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Luke Shanley
don't even play geometry dash much but why does this look like one of those flashy graphics user levels except you have full control
Misafir Oyuncu
Blue Bomber
the gameplay looks like super meat boy
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Oh, no... I sock at precision platformers...
Great platform game..pretty challenging. :) https://youtu.be/S8zk-owMaMs
Niel Ivarez
I'm half-way through the game and It is great.
It is a 'precision platformer' and it gets quite challenging if you are taking the completionist approach (which is intended by the game). But mechanically the game is very solid and fantastic so when you fail you never feel cheesed.
Overall, it gives me a "The End is Nigh" feel when playing it. It truly is:

Update: Finished the game in 4 sessions within a total of ~5 hours. And by finishing I mean, finishing the main stages which are 7 chapters. It got progressively more challenging but comparatively it is more forgiving than your flagship platformers. There are usually more than one way to do each obstacle and apparently the game is intentionally designed that way.
At the time I saw the end credit I was at ~70% completion. The reason being, you have to go back and redo earlier stages to access previously locked places.
Overall, very good game. If pure platformers are your thing, you'll have an exceptionally good time.
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reminds me of celeste
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Black Hell
just saw igg upload a game,
is it RE8, no its Sockventure
p.s I'm not shitting on this game
Niel Ivarez
I'm playing this one, hoping this Sockventure is not a ... suckventure.
Good reviews on Steam as well.