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"Slit of Joy" is what my ex called her vagina
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That's what my ex called her puss
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Slit of joy? Very freudian title.

Bet if people quit being lazy and hit the gym they'd quit being depressed real fast. When it becomes as easy as snapping a finger to get pussy, that's a major death flag hoving over every male that is easily avoided and conquered.
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Tell me you're ignorant about mental health without telling me you're ignorant about mental health. You obviously have no clue what depression does to a persons brain.
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I actually was depressed for a while. I know that it's like being placed inside a void where no outside stimuli can affect you, whilst negative stimuli want to stick around.

I also know it's not constant. It comes in slumps. In the moments of the day when you have the ability to run, then run.
People like you just want to make excuses and baby others. I'm guessing your angry tone is tacit admission you can't get yourself moving.
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imagine thinking going to the gym will cure your body not producing the proper hormones to be happy, I know plenty of ripped guys who are absolutely miserable and are on heavy antidepressants
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exercise stimulates hormone production and is one of the most effective treatments available for major clinical depression. Its not a very effective treatment though, as there are no consistently effective treatments for major clinical depression.

We don't understand what causes depression. Hormone imbalance might play a part but for the most part there is limited evidence to suggest that this is the case and its mostly played up as a way of selling SSRIs. What we are sure of is that depression is multi-factor and that there is no consistent major factor in depression.
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How many people have a chemical production imbalance as opposed to normal depression? There are some major issues with figuring that out and people will often site that they're the former either without bothering to introspect or they are unable to self-reflect properly. Being in that kind of state of mind will of course make it even more difficult for a person since their thoughts will be coloured a certain way and will be prone to coming to negative conclusions they have to have the self control to sift that out from reality. We would have to go into intimate detail about your muscle bros for that anecdote to have any weight.

To lazily counter your point, I was only able to get out of my depression of 15-something + years later because I started to keep myself busy and care for myself even if I didn't want to. I went to the dairy bar down the road early in the morning and acquired a taste for shitty black coffee because it got me outside and interacting with people. I stopped ordering food and ate at local joints even if I was alone 95% of the time and socialized with the wait staff when business was slow. I got off my ass and felt better.

That won't work complete for everyone because there are people with chemical production irregularities, but it'll work for most people while also being a start for those with irregularities.
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all depression is multi-factor and there's no consistently effective treatment for everyone. The recommended treatment for depression is a multi-pronged approach that involves both experimenting with medications and therapies and encouraging regular exercise and increased community involvement. The hope is that if you try enough things one of them will work. Most of the time nothing works, but the quality of care is rising slowly over time as more research is done.
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Can I ask what hormones you're talking about? I bet you don't even know the names of the four neurotransmitters/hormones that actually lead to a well-balanced mind, or how to activate them. Hint: aerobics and body building activates three.

The last can only be got with socialization. Luckily, Gymgoers tend to be pretty friendly. So enough with the excuses and get off the net.
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John Snake
I have major depressive disorder, my entire life, late 30s now. I went from obese to shredded around 8 percent bf (actual) and was in powerlifting, nothing changed (ate good). Now i just do physical labor for work and have average body now, nothing changed.
It does not fix the shape of the brain that is part of the issue, or neurotransmitter levels of a normal brain. Its a permanent issue that cannot be fixed.
Most people think depression is just being sad about something, the brain is literally abnormal and has nothing to do with surrounding life affecting you.
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Get on medication. Made a huge difference in my life
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Having a hormonal imbalance means that your body either isn't able to produce hormones normally or that its unable to process hormones normally. Someone with a hormonal condition that makes their brain have trouble producing serotonin for instance, would not produce as much serotonin while exercising as a regular person would.

This is one of the theories for a factor which affects depression. Mediciations which limit the brain's ability to metabolize serotonin can be effective in treating the symptoms of some people with depression which can allow the serotonin they naturally produce (by doing things like exercising) to properly activate their reward pathways the way they would for a regular gymgoer.

this is only a small part of the picture though. We only have a very limited understanding of what kinds of things cause or can help treat depression.
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You are right, working out can even bring you back from deepest parts of black pill.
you are fucking retarded.