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The irony was that the giant robot was ultimately reprogrammed to identify the remnants of those who made it as enemies.
Also, some Fallout purists hated that robot. They consider it to be emblematic of how far off the third game is from the narrative of the first and second games.
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Sometimes somebody who "made" you,
IS an enemy.
Made you less then you should be,
for their own power over you.
Sometimes a re-programming/re-education,
is a repair and correction.
How do you find,
the mass murderer who did it!
Who had something to gain from it?
That's the first place to look.
Turn that rock over and you might find a HISTORY of evidence.
TOP Games GamePlay
dont buy or download this game, total shit !!!!
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(4:00) Fuck man, it's like the developers didn't even play test this. If they had, they would have walled off that alley.
(4:10) Really? Fucking really? The player character just fell off the game world.
Thanks for putting in the time to show that this dross is a slapped-together piece of shit, by the way.
Blue Bomber
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What the fuck is with this writing...
So the game begins with a phone call. I was expecting voices for the conversation over the phone and .... fucking text only. Okay, I can accept that this is a budgetary limitation.
From what I can read and parse from the text, the two persons ("我", as in "me", presumably the player character, and "女", "lady" in this context) know each other - apparently well enough to avoid even using any names. Okay, this I somewhat accept; there had been stories that begin with this enigma.
On the other hand, the use of "女" to refer to the task-giver in the text is rather silly. Voice-overs might have given clues about the genders of the persons involved in the intro (as unreliable as these clues are in the modern day, of course); with just text, the concealment of the persons' identities could have been easier. But no, the other person has to be referred to as "女" in the writing.
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Consul Hunter
lol 21th century bullshit for you.