come here?
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really hope the new castle update is being uploaded here!
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guys can you please help me?
i have this problem that, when i start the game and try to create the charater i can't say yes to the creation and i cant start to play the game.
help pls.
Higarashi Ayame
how do i transfer my old save to the 1.1.1 version? i dont want to start all over again
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and they've been banning people who don't approve of the pronouns or ideology in the steam forum.

from moderator "OMEGAFLOWEY": "hi there,
very sorry for the late response on this. we have absolutely been banning people for unjust reasons but this hasn't been intentional. there are currently hundreds of posts to sort through and up until earlier, only two moderators. right now there is just one.
it is absolutely not my intention to censor discussion or accuse trans/nonbinary folk of being transphobic themselves, but there's been some bad judgement along the way and people have been unbanned when a dispute was sent in.
i am incredibly sorry about the current poor handling of the forums, but i am trying my best.

quick edit for clarification: i've just now found out that we do, in fact, have more moderators now. things should run a bit more smoothly now"

but this ideology's totally not being forced or anything...certain not under pain of forum BAN.

we can force our ideology on you, taunt you, and all you can do is be banned from speaking if you voice disapproval of our ideology.
Gonna have to crank up the difficulty, this game is way too easy.
Version 1.0 is out, please update.
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just submitted the request on the request page
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new update 1.0 is out
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sum guy
this version has a bug that leaves you locked in a black screen after death, the game has had 2 patches since this version one of which fixes this bug
i love this old ps1/n64 look of this game, but you walk sooo slow