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Ultra cool iconic video game! Which game in this series weren't 🙁😁❤️
automatic crack application broken apply crack manually
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how about need for speed Hot Pursuit remastered game from 2020 , what is with that game, still wasnt cracked? is it has denuvo protect?
i have application load error 5:0000065434
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Kuba Woźny
Okay, so, i tried to install this, runned into several errors, fixed those errors, and then the game does not start. INSTEAD, it opens Steam page of the game.
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Geralt of Riva
i read this comment so fcking often... you need to copy the crack in the game files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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welp!!! why does the application error? in what ways to fix it?
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still work today?
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Yes, use MegaUP links
Casey Jones
Does this include the DLC cars?
unoriginal name
it will be a cold day in H E C C when they reupload the links to google drive...
unoriginal name
if someone reports the megaup link, then a re-upload can be requested
Afi Fullah
This game include latest dlc ?
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César Augusto
links off
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Michał Moskal
i have steam error how can i repair this
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It doesn't work. :-(
There's no activator in the crack folder..there's only the game's exe file. How do I get the activation code? Pls anyone
Tz Gaming
no link works
Ronald Mimo Sanchez
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Trinity Seven
Please Re-upload the the Link in http://Mega.co.nz:
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unoriginal name
why would you want http://mega.nz? it's just as slow.
use google drive. it's much faster. (but the links are dead)
They do not re-upload unless all parts are unavailable across all hosts. The http://megaup.net links are still active. Just go to their download page and when the countdown ends and shows the download now button, just right-click it and open it in a new window. This will start the download.
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Rebel One
mega up can go to hell, it is slow as snail. i got 4g internet and i have to wait 2 days for (far cry 3 (5gb) no, thanks. i was thinking that this page is from peoples to peoples, but admins do not care for us. Ocean Of games went wrong. where i am supposed to download games now ? to hell with mega up. google drive is best option.
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Feeling bad I downloaded in 10 minutes.
4G internet is pretty slow depending on a lot of factors, it's not even broadband don't expect anything fast.
MegaUP works just fine for me. I get full 48MB/s download speeds on gigabit internet, sure it isn't the full 125MB/s I have but it's not slow at all.
Mama Grenadier
no. that's just ur trash pc LOL
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unoriginal name
it's probably trash internet, not a trash pc.
because the internet is very slow where I am.
Rebel One
my trash PC ? intel core i7 vPro and 8 gb ram is trash ? ur life is trash, and thats why u are mean and agressive against peoples on internet, LOL. get a life, throw complexes away and ul be fine.
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vPro and 8GB isn't very good, and you haven't specified your GPU. If you don't have a GPU, it is trash,
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well vPro and 8GB RAM isn't really good in 2020 actually
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Rebel One
well, not all of us got mommy or daddy who buy us PC. we adults need to pay for car, for house, for food, for clothes, and many many more things. u will understood when u be as old as me. (also, i didnt mean this messega as attack, im just telling u, so do not take it as werbal fighting)
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werbal? Yea, sure. You're a kid. I know.
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Rebel One
look whos talk. u act as kid. im 20 years old and already live alone, u know how hard it is ? how much money it costs ?
look up into replys on my comment. on first, u act actually normal. Mama Grenadier below u acts like toxic kid. unoriginal name have right answer in normal comment. then i get little ofensive, sure. but that one was adressed to Mama Grenadier. i just cant withstand toxic spoiled bitch kids with complexes. then u. typical flexing kid that learned tech, but still have everything or almost everything by parents. and if ur adult and u paid it urself, then i dont understand why u behave like flexing spoiled kid. maybe complexes from past ? from childhood ? Shinka speaks normally. then my again messege, adressed to u. and then message i reply to with this one.
PLUS. didnt specified GPU cuz i dont even know what it is. not all of us are tech types. and sure, cmon, reply another toxic lines on this comment too, i dont care. Not for spoiled, toxic, or complexed kids or peoples. and even when u was hostile. i wish u nice day
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Been 5 days with no reply. I've proved my point
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Trinity seven was just asking to get the mega links, what went wrong with you two ?
Rebel One
been 5 days without reply ? u mean u didnt reply for 5 days or u mean me ? if u mean me, it is because disquis showed me u writed something just today. proved ur point ? which one ?
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That I confronted you and had no response.
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Rebel One
oh well, bout that i writed little up, arent i ? "if u mean me, it is because disquis showed me u writed something just today. proved ur point ? which one ?" thats what i already sayd.
u didnt got ur response because i was no on mail, cuz i got better and more important things to do than just reply to someone on internet. it was not because of my loose of words, so u proved nothing.
Now you're making me laugh. If you're not a kid, you clearly haven't gotten very far learning English. The only one acting like a "toxic kid" is you here, bud.
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Rebel One
making u laught ? hm... i didnt care ? nope, im not kid. clearly havent gotten far with english ? what u mean by that ? no using anything except basic letters ? it is cuz im too lazy to write those small thingies that goes between em. should know whats GPU before get into pc gaming. well, no. im not one of those wannabe utlra mega profi gamers. i play games for fun with friends or for story. GPU is something that sounds technically, and since im not tech type, theres no need for me to try remmember meaning of something i cant remmember even if i try. i do act like toxic kid ? maybe, im OK to admit i do when someone pisses me off too much. im simple non-ultimate human beign after all. AND IM NOT UR BUDDY, to make it clear. so DONT adress me like that. thanks.
Here are some of the toxic things you said:

ur life is trash, and thats why u are mean and agressive against peoples on internet, LOL. get a life

oh, and I do think you know what a graphics card is. You said this in another thread:

yeah, sure, invest on 4gb graphic card at least.... do u know how this shit costs ? i barelly earn enought money to feed my house, myself and my car, i dont have money for overpriced parts. do u think bout peoples who doesent have as much money as u have ?

okay, got small issue here
is issue in game, or problem is that i got no additional graphic card on pc, but basic one ?
my graphic card: Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000
intel core i7 vPro, 8gb ram

Oh and yea, an Intel HD 4000 is complete shit. Your PC is shit.
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Rebel One
from up to down:
yea, i sayd that, and i still think i was righ. peoples have no gf or friends, so theyre mean and agressive against others, especialy non-tech peoples on internet
of course i know whats graphic card, i didnt sayd i dont know what it is. i didnt know what is GPU or what that short stands for.
yea, i was right there too. those tech shit is too pricey. Really, why the more giga (like on ram) means higher price, when it is same fucking piece of exact same materials of exact same size ? oh yeah, money guzling into money horny corporational fat cats.
that is just graphic of mother board, but it does not mean that its trash, its just basic.
my PCs a shit ? welp, ur wrong. i got buddy whos good at tech and he sayd its far from trash/shit. it only needs new graphic card.
but i know, i know, u got everything from ur mommy or daddy, u didnt have to work hard for it, so its easy to speak mean like that. and if ur adult and u make money for that urself, then ur personas a shit, when u behave like that.
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my PCs a shit ? welp, ur wrong. i got buddy whos good at tech and he sayd its far from trash/shit. it only needs new graphic card.
mhhh. It's shit just because of the graphics card. 8GB of RAM just mediocre, can't comment on your i7 vPro because you haven't specified which i7, and the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU/Graphics Card) is the most important part of the entire computer when it comes to gaming. And based on this information, I'm 99% confident that your PC is just one of those budget laptops.
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Rebel One
do u todays kids know better than speaking "its shit" on everything thats lower on tech/power than ur things ??? i hate ur generation, thats why i got sterilized. but that doesent matter and doesent even interest u i presume. so back to pc stuff. didnt specified which i7 i got cuz i dont understand. i writed only what i got on sticker on pc. theres "intel inside CORE i7 vPro" plus i learned i got 8 cores. just now i know what GPU means, thank u for that i guess. maybe it is most important thing on pc, but as i sayd, its overpriced, so im just waiting till buddy buy new one for himself and he give me then his own (which can handle cyberpunk 2077 so i presume its far from shitty) one of budget laptops ? ur wrong. i got normal case pc from my old work which boss gaved me for good performance in work before i quit job (personal reason, not gonna write bout it here)
Funny how you can be incredibly toxic but your excuse is that you're right.
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Rebel One
im funny ? well thank u. incredibly toxic ? nah, dont think so. that im right is my excuse ? well, im doing my best to be as right as i can be. and using myself be right as excuse ? well, everyone whos right use it as excuse. and btw ur funny too. with talking "thats shit on everything thats lower or less powerfull than ur stuf. but what can i expect from todays generation kid.
btw do me a favour, dont reply to me never again. i mean it. ur as anoying as every kid on world. just dont write to me anymore.
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As you wish. You're just as annoying as this "flexing spoiled kid".
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Rebel One
i told u do not reply to me, didnt i ?
that means, DONT REPLY.
i aint gonna let u say last word
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need a reupload cause megaup is too slow
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unoriginal name
with vpn, it's even worse (less than 100KB/s)
as long as they are alive, they aren't re-uploading it.
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Lord Harold
lương Thiên Bảo
no DLC or update ?
Mr. Panda010213
application load error 5:000006534 , help
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The Bad
this is updated? ....
Gregory Soegiantoro
It's written "error reading application id. Please either write it to steam_appid.txt or use the launcer!" can anyone help?
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thank you sooooooooooooo muchh.................really appreciated
do i need a CD???? pls anwser so then i dont have to download all the parts when i need a CD bc i dont a those CD where is so much to download on it
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no you don't need a CD.
zaid habashne
i download it then i installed it but it didnt work ???
Anathapindika Wijaya
klo udh selesai Download di MEGA trs cara copy datanya gimana ?
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unoriginal name
for those who don't speak indonesian
if it's finished downloading on MEGA, then how do you copy the data?
(ps. i do not know indonesian, i used google translate)
Vijey Shaabill
why is the 7 part always error when i'm trying to download it? it happen on all link
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kjdachka asdkhaskd
Even though Google Drive part 7 is dead, you can still download all the other parts from google drive then download part 7 from MEGA and extract all as normal and it should work
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herman aja
part 7 in google drive eror
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Hello, I have no Idea where to find the NFSHP_Activator... its not in my iso folder where the crack is... can anyone help please?
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hey first of all thanks to you all guys for making these games available ...
The issue is, link of the part -7 of Need for Speed-hot pursuit 2010 is broken and by any means it cannot be downloaded.please Fix it...
google drive part 7 shows an error 404
part 7 is corrupted please re-upload
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From which host are you pulling - Mega, Google, etc?
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In which of these parts is the crack folder? I cant find it :s
Edit: Oh, okay, sorry, I found it. Its the Prophet Folder
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Mr. Panda010213
where ?
why do i see a bugatti in it
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Can't install it and i wait forever for this to finish and this happens? ugh T-T
Shank Bisquitz
If anyone is wondering about the activation code:
Open your mounted iso, go into the crack folder and run "NFSHP_Activator"
Press any key when it's done,
Then press cancel in the activation window,
My game started installing!
If this doesn't work i don't know
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i dont know why but it works
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Can someone help me with the installation, How do I get the activation code?
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Read Shank Bisquitz post that will help!You need to have the activation open when doing it and when it says cancel you click yes to cancel it!
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well i downloaded it and i need a activation code but i cant find it
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Read Shank Bisquitz post that will help!You need to have the activation
open when doing it and when it says cancel you click yes to cancel it!It's wierd
Rizky Xenocider
Google Drive Link Is Dead Pls Reupload This Game Igg Thanks if you can reupload it As Fast As You can
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The activator's does generate the key but it doesn't show in the activation window
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Read Shank Bisquitz post that will help!You need to have the activation
open when doing it and when it says cancel you click yes to cancel it!It must be a bug or something but it works.
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It Wont man I have it installed
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zaid habashne
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My Avira blocks the crack inside that Iso. Can you promise me that that thing wont kill my PC?^^
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not yet gamer
Hello, and no it won't, because the avira that the crack is a virus so just turn off your antivirus and crack the game, promise that it won't do any harm to your pc : )
its a false positive