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"Popular Game" tag doesn't seem appropriate for an 11 Comment Mixed Review Steam Game made by a 16 year old.
Another survival game, it seems that's all they do these days.
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Dont know where youre looking for games but youre so wrong. Look the Ascent, 12 Minutes etc etc.
I dont know why this community is that dumb and thinks really that the dev is commenting on a piracy site just to insulting other people. Bruh, this is just an troll account and you all think its the dev.
Tell me, how it actually makes sense in your "brains" that a dev is chilling out on a piracy site like igg games, just for checking if his game got cracked/ uploaded here?
It makes absolutely no sense, right.
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Ever hear of GreenHeart Games?
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
You sure about that? Please check this links then and use that "brain" inside your head if you still think dev can't do exactly that...
Just some of the fine example of game dev and their game being pirated.
EDIT : also fun fact, thanks to the game dev rants, this game has become featured game in IGG front page
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Okay and now use your brain and IMAGINE that every human with a PC and some internet can create a dis account :D
Your links proofs nothing, so stop doing like they actually do proof your argument.
Everybody can create a account and insult people in the devs name - IMAGINE THAT BIG BRAIN.
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
cat bites your tongue for so long?
then we have to wait for the real person to clarify the "fake" then, one way or another
El oso del acoso sexual
Have you met some of these devs?. A prime example is the dev of Yandere Simulator. Some can be really mental. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xkF-ErK2l4
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Well, if the guy in the comments really is the dev for this game he really did a lot to hurt his game here. IGG isn't a small community, always a bad idea to freak out in a public space (IGG forums).
If the guy in the comments isn't the dev this was a really effective sabotage. I don't even want to try the game now after the comment section tantrum.
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
good idea
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Cat Mandu
Well, the store page on steam says the dev is 16, so it makes sense to me tbh. Probably just going through the tough guy phase if it is the dev.
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
Damn but let me laugh, the two of us are the more mature. Whoever starts a business is 16 years old and earns his own salary. Who manages absolutely everything around and who succeeds (because yes despite this site, the game is selling well). Or the adult who doesn't have the money to buy a $ 5 game. Shouldn't you be at work and making a living? Rather than stealing? What you do IS theft, it's not up to you to decide what is moral or what is not, grow up ...
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Combat Fox
I'm not too sure about this statement haha. This site has been very useful to me to test games before I buy it and waste my money on games that I don't like... You can't really judge how fun games can be just by watching it... You need to play it yourself to get the feel of it
Cracked / Piracy games have its own disadvantages like LONGER loading screen, file problems which affects the game (crashing and such), missing features (online, workshop contents and stuff), and many more.
Buyers also have their own things to worry about before giving away their money.
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The reason adults pirate games and kids buy them is because adults understand that there's no room in life for throwing away money and 90% of game purchases are a let down.
I haven't tried your game, for obvious reasons, but understand this please. Disposable income is not the metric that life is scored on... it seems like it is when you're young but the only thing that really matters is time.
That being said, I'd rather spend as little time at work as I can and have as much time as I can to do the things I enjoy. I don't have tons of extra money because I don't work much, what I do have is time and I'd rather spend the time pirating games before buying them because I can't afford to throw money away.
You call it theft, I call it forced demonstration. Show me your product is worth a shit... if it is I'll buy it. Devs used to stand by their products and offer demos, now devs want to sell you portions of unfinished games and then maybe finish them if they feel like it.
If you want less people to pirate games then you need to offer demos and quit abusing the early access moniker. Whether you truly are the dev for this game or not, these are my feelings on pirates vs dev trends. I hope you understand I hold no ill will towards you I literally don't care about this game (not my thing), I'm just trying to tell you this is not a good way to build a community for your game... if people here like your game, some of them would have bought it, some of them might not, but now they just won't because of this tantrum.
It costs you more money to harass the pirate community than the pirates are costing you in profit, we're gonna download things and try them out whether you like it or not.
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Yggdrasil Burnes
This. Entirely this. Piracy is not theft because nothing is lost. Those of us who need the extra push to actually support a game will buy it. Those of us who just want shit for free will take it without a hint of mercy. This is just how things are. Piracy has almost always been a service issue, but now it's simultaneously a product issue as well. So much shovelware garbage and low-effort stuff, and shitty people asking for money for it... you can't just give your money away anymore. Caves of Qud for example. That was such a huge shitshow it's a wonder the reviews are still so high.
couldn't have said it better myself
Sure, the dev have nothing better to do as to creating an diquis account to insutling this kid community, bruh.
Bro, how youre hurting your brain that much? Tell me what youre smoking bruh.
Never seen a logic like yours. When you dont know if it was the real dev or not, why you let influence yourself by a comment like that????
And why should a dev chilling out here on a piracy site just to check every day if his game got cracked or not? How makes this sense in your eyes?
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Devs come to this site fairly often (cool ones usually), multiple times we've had Devs come and just ask us to please buy the game when we can, another Dev gave out Steam codes for legit copies of their game... oh and this isn't the first person to rage and claim to be a Dev.
Like I said in the comment, it was my opinion on the subject, whether he was legit or not I think it made sense.
As to what am I smoking, currently some Bubba Diagonal and at the time of the comment I think I was on some Motorbreath OG, or Greenline, hard to remember of course.
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Yeah, I can imagine that youre actually smoking some junk. Your logic proofs that actually.
BTW, everyone can create an dis account. There is no proof that it was the real dev or a troll. I can make a account too and say Im the dev of this game and insult you to destroy the image.
Some brain is good game.
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I literally addressed the fact that it may not be the real Dev...
Also shit talking someone's logic without any argument or input is a waste of time and just meant to be an insult.
Two posts a month apart with insults and no input, my guess is that whenever you're feeling bad about yourself you just insult someone on the internet.
I'm sorry you have this compulsion, please seek help.
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I wanted to buy the game but the dev seems to be a jerk, too bad i'll keep my money :c
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
Keep your money, being on this site was already too much to be one of my clients
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That doesnt make you a client. You dont offer a service, nor do you communicate with people that bought your game, though that doesnt seem like many did after this.
That comment is so much better than the game (i think...)
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Ichigo Kurosaki
since i came back to see after 2 months, cause i played different games on ps4, and i still see other a fucking trash games not this, but a different.. i wish i never come this web again.
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What the fuck you expect? there aren't much games here because there aren't many games being released aside from indie games cuz covid that's why crackwatch closed their website until September
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Ichigo Kurosaki
covid is almost ended you know nothing news where might end or you dont need putting on mask outside, only shop. also, why you are here ? none will looking at you, i shaming you
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
oh so we're talking about covid? say hello to lambda if they reach your country, ok
also, have another downvote
are you stupid do you think it takes a few days to make a game? covid restrictions are very limited now (you still need a mask to enter stores)
but the fact that its lifted now means we will get more games in the future not now,
it takes months to years to create games so we are still feeling the effects of covid because all the time people were quarantined they couldn't go into the office to create games
Well, broke as fuck and complaining about the released games on this site. Wow, what youre smoking? Better stop or your IQ will drop any further to the buttom.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
many comments and no wonder nobody voting you up, its like nobody want you.
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lol, actually this comment made my day XD
Zero Upvotes and six downvotes.
But look, actually upvotes and downvotes are nothing special.
Likes or dislikes have nothing to do with your actual opinion. For example: You can have an opinion and arguing with facts. So tell me, if someone dislikes your comment, are your OFFICIAL facts wrong then? No, so I dont really got what you mean with your comment.
Hmm yes, you made 3 comments, not a single upvote, maybe shut the fuck up ?
to pay for my studies!
WTF dude!, Most game dev earns nothing.
If you want to earn money, then you can work for some company working in some soul-less java project, you could earn a lot more, and you can program and do games in your spare time.
Yggdrasil Burnes
To the dev, nobody is destroying your work. This is ridiculous. Fighting against piracy is only going to backfire on you. If Piracy and lack of sales bothers you, you're really just going to have to get over it. This is an inevitability of an internet of infinite distribution. If someone doesn't want to pay you for real goods, they will have to physically take it, removing that item from the rightful owners grasp. If someone doesn't want to pay you for digital goods, all they need is a reupload, and it's an infinite stream of downloads. If you want to turn "borrows" into "buys," threatening potential customers is never a good idea. You have a solid sandbox game in the works, but you need to give it more identity and some spit shine. I'd lean more into the carnivorous plants angle, and put more effort into gussying up the game and it's marketing, but that's just my two cents. Talking mad shit like this is only going to hurt your bottom line and reputation.
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in the streets he says
you wont even long last 1 week here where i live you lame fuck
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
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just the typical retard who cannot hurt a fly, instead the fly will hurt him xD
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
You've never done anything in your life, you just denigrate the work of those who work but you wouldn't even dare tell me to my face
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Toothless Reads
i would see it as advertising tbh - the only reason i myself pirate games is if i cant afford them and want to try them out before buying - if i hate it i uninstall and never look back - if i like it i uninstall the pirate and buy it, but with your attitude here i won't do either ;)
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
exactly what I did to "Papers, Please" and "Songs of Syx" after several hours of gameplay and even finish the game
the amount of crap games that are unoptimized pieces of crap this place has helped many of us avoid is ridiculous. once steam early access became a thing now every other game maker just pumps out half finished games with less than honest advertising. most if not all here buy their games they like after seein it works on the comp. if its a shit game.. well its a shit game :D
Lou Bannister
Might be the same retard who love his doll GF... \o/
• Votre aimable serviteur •
Eh les fils de putes qui volent mon travail ?! J'ai bossé seul deux ans sur ce jeu ! Parfois 16-17 heures par jour ! Pour le vendre a un prix honette, vous méritez de mourir sincèrement, je pèse mes mots, entièrement !
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James Miller
Je peux comprendre ta réaction, mais elle est irréfléchie. On est beaucoup à suffisamment s'être fait enfler par l'industrie du JV pour ne plus avoir envie d'y mettre de thunes, alors on se méfie et du coup on choisie la solution sans risques, même si c'est effectivement du vol. Maintenant faut pas voir que les côtés négatifs, beaucoup de personnes qui n'auraient peut-être pas acheté ton jeu vont quand même le découvrir et l'apprécier. A chier comme ça sur des potentiels clients tu risques juste un bad buzz et de saboter toi même ton travail.
Lis la réponse que j'ai faites sur ton com plus tot wesh !
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
tkt j'ai lu merci frero, si j'en retrouve un je l'eclate
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mdr trkl, mais honnêtement calme toi, ça sert à rien de t'énerver. Tu vas juste te fatiguer pour rien. Ce serait ouf de faire du reverse engineering et voir comment le crack a été fait pour pouvoir le patch. Perso j'ai pas (encore) les compétences pour mais tu peux ptt regarder.
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sachant qu'il ne sais pas dev(non le code visuel c'est pas du dev), ca m'étonnerait qu'il puissent faire du reverse engineering
• Votre aimable serviteur •
tkt, j'ai juste a empecher de créer une ile lorsqu'il n'y a pas de lien avec steam, ces cons vont la mettre sur leur site, et hop jtebaiz
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ce sera crack en 30 secondes par les teams de crack mdr
euh ouais mdr jsp si le jeux est solo ou multi mais tant que tu auras une aventure solo, il y aura toujours moyen de crack et y jouer😅
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
Le jeu est solo, et multi mais j'ai mis dans le code que lorsqu'on lance une partie, cela crée automatiquement une session, pour que ses amis puissent rejoindre !
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ah sympa, c'est pas un bordel comme gmod ou mc mdr
if you are not Valentin Supiot, don't bother to read the rest of the comment
Ce n'est pas les gérants de ce site qui ont cracké ton jeux mais le groupe Plaza. Tu ne dois pas t'étonner que ton jeux se fasse cracké vu que même des géants comme rockstar le sont. De se que j'ai compris, la protection de steam est éclaté si c'est celle que tu as utilisé :/ Ce site ne fait que publier le crack et il se retrouvera sur d'autre sites également. Si tu veux en savoir plus sur se qu'est Plaza ainsi que les autres groupes de la scène, il y a une excellente vidéo faite par Monologix sur youtube qui en parle. Je sais que c'est frustrant mais c'est comme ça, c'est ta commu qui va te soutenir en achetant le jeux au lieux d'utiliser le crack ;)
PS: ne prends pas mal mon commentaire, je ne veux pas être méchant/ blessant mais juste honnête. Tu peux être fier de ton travail !
lmao the dev threatening to kill people in the comments. what a mess
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Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
I got one too, too bad admin delete that. If only dev has more time to develop their game than throwing threat smh...
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John Neo
He has passion, I'll give him that!
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
released 3 days ago, 4 purchases without review.
Surprisingly its not early access
and what the fuck is wrong with the dev? can't they pick other music for their trailer and stop roaming around the base for their trailer?
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probably dev forgot to add the EA tag
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Bunda cagada
this may be the SHITTIES GAME OF THE CENTURY ! https://media0.giphy.com/media/6nuiJjOOQBBn2/giphy.gif
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
I don't know if you know about it but I'm doing this game alone! This is my first video game and I am doing it to pay for my studies, you are destroying all my work!
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Cat Mandu
runs on w7, i highly suggest looking into options/controls the first thing since the initial keybindings are fucking weird
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
I am french, we are not using same keybinds ! Why did you stole my game ??????????????
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Cat Mandu
different morals, i don't see anything wrong with the yarg life, in addition to that, i see it more as counterfeiting than theft, since nothing is lost. Also, EA indie games are a fucking crapshoot. Plenty of them look great in screenshots but make you want to fucking die when you load them up and actually experience them. Unskippable cutscenes are a sin btw, you might want to look into that
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
Nothing is lost ? If the money I deserve for working so hard. Several dozen people come to tell me that they downloaded it here instead of having bought it
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Do you really think someone except your parents or friends will buy such game blindly? Really? :v Perhaps you're right - people who buy it to crack and upload it somewhere else xD That's how it works. I think we both know the 2 hours is a ridiculous time to test a game enough.
I'll tell you something - I have ~200 games bought already, and ALL of them went the same road: they was cracked, uploaded, then I downloaded them, I was playing it long enough (exact time differs from game to game) to decide "yeah, it's a good game, I want it", and I bought it, just to pay the authors money for their good work. Most of us are probably people like me - people who was cheated more than once by game devs who make their games very appealing at the beginning, but not so good after you'll play longer. I would be buy exactly 5, maybe 6 of my games at most, if I couldn't check them properly before buying.
With Grandiose it could be similar, because I love survival sandbox games. That's why I'm here - to download it, test it, and perhaps buy it later. But after I see your pathethic behavior, I will fullfill your fckin' wish - I won't download it. And won't buy it, and will discourage all of my friends from it, because it's dev is just some dick.
Get your shitty game and stick it deep into your ass, you just made very, very strong antimarketing by your stupid behavior.
• Votre aimable serviteur •
But how can you be so stupid ?! Life is not, I invent my own morality and I do what I want, this game is not yours you don't have to decide what to do with it, you didn't buy it, you don't play it. It's up to the creator of a work to decide what to do with it, not up to you ...
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Cat Mandu
someone originally had to buy the game to share it in the first place, kind of like how people were against public libraries when those first came out.
if i buy a second hand copy of a game the original devs still won't get a slice of that, so the logical solution is to obviously shut down gamestop, thriftstores and yard sales right?
Overcooked Icecream
Firstly, don't get mad at me. I haven't downloaded your game
(illegally or otherwise) nor do I have anything to do with this whole
affair, I'm just nosy.
Just wanted to say that being here is probably worse for your own mental health than anything else. You'll find nothing but spite, subious morals or empty pockets.
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"
Blue Bomber
I can't travel the Sea
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meh of the year i suppose
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• Votre aimable serviteur •
J'ai l'envie profonde de prendre ta tête , de la couper de la faire frire de la manger de la chier, puis de l'envoyer au président russe, Merci !
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continue de rêver frenchie
Blue Bomber
this is just a survival game on an island, we can not travel the sea, but i dont know after the dev give some update after
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(5:30) His arms move so ridiculously fast.
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Blue Bomber
STILL more content than Sea of Thieves.
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Helpless players who refuse to watch the horizon and throw fun tantrums when robbed is all the content it needs.
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That worked for a year... a good year, but it's pretty stale now. The game is as empty as the map.
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For me it was half a year, but that's 5.8 more months more than I expected to be entertained by SoT, so not complaining.