Fixer 10
This one is just "okay". Not really interesting enough for me to remember but I can certainly finish it. Fizza is okay, but compared to what I read before, she's really not special I guess. Kelton is bleh, I don't really care about that guy, the Queen is... Chinese? Wu Xiao really? You have Fizza, Kelton, and Adrianos then there's the Queen who's named Wu Xiao? Why? Eh, if you want a quick read that is likely forgettable, this is for you, but if you want something good, youre better off skipping this. Man, I just wish they stop sending 100,000+ words only books because I find them to be often lacking.
Every time a choice of games story comes out people flock to the comments to complain.
Considering how every single Choice of Games has it, I would say the stupid gender shit is insisted by the publishers and not the writers themselves.
Sotter Pappaioannou
Fairly straightforward story that you can see the twists a mile away.
Weak romance.
CoG authors are supposed to be handpicked. I expected this kind of quality from a hosted game author.
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David Sandoval
huh.. weird because usually the best stories come from hostedgames and not CoG
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Tingle time, peepee out, waifu actually interested in talking to you simulator....
SFW version.
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Meanwhile, there is this other game, Lichdom: Battlemage.
That said, fuck this game.
war for the west is still superior to these
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Sotter Pappaioannou
I wholeheartedly agree
Cyber Nukem 3D
Don't worry guys this is the book containing all the potions and magic spells
lel memster
One more thing, and this is not a joke. If you are interested in maxing out the stats and making yourself a god, cheat engine will not help. You need to go to the games steam page, and after steampowered/app/ there will be a number, in this case it is 1663950. Search for the number once you open your computer file. Let the computer find it, and upon search there will be 2 or 3 files named that. Click on each of them (Click on new window to not make the search screen disappear), until you find a file named remote in the 1663950. Click on remote and open up "storePSbattlemagePSstate" using notepad. Then, find the stats (For example necromancy:30) and change the number to your liking. Before you do any of this, play the text game a little bit., and do not restart the character. You can do this with any choice of games or hosted games game.
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David Sandoval
much easier to do so with ldplayer, just download the android version and go full apkeditor 1.8.27 on it, though many times you'd end with fuck-ups as the game is not made to have such high stats on some points etc.... though you can go to apkeditor again and fix your fuck-ups editing the ''checks'' it is annoying tho and you'll have to trial and error at least 3 times, safest number for everything is always 70 aside for money that can go as high as you want, also some games have cheat detection, there was a gladiator something game that wasn't interesting at all and was deliberately made to fuck your life as a cheater, though I still got around it and the game had a line that said ''you lowly cheater'' lol, the other one was hero or villain: genesis, though I still got around it, there are many chapters with a cheat detection function and you just have to go the .json file and edit that function to ''false'', anyway it's easy enough to do once you get the gist of it, you can even do this with games at dashingdon with the CoG function and downloading the archives from said game /scenes
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welcome to the mage guild,
what you wanna be?
gaymage, lesmage, or the most powerful bimage?
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Cat Mandu
Ah yes, bifrost, the rainbow mage
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but dun forget, the great scissors of lesmage can deal highest melee damage in the game.
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The Belmanz
I'd rather play as Pauly the Polymorph
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another game where i can play as a trolldier
fuck magic, crockets are better
lel memster
As long as i get to play as asexual and ignore the romance element of this game, these games become 10x times better and less cancer. The world would have been a way better place if all humans both biological male, female and hermaphrodite were asexuals who are born like Warhammer 40k Orks.
Niel Ivarez
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Blue Bomber
LoL, epic memes
Sotter Pappaioannou
Seriously, they should remake some of their games into a vn. The cover art is fantastic.
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bart man
nuff said
Juan Fertiago
Its still said, i have to buy the game, please help
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Cat Mandu
usually these text games will either have a LAUNCHER.EXE or LAUNCHER_X64.EXE in the folder, use that instead of the exe that has the game's name
WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
I really don't get it, if it has no sexual contents, why set players to be "male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bi, asexual, or poly." does the 18+ DLC included?
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if u are vegetarian, u gonna tell everyone. include those npc in game. this is a similar feature.
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WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
But being gay is different with being vegetarian, If i'm not 100% straight, i wouldn't tell another man his butt look good. >_<
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cuz u r not gay enough.
lel memster
To normalise proggresive idea of a 1000 genders existing (I am not right wing, in fact im a social liberal who supports gay marriage and adoption, but that shit is insane and nonsensical in all honesty.). Also you can see the pretty outlandish names like the queen of an European inspired culture being named Chinese, which is supposed to be in support of "Multi culturalism". Basically, imagine a setting inspired by 3 kingdoms, all names and culture are Chinese, and then you have a man named Donald Trump being a warlord, or the BBC "African dominated" Rome.. If you wanted to create a cultural hybrid society why not just go full pathologic and have Mongolian-Russian culture.
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TheForsakeen -
"BBC "African dominated" Rome.. " wait what?
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It's kind of like killer Africanized bees, only it's big black cocks.
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bart man
either British Broadcasting Corporation or big black cuck
lel memster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZH35n7SxW8&t=983s This explains it in short. Note that this man is not right wing and is a professional academic.
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TheForsakeen -
i see, well the show is shit and the guy is no academician but what does that have to do with rome?
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lel memster
It has alot to do with rome because they are potraying it to the children as if its real, as if its confirmed history, when it is not. They are actually projecting pseudo science about Rome. And the guy is an academician, he has been studying the Japanese language for 7-8 years and now teaches other people how to speak and write it. He is also very well read on history, checking and comparing actual sources, asking the professional historiic community, doing his research, and making a conclusion.
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TheForsakeen -
i have not actually watched the series but isn't the siege of troy like centuries before the rise of macedonia? rome was little more than a village then.
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lel memster
Yes, there is troy. But there is also a part where they "TeacH' abour Rome and Roman Brittania, did you watch the full video?
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TheForsakeen -
i see where the confusion spring from, i had honestly never watched the cartoon or the troy series and never will, when the op talked about rome i assumed he was talking about the 2005 series which it seems was made by the same network. In any case anyone who relies on tv miniseries for his historical eduction is not going to make it far in life.
And don't take everything the author say at face values, he has his own biases; he show you north africans as being light skinned yet these are berbers they pigmentation vary widely though they aren't black you cannot confuse them for europeans for the most part; historically they were discriminated against by their arabs rulers on account of their pigmentations.
WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
LOL, i'm a right wing and a ture Liberal on mind, that also makes me being true Multi cultrue's supporter. But True Multi culture is not the sheeet lefties & Liberals said. Multi culture exist only when people living in different places and develope their own cultures. If force all people living together that will create only one culture, a very sheeety communist culture, that will be a hell, nothing more. If lefties think to mess with conceptions and deny facts can save anyone's butts. they'd better take a look at kensington in philly, that is what leftie's multi culture looks like. frankly, that is hell on earth. However i doubt Liberals really don't know this after all there are so many examples from communist societies already, But to create a modern slavery society, you have to destory the old form of society, make people forget what they are, their own origins and cultures. With out cultures and pride and families, people would be too weak to resist modern slavery. one race= a slave race. (Just like druggies in Kensington). Anyway nice idea of you!
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lel memster
Well, i am perfectly okay with black people and other communities living in the US, and i am a supporter of immigration. I have no problem with more cultlures living in here now, or if the US was 70 percent colored people and 30 percent white. But if you are going to potray cultures, for example European, and 99 percent of that culture is European. You throwing in random Chinese names makes it out to be very forced and stale. It is not there to make the story more complex or have a Euro-Chinese hybrid society, it is simply there to spread your political agenda. Regarding the 1000 genders, i think biological sex does really exist (Male, female, hermaphrodite, the X and Y chormozone and a mix of it), and that the genders are stereotypes evolved from such sexes. So to me, the only accepatable genders are male, female and non binary/hermaphrodite. Of course you can be a biological male, but be more in line with the female gender stereotype. It is stupid to create new genders, because they are created just so that the individual can feel :"Special". Personally, what you are talking about is a nationalist ethno state. If you want this, you should just let the communists take over, because look at China now. It is a Han Chinese supremacist state masquearading as marxist. Look at Russia, an ex communist state, turned reactionary nationalist.
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Hey, the Dalai Lama said it best: "Keep Europe for the Europeans".
Isn't it cute how all these assholes want to destroy majority Christian-Caucasian with unrestrained immigration of people that share absolutely none of your values? People cry about what the west used to be in that it had majority of people that actually had the same values and race that aligned with them but they never reference practically every single other races home. Do these same fucks ever have crocodile tears that Japan is hugely majority Japanese and have been extremely racist about keeping it that way? How about Turkey? Thailand? Vietnam? Brazil? Peru? Columbia? Mexico? If we tried to do in their locales what has been done in the west, not only would the SJW's be crying cultural appropriation or colonialism or some horseshit, but the locals would slaughter us before we could even blink. It really goes to show you that the west is weak and when you open your arms and capitulate, you are just inviting in people to come fuck you.
I have no issue with other races and I'm even fine with immigration but when the immigrants don't even want to assimilate and they actually fucking hate you, why the hell are we doing this? Especially economic migrants. I've never seen so many fucking losers in the white race that just want us to be gone from the Earth. From the race that brought majority of the worlds inventions to basically wanting your culture to die. So we can replace it with what, fucking Sharia Law?
WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
If you invited too much people with different mindset moving into USA, that place will becomes a bigger Kensongton, anyway i'm sure Ameircan people are great in the past and they will continue being so if they want. They are very good at adjust themselves, Trump appeared was the first signal and will not be the last. Being an oversea Russian i would say I myself got benefited from real Multiculturalism. But it only work for well managed small places like Thailand, Singapore, also it is not the Liberal/communist style of Multiculturalism. They won't give you any welfare, if you can not fend yourself, you are out. They won't feed useless bums or welfare liberals who are totally being burdens in USA places like Kensongton, Philly, Portand, Cali etc. In their type of Multiculturism, You are welcomed if you can contribute. otherwise, you are a guest need to leave. That is what i call a real multiculturalism, goodies for winners. I won't tell you the race of winners here, that may piss off you, i care about your feelings. Anyway, i noticed you name 2 bad examples for one race nations. Russia, China. Bruh...I would respectfully disagree. Russia is shitty but not as shitty as Liberal's fake multiculturist nations, like Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, central Asian "Stan" nations. I think we have great potentials, when we finally walk out of pose-communist mindsets and got rid of autocracy. As for China, your judgement is not fair for them as well. To known the are still struggling under communism. Under that system no one could doing well. Don't believe? Just compare S.Korea and N.Korea, the same people, difference is huge. You can also compare Americans in "Communist states" & "republican states" Such as Detroit, Cali, portland, Pilly, there are huge tent cities, slums and drug victims that will make you drop your jaws. But in Republican states, tent cities are almost inviserable, you can not even name one republican city that full of druggies like Kensongton. If you truely want to compare one race on culture nations, there are some for consider. Japan, they refuse any non-japanese to move in (But they take in some Taiwanese, Koreans and Chinese...Japanese decedents live in Brazil if had non-Japanese blood will not be allowed to move in. What will you say? Racism huh? They don't care) And i fully support Japan on this, I hope there would be a real Japan with real Japanese culture for world people to enjoy, not another Venezuela, Kensington, skidrow those whatever holes. Considering European nations had already been ruined by multiculturism. Japan had becomes into my belief. She can prove Liberals and communists are totally wrong.
Because Choice of Games has made it its personal mission to ruin text adventures for everyone.
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David Sandoval
one good hosted game coming up would be mind blind, another one to take into account would be sword of rhivenia, I suggest you check dashingdon regularly, there're some wips there that 1000% outclass any completed interactive book either on CoG or Hosted
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Good to know there's still hope for the text adventure genre.
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Didn't unrelenting sleep triggers already ruin them?
I'm getting sleepy just talking about them. :D
Sotter Pappaioannou
I don't know. I believe that it is just a matter of author and luck.
CoG and Hosted Games have some good adventures. Here are some interesting titles:
-Fallen Hero
-Choice of Robots
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lel memster
Also, choice of rebels, choice of magic, sabres of infinity, guns of infinity, war for the west as edgy man put out, choice of wizard, vampire the masquerade, mask of the plague doctor. Possible future good games/novels: Lord of infinity, Vampire sequel, choice of rebels stormwright.