where i can find the crack? when im running it its always says "Failed to Find Steam. Closing the Game"
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Who the fuck in the right mind , would you name yourself Orange_Juice as a game developer ...
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Sum Gui
What do you mean "(Update Mar 15, 2019)"? Did all the links go down and so you updated those? Or did Rockin' Android come back from the grave and changed something?
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A friend asked me how good I am in the games, I joked that I could pass the dark souls with closed eyes and hands tied.
In foolishness i accept to bet about 317.4 dollars, to achieve finish this game in less than 4 days.
Tomorrow is Monday, when I write this it ends the first day, and this week I will not have much time...
Moral: Do not try to show off, when you do not know what awaits you...At what point did I think this was a good idea? :/
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Sum Gui
Okay, so: You didn't say you needed to beat this on Arcade mode, right? And you didn't say you had to beat it on at least Normal, right?
Otherwise, you're in a bit of a pickle. So, since the stages can be learned (and hopelly you'll figure them out fast), I'll leave some advise for bosses.
Saki: You can beat her with base weapons, but it's a lot easier if you have Beam Bazooka. Her Spirit Bomb-like attack can be dashed through.
Iru: She's pretty easy, remember her giant laser beam IS dashable, and you can load at least one Hyper doing that.
Nanako: Good luck. Just remember everything but her bombs is dashable and the bombs are normally aimed at you, so you just need to move a bit. Spam hypers once she's using that spinning laser attack and kill her quick before her actual desperation attack.
Kae: Her stage is pretty easy, the midboss is annoying unless you use stuff like Flamethrower or Artillery, but that would mean you won't have realiable ways to hurt the boss. As for her, remember she has a pattern of sorts. She always shoots, and follows with a slash. Depending of what she just shot (and how much health she has left) it'll decide whether she'll use a regular slash or one of her hypers. The phase one and two hypers can be dodged by dashing in circles.
Kyoko: Just use Flamethower. Force Edge cheeses most of the stage so you shouldn't have problems with the ensuing damage race.
Shifu: He has two phases! First phase is kind of simple. Move (don't dash, just move) from top to bottom (and vice-versa) when he fires his missiles. The Flamethower lets you hurt him while you move, so that's a good weapon to use on him. Phase 2 stays still most of the time, and as long as you know how to time your Hypers, it shouldn't be much issue.
Hime: This is the fight of a lifetime. It's very flashy yet brutal at the same time. I won't spoil much about it, but remember each phase has a set pattern. Her red bullets can be dashed through, but her blue bullets absolutely must be avoided. Watch out for the surprise attack during her last phase! You can NOT dash through that.
If this advise is vague or unclear, by all means check a walkthrough.
EDIT: Huh, I was a bit late there, huh?
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Yes, a little late, I ended up paying, but anyway, thank you very much...
At the time it seemed like a 3-6 hour game, I do not know what to say...maybe something like do not blind bets :b
Daniele Bosi
Here come gameplay sample for you
Nai Quona
links aren't working.
is this the steam version or the old retail version? (i'm looking for the retail version)
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Zeno De Lunar Chalavier
Thank You!