Iale Idioma
could be nice i doubt it has much single player value
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I tried it, nice to get a feel for the game but as you said. Not worth it alone.
It's 5,50 on steam so if one is interested in games like this, should be worth it even with the limited content atm.
The simple graphic style may actually be a merit here. A small dedicated team could make a great game out of this. Im really interested how this will work out in the future.
Killer Zer0X
Currently very shallow, looks like it has amazing potential however! I look forward to seeing what this turns into
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This could turn into a real gem in the future, yes.
WithAStick AngryWhiteMan
Battleships of deep space. Most likely would be things easy to build, cheap to maintain, such as sphere or cylinder shaped ships, attack each other with mostly missiles. If they happened to fight fact to face, and happened the ship looked like a ship in occean...Then why face enemies with gunwales where had very limited turrets, Why don't them use the top of ship to face enemies? so all the turrets could shot at enemies. Bug, big Bug @_@
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Real space combat is a lot of math and guessing, and isn't nearly as appealing as sci-fi combat.
The entire battle would take place far, far outside of visual range. Long range missiles, mass drivers and MAYBE high powered lasers. The biggest part of the battle would be figuring out exactly where your enemy is and where they're going, while not letting them find out where you are.
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Probably just missiles for the most part, they just get a ton of Δv and can adjust trajectory, so even a target wildly changing position at a distance can be hit. Lasers kinda suck since you need a bunch of power, the generation and use of which creates a ton of heat, and losing heat in space means massively vulnerable radiator arrays. Mass drivers just have problems hitting evading targets. Travel time is a *****, space is big, and if your opponent even just anticipates a possible attack, they could mix in slight but random trajectory changes and dodge by literal miles. Might be fine for surprise attacks, though.
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Is this playable singleplayer?
Hmm, sounds interesting. Question is if it makes sense in singleplayer.
SCORE ONE FOR THE REPUBLIC (i havent played this game but i couldnt resist)
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Imagine setting your profile picture to some character (likely not even gay) with a pride flag in the background. Why base your life around a group that's done so much bad shit? At least some people there can be normal.
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Doubtful. That would require the development of scripts that the CPU player can follow. It's complicated work.
My guess is that it will end up being like another one of those multiuplayer-centric games where the players operate ships.
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(4:00) You were trying to crash into the other ship, weren't you?
Nope, no "ramming speed!" for you. The devs haven't implemented collision physics yet.
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Blue Bomber
haha yeah, like in the starwars movie
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Ah... not a surprise. The scope of the gameplay - in particular the fighter combat, boarding and working the capital ship's terminals - does seem like a LOT for an indie dev.