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(10:30) Can't even run over dudes in a tank. :\
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(5:50) Why the hell is there a sports car...?
Features: "10 different big maps with different enviroments. Also one of levels is training area"
what an innovative and original feature
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Dark Sorceress
thought id try it based on the pics but not very good , gunshots sound horrible and the world feels empty aside from the tanks etc sitting around the large landscapes that are mostly empty
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P∪ssy Apostle
I guess youre never changing your ass. I'm sorry for trying to force a change on you..I just......there's just so many nice asses that could your pfp.
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Dark Sorceress
aw your fine im just super picky
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P∪ssy Apostle
I am too. Tell me did you know about...crusang?
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Dark Sorceress
https://e-hentai.org/uploader/Crusang this guy ? alot of good galleries just found him thanks i figure itll take me 20 min to get all his galleries downloaded , is this the right one ?
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P∪ssy Apostle
huh...so you didnt know about him before? Interesting. That's how im familiar with the artist of your pfp. Crusang/Faptain offered...fap assistance on his small website then he upgraded it to Pervify (you might be able to find archives of that as well) but a few years ago he abandoned it all...
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Dark Sorceress
yep totally didnt know about him lol , thanks ill check see what i can find in archives on f95 of him also , Hentai Foundry has alot of good stuff also may wanna check it out if you didnt know about it , i use it a good bit
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P∪ssy Apostle
Oh i know about that site. I have a stronger tool and now have over 400k images to sort through -_-
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Dark Sorceress
cool what are you using ? i use Bid and it works great on most sites
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P∪ssy Apostle
I can't believe you brush off my statement about 400k images with a "cool" lolwtf. I use a program from Github that can grab images from the popular H sites and download them for you. They add up quickly. What's Bid?
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Dark Sorceress
sry your right , 400 k is alot i agree very good collection : ) i was just interested in the program you used more at the time , Bid is Bulk image downloader its like 10 a year pretty cheap but it lets me run through websites pretty fast and supports almost every website i tried it on so far , i usually use it on rule 34 download 3600 or more pics at a time , using it often for years my collection has grown around 3 million + images about 100 k + doujinshi i download around 80ish a day , i like the way it can scan through multiple pages at once for images , i usually set it to around 80 pages at once though but you can set it much higher , but im always on the lookout for a even better program its just the best i found so far thats why i was interested so much in what you used , can i get the name of the one you use so i can check it out please ?
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P∪ssy Apostle
3 million?? Strange. I didn't think there'd be anyone in a similar situation to mine lol. My collection is so disorganizated, it's getting to me lol! How do you not go insane?! Do you have discord? I'll add you and send you the links.
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Dark Sorceress
lol i keep them very organized in folders for each one , for example my Overwatch folder has 90+ % probably of all overwatch hentai there is considering it has almost 40 k images and idk how many 100 of videos in it all organized into multiple folders 1 2 3 etc around 5 k images in each folder aside from my video folders for it , i try to keep them all updated some daily some monthly , depends on how often they upload to each category for example they add around 20 new overwatch hentai pics a day to the net far as i see and yep my discord is Wild Assassin#3982 add me if u wanna
Iale Idioma
gold is overrated
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Blue Bomber