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new link plz
Steam must be running to play this game (SteamAPI_Init() failed). how to fix
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is this a mugen game? it looks really shitty
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Chandlier Mirage (Emre Uzair)
No, as someone who played the game, its really fun
as they say, don't judge a book by its cover
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Naomi Konoha
yea its a total hidden jem
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how do i crack the game?
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Extract the iso file. inside the iso there should be a folder named PLAZA.
Install the game if you haven't, then copy all the contents of PLAZA folder and paste inside the game directory (to find the directory, right click the game's shortcut and click open file location)
Awesome game cracked.
Good luck.
Have fun.
Learn coding and become a hacker
Lecaton Baumeister
Thanks for the game.
The last character that I test in the video is very broken.
Lecaton Baumeister
Unfortunately it crashes when trying to use Dark Heart (DLC character) in Versus mode.
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Dark Sorceress
its ok but id rather play Dead or alive 5 its way better
P∪ssy Apostle
I thought there'd be some new systems at least...Why did a entire new game have to be released? and how will I know it won't happen again? Yea. No. Screw you guys.
Yarielist Yggdrasil
old type for fighting anime ...
Somehow I feels like have seen this fighting system before ...
(and almost same ?)
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Allen Walker
man this game doesn't get much support or so I say then why does it take 4 years to complete just two dlc for two new playable character. for a moment or a year there I thought maybe the new introduce character will never get updated. 4 years that's long waiting for 2 additional playable character. guess not popular game took more and more time to air.
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P∪ssy Apostle
I cant remember the lore accurarely, but I think they were apart of SNK at some point then got downgraded to an indie team. 4 or 5 characters and a few arcana were planned but they didnt receive enough money.
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they made Samurai Shodown V didnt mean they are part of SNK. they are better than SNK already.
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they *were better than SNK already.