As an unashamed PC-Master Race acolyte, I don't (and never did) even own a controller, and so with most games, no matter how strongly might they 'suggest using a controller', I just ignore that and (usually relatively easily) complete them with mouse&keyboard anyway.

This one, however, is a rather special case. Imagine a freaking Fighting Game, but it's not in that typical side-view mode, so it has more dimensions of movement and you're fighting not one but many opponents at once AND it has mechanics like Stamina and such...
Shit's damn complicated and the control scheme doesn't even try to make it more friendly for any mouse&keyboard users - you simply WON'T be able to be as good as controller-using players, it's actually impossible for several reasons I don't feel like going into in a more in-depth manner here.
Needless to say, I just quit the game after a while because of the sheer frustration of not being able to handle the controls properly enough to even feel like I stand a shred of a chance against the literal first boss of the game.

TLDR: Absolutely ignore this game if you don't have/don't want to use a controller.
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m&kb is only superior in FPS and RTS games, controllers aren't a console peasant thing, controllers have existed for PCs for as long as they have for consoles, because some of the earliest gaming platforms were PCs.
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M&KB is superior in every videogame where they are properly supported. The only advantage controller has is analog movement stick which is useful in 2 genres : platformers and auto/flight sims. And simulator fans on PC usually own separate dedicated Wheels and HOTAS for those games. In platformers proper camera controls give advantage to M+KB players. Unfortunately not many platformers implement mouse camera controlls well - but that's developers fault.

"fighting games are unplayable on KB" argument is certified bullshit especially considering that HitBOX fighting stick was banned fromtournaments for giving "unfair advantage" because its digital keyboard-like inputs were found to be more responsive than analog stickmoves, in fact same effect is achievable with keyboard. Just not with WASD layout (ask high ladder GGXrd/Sv players).
Honestly, for the longest time, in my mind "controller" basically equalled "console", since almost any decent enough game (which I was at least somewhat interested in) was rather easily playable with m&kb so my conclusion was that: "The only people who'd play with a controller when m&kb is an option are those who pretty much exclusively play on(/have?) a console"

There are just so few games actually worth any attention which'd really require you to use a controller to play them well enough (or to play them at all) that I generally consider so-called "controller mains" to pretty much just be one of those peculiar "Console Master Race"-ers, because it's just so hard for my brain to justify preferring a controller for most games over the usual m&kb.

In other words:
I'm actually a bit less of a "PC Master Race" guy and more of a "Mouse and Keyboard Master Race" guy.
because of your experience and honesty of tis' matter --- ya receive ma respect --- i feel the same as ya --- it felt different when ya using a controller on tis game (ya feel relax also ya can play without having back problems)
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Get a Gravis PC Game Pad (with the little screw in joystick) or a Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad. Both are PCMR approved.
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Smoka Cola
did you even read their comment? Said I have no interest in getting a controller
Tasty Dingleberry
i wish my underwear were unsoiled.
so we got undungeon and unsouled.
what's next? unhalo?
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Uncalled duty
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and we had unmetal, unepic. well, unravel.
maybe unsteam for the next one
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Avast finds a virus in the setup - Win32:MalOb-IJ [Cryp] (aside from the FileRepMalware). Are you sure this has been checked and is safe?
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The method used to crack games is similar to the method used to code malware! Anti-virus programs will detect the crack as a virus and delete it, even though it isn’t! :)
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Thanks Theodore
2D souls game? Imma try if it is..
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Is this as good as Hyper Light Drifter?
Blue Bomber
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Delta Omegabeam
They said early access but this game is actually a finished game with all levels, power and even an ending (I don't know if there is more)