Pinhook Meiosis
This is so stupidly hard , the meter should not stack. It should go down when your not moving.
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You must use the pain to distract the guards, so it is not as hard however it is ragequit.
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There were games that did the "build up meter and alert enemies" before, or they have segments like these. (I remember there was an adventure game in which the player character farts uncontrollably and gives away its position.) They were awful.
This one doesn't do any better. Also, the "Lvl. 1" under the meter suggests that it just gets worse.
Blue Bomber
a bit hard because he screams a lot
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Genç Türkler
This is not screaming, this is pooping... LOL
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I can already imagine that emptying the pain meter before the next building segment would be hella annoying.
The limits of the sight cones are also rather nebulous.
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Oh, grud. No. Especially when there is no quick restart button and the player has to listen to that "try again" bullshit (which lasts for one too many seconds).
Also, that map is near-useless. It doesn't show the exact layout of the building segments, which would have been much more helpful.
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how much you give it?
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Blue Bomber
its not good for me. boring and too hard
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Lmao, I love the end of the video. When you got caught, you don't have the keycard anymore unless you leave the room and come back in. And then you said F this. haha. If youre having trouble on level 1, level 3 is horrendous..
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Do NOT play this game unless you really want to smash your monitor. It has the most obnoxious mechanic in it. When you fill get to level 3 on your orgasm meter in the bottom left corner it fills up as you walk but this it has 10 notches until you scream:
1-3: nothiing
4: You stumble in a random direction which is usually right into a guards line of sight. This crap as well takes you into notch 5
5-6: nothing
7: You move at half speed and the screen gets hazy and red
8: Read 4 (but at half speed. This as well kills an entire notch and moves you to notch 9)
10: You scream which alerts guard in your area to where you are. The great fun of this is that the scream freezes you for 2 seconds while they are still moving. If you are right next to them but they are looking away while you scream, they will immediately turn to you and you will be caught. Getting caught is an 8-10 second transition between trying again and you cannot skip that sequence.
If you are not a masochist, do not play this game. The ending sucks too. Just avoid..
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Oh.... oh... That random stumbling is the killer. This is worse than the other effects.
.... orgasm meter?
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Well, he does moan when it fills up. :'D
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Cover reminds me of the Last of us 2 meme-train...
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