I'd like to make a suggestion. Can the Admin or someone in a ruling position, please, create a rule that encourages moderators to delete off-topic comments?

Seriously, people come to the FAQ page to seek "help" on some game issue, and that's not easy when you have to scroll through dozens of cringe and random displays of retardedness.

I get it. Some people have no life outside the internet, and use this as a desperate mean to communicate, but there are more appropriate places for that (maybe a Discord page?) I don't think the FAQ page (just like the Game Request page, for that matter) benefits its users by allowing such kind of nonsense.
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Soo true
why i can't download via Google Drive, there is a message "Access Denied"
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GDrive's ''Need Access'' page tricks a lot of people. It really just means the game was deleted. You need to choose one of the other download options.

If all the other download options are down, you can then go to the Game Request page (click to open), and request a Re-Upload (click the red words at the top of the page and read the rules first).
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I face the same problem too.Can you download from mega up?
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Someone knows how do I change Police Simulator: Patrol Officers language?
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I just realized that have a option in game: settings > audio > language. For anyone who needs too
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Is there a way to search multiple genres/tags
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This feature is currently not possible. You can use https://store.steampowered.com instead, then search for the game at this site
L'ag N
How can we know which versions exactly the games are available?

It would be good to add in the characteristics of the game a line containing the current version of the crack (example: v2.65.3) which will allow us to request updates of the game only when it is not up to date.

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We always try to add the version of the game to each post title. In some cases, we don't know which version, we will add the update date (eg v10.08.2022)... And this happens differently with quite a lot of games, even the developer doesn't mention their version.
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Not registred
Still adds are on top of the downloadbutton, I kind of gave up.
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why do i need to log in rockstar launcher when i run gta san andreas definitive edition??? i cant play the game please help
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Sounds like you either forgot to apply a crack, or your anti-virus quarantined the cracked files before you launched the game.

If you forgot to apply the crack, go and do it now.

If you didn't forget, then go to your AV's vault or quarantine zone and restore those files, also adding them to your AV's exception list.
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omg thank you so much.i downloaded for my lil brother and he's so excited now ..thanks again
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can you guys possibly add more genres for games?
Please add FIGHTING in the Genre section most of them or all of them are mixed in ACTION, its kind hard searching for them
Hi, i'm a great fan of your work,and I need to ask something specific, a couple of months ago,a friend of mine downloaded Darkest Dungeon via torrent and unfortunately, he was infected by a trojan,i would like to know if you keep the torrents up to date and safe frequently,i really love this site and i'm need to know if the torrent options are secure again
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All our releases are clean, I think your friend downloaded it from fake sites, or fake accounts on torrent sites. Can you ask your friend for more information?
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Hi again,he used the torrent magnet link from the pcgamestorrents for Darkest Dungeon around october 15 ,2021 and he had to format his pc
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i guess he downloaded the wrong domain, there are many fake domains, we only use pcgamestorrents.com and .org.
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Is there a way to search multiple tags?
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Not at the present, no.
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Hi, I just downloaded Hitman 3 but when I mount the ISO with Daemon Tools I have a security alert of the Setup.exe (Heur.AdvML.B) so I can't launch the game, is it normal ?
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Are you using Norton, by any chance?

The fact it starts with "Heur" pretty much means your software didn't detect anything it can recognize for sure, but through heuristics it assumed it looks shady.

Heuristics are great for people who are a bit paranoid about viruses, as it "warns" of danger at the slightest sign of something shady.

In other words, it's "normal" that some AV software will complaint about it, since it's a cracked game, but you don't have to worry about it being infectious to your PC because IGG-Games doesn't upload infected games.
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Yes indeed I use Norton, perfect thanks a lot for your explanations ! :)
I was also surprised because I never had any problems with the games offered on the platform.
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Hi,I downloaded Field of Glory 2:Medieval and I can only play base game factions.All dlc factions are locked.What do i do?Game is supposed to have latest update with all dlc-s..I even played older version of the game (before Sublime Porte dlc ) and everything was just fine.
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Hello, theres a game uploaded on igg called Dummynation.
the game just doesnt work, whenever i click play (singleplayer), it asks for internet connection. is there any way to bypass this? thanks in advance
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Muse Dash DLC not working
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i cant use igg-games.com becouse Uploaded Image it stuck here
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Just refresh the page, every 5-6 seconds or so. After your second or third refresh, the page should load as normal.
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so i was wondering if you can install all parts of a game at the same time or if you have to do them in order? thanks in advance
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Do you mean download each part of the game separately or can you do it all at once. If that's what you mean then yes, you can download all of them at once!
Olaf Darkpassenger
If you download a game in more parts, you have to extract these parts first. Try reading and watching these tutorials.
If you are talking about a game and patches/updates for it, then yes - install them in the right order.
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I was talking about downloading them from the site, not extracting them, but thanks anyway!
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At what time does the requested games list gets updated?
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There's no specific time.

However, the list is updated, roughly, every 3 days.

At the top of the page you'll see the latest list of games, but if you scroll through the page you can also see the previous two updates (so, more or less, all updates from the past 9 days).
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Hey when i look for a game this appears:
Checking if the site connection is secure
igg-games.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

It never disappears i can wait for hours, what do i do?
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ZaWarudo Scrumpeeh
Ey a workaround to that is to refresh the page again to unfreeze it!
Hello a Comment i left explaining to a new person how to actually get to the download link (he thought the popups downloads he was getting were the download and thought the website was a virus host), I.E. right clicking the mega link until you get past all the popup links then repeating that then checking it to see if the download is more than a few megabytes so you know its not just a popup download, was auto deleted and now my comments are un verified. (I assume i was shadow banned?) In the comment i criticized the recent addition of timed popups on the website (like how i cant even type this message without having to reclick the type box ever 10 sec). So i am wondering if this criticism is some sort of rule i broke, i also mentioned that we pay IGG sourcing of these downloads through these adds so its generally a fair trade, i didn't mention where you get the downloads or anything as obviously sending ppl off site would be antithetical to having a comment section in the first place. So i am unsure why i had my comment deleted and my account unverified. I have been using this site for 3 years without issue and generally like using the comment section (most because of how based you guys are about memes and not banning me for saying offensive jokes and such). I would like to know what if anything i did wrong, i apologize if i broke some rule i wasn't aware of but from everything I've done and said in the past 3 years I've never had this happen before. You of course don't owe me an explanation but id be grateful for one. I don't know if the unverified thing is a permanent thing or what's going on but if you tell me what not to do il gladly just not do that thing lol.

thanks in advanced either way.
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Do you have the latest version of CIV 6? 1.0.12?
I'm trying to play local with my brother but I think I need the latest version for it to work.
Or if you have tips on how to make local work, let me know.
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I requested an update for Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga (v1.02.2). https://igg-games.com/symphony-of-war-the-nephilim-saga-free-download.html

However, even though the folder is titled v1.02.2, the files are from v1.02.1. How do I know? You start the game, in the menu it says the version of the game v1.02.1. Ok, that could just be the wrong number displayed... Fair enough. So I start the game, look for changes, that are meant to be in the newest version (being able to sell items in shop other than just artifacts, traits added to specific units, etc...), and the changes are not there. It's just the old version (v1.02.1) in a renamed folder... Like, I could continue playing the old version, sure, but this is really weird. Was this just a mistake of packing the wrong version of the game or what? I don't wanna sound demanding, but trust me on this. It is the old version of the game (v1.02.1), not the newest version (v1.02.2), that was updated this week.
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How can I see when the game was last updated?
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The title of the game page will usually have the version number, or the date it was last updated. If it doesn't, it probably means it's the original upload and hasn't been updated at all.

In the latter cases, you can download the game and check if there's a ".nfo" file. Open it to find out what the version of that release is.

Worse case scenario, download the game, and launch it. Somewhere on the starting page, options screen, or credits, you will see a version number.
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Why when I want to download in Google Drive tell me that I need some access and never respond or give me access
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It's a message that tricks a lot of users. It really just means the game was deleted.

That means you must pick another download option.

If, however, you find that ALL download options are unavailable, you can then go to the Game Request page (click to open), read the rules at the top (in red letters), and make a Re-Upload request for the game you want.
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Thanks and men it was a game that release yesterday and already is been delete.
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Adam Blade
it may have been reported.
Google drive is not OK with piracy and thus when several users report a file it ends up getting removed.
Unfortunately this happens alot especially on popular games, Gdrive links don't last very long.
If you're one those who get faster downloads using Gdrive like myself then I recommend using MultCloud or anything similar. It let's you turn megaup into Google drive links haha
What it actually does is upload the files in your Google drive account and it only takes a few seconds for the process to be done.
Then you only need to download them from your Google drive account. You have 15 gb by default so you only have enough for two 2 parts, uploading a 3rd one may result in failure.
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Hello, I am willing to provide "as much as needed" cloud storage for IGG-games

I wanted to know a way I can contact a responsible person on for more information
only if you're interested ^
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For donations, or any other offers of help, please visit the Donate - Share Game - Support page (click to open).
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everytime i try to use the search bar i get the "checking if connection is secure" screen indefinetly
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Just manually refresh the page every 5-6 seconds. The search results will load as normal by the second or third refresh.

Hope this helps.
Olaf Darkpassenger
The same happened to me twice.
First time, I had to empty my cookies memory and update browser.
Second time, I had to deactivate my AdBlocker, but only until new version appeared.

If nothing helps, you can always just use google search engine - I.E. "the sims igg".
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How are things with Hogwarts leegacy? Still not official crack?
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Arrr! It be cracked, matey~!
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Closed beta crack isn't public so the crack isn't released.
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VIPHelperRob Conner
The proper crack is supposed to be included along with the unlocked game in a release. But the crack does exist and it has been released (Please read on). That's all that the crack watch sites will say. They don't explicitly say that the crack is now available to anyone in the general public to use, just that it is available to anyone within the scene. We as "Leechers" (The end users or the general public) do not have access to the crack yet. The general understanding (Or hope) is that after a crack has been released in the scene, a scene group or P2P group will include it soon after along with the unlocked game.

Think of it like when you're ordering from a fast food hamburger joint. Even before you make your order at the register, the burger patties may already have been taken out of the freezer and are being cooked in preparation for customer orders. Those burger patties that are cooking/cooked are available for the other kitchen staff members to use to assemble the various burger meals for customers but does that mean that you can jump over the counter and grab a hot burger patty for your own consumption? Hell no! I hope that you can somewhat understand now.

For a thorough understanding of how the scene works and where we stand relative to the scene, see here (Click on the first link in that linked page but please do read the sentence of two that come after that link before clicking on it). I hope that this helps you~!
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There's a site that I follow similar to IGG that has games for download. They have a list of upcomming games that they will host and Hogwarts Legacy is among them(Labeled as SOON which usually means less than a month to be made available). So I'm sure the general public will see the cracked game VERY soon
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Thank You, Bowie. It's like what I said about "The general understanding (or hope) ..."
fake news,the crack is not out yet
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Go tell that to any of the crack watch sites and see what they think about your opinion. I've already provided the addresses to two of those crack watch sites in the screenshots (One above for "Hogwarts Legacy" and one below for "Dead Space" (2023) remake from this post).
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Where can we download it then?
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It has been cracked but the crack is in closed state need to wait few days for the crack to be released publically
VIPHelperRob Conner
Do you mean where and when can our community members download the game?

Anyone can download it from the listed links on this site after it gets released by either a P2P (Peer to Peer) group or a scene group. When that happens is generally unknown except to members of such release groups. But after the game is released, IGG-Games.com [admin] will "pick it up", upload the game's RAR archives onto each one of the various third-party file hosters supported on this site, generate the game thread and then update the thread with the mirror links. You just need to be patient. I hope that this helps you~!
ok, good. But now, how r things going with Dead Space Remake?
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VIPHelperRob Conner
It's still protected by Denuvo.

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Lord Tato
Every time I make a search for games (just game names) the cloud fire screen takes forever, I can't search nor view game list tab
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VIPHelperRob Conner
See here. I hope that this helps you~! Happy Holidays!
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Lord Tato
That didn't help at all but ok.
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VIPHelperRob Conner
I'm sorry that I took so long to get back to you - In the past few days, there was a flood of other members with other problems that came after yours, causing posts to get pushed down this section and somehow in all of the chaos, you got "lost in the shuffle".

Don't worry though as I haven't forgotten about you! It all works out though, as one of the other members had the exact same problem that you're still(?) having but at a more advanced stage (In his initial post, he said that he had already tried disabling his adblocker to get pass the search but to no avail). Eventually one of the two possible solutions that I recommended was able to resolve his problem. See here. I hope that this helps you! Have a Happy New Year~!
🙂 🥳
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Hello for a month now every game i download and try to play display a black screen after a couple minutes of gameplay that forces me to restart my pc, it doesn't happen with my payed steam games or any other can someone help ?
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have you recently updated windows? or there is something wrong with your hard drive or VGA?
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Sorry to bother, but when I try to download Red Matter, it keeps redirecting to a 404 page or just isn't able to download in general. I was wondering if the links were damaged or something. If you're wondering, I've tried downloading other links right after to test, and they've done so normally.
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can you tell in more detail? I just tried downloading from megaup, it works fine. you get 404 error when in bluemediafiles link or where?
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Can someone help me please, when I try to launch the game (borderlands 2) this message appear, I will be very grateful if you do it, I uninstall all my other game for this one, so I would like for im to work great... Thank you!

The message:

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Thank you sooo much!!
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This is very general... Could be:

  • You are turned on AV, so the crack has been removed.
  • Or you lack the necessary drivers to launch the game.
=> Do you still have the file (before extracting)? please disable AV temporarily, extract again and try to launch the game again. If it still fails, try installing the necessary drivers for your windows, which you can find at the end of this article: https://igg-games.com/how-to-install-a-pc-game-and-update.html
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It works! Thank you so much, but, my game is in english, I wan't to put i'm in french, because i'm french. How can I do ?
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Hello, after downloading Metal Gear Solid V, ive got the file on my desktop, but its an ISO data. After running it i can start my setup, which finishes in a file that cant get run. So basically I can setup as often as I want, but nothing happens.
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Most ".iso" files must be open via Virtual Drive software, like Daemon Tools. Did you use that, or similar tool?

In addition, have you followed the suggestions offered above for the 11th question on the FAQ (I have problems related to “Black Screen”, “Nothing Happen when start game”, “Crash”,…) ?
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How exactly do I play vr games on my oculus quest 2? or do I have to get a different vr headset? If so, which ones would work best.
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Which VR headset to use may depend on the game you want to play. They usually list what VR headsets you can use.

As for Oculus Quest 2, you can follow the tutorial on this link:

How to play PC VR content on Oculus Quest & Quest 2
Hey, so uh, a question I've been meaning to ask for a long time: If the Admin doesn't have the latest version of a game, what happens? Will the game never be updated in the future? Or would we have to wait a long time for the latest version to get cracked?
Just asking this to see if I should keep my hopes up or simply forget about it.
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The answer to your question is a bit complex because, first of all, it depends on what the source of the game is.

For example, if it's a game the Admin bought, with his own money, on Steam, he will have access to any update. All you need is ask.

However, if the game was a release by a scene group, the update may not be available at all (not cracked). Some scene groups are even proud of this and type in the ".nfo" file that they have no intention to update the game and that if you really want updates, you should buy and support the developers.

Other times, the game was a donation from another user, so the Admin has no access to the updates - only the original donor can provide the updated version.

It's a "case by case" thing.
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Ah yeah, i'm wondering the same, i posted an update request that was not answered. As I see a very lot of games updated every day I was wondering at first if my request was not considered or unseen, but from your comment it's certainly that no Admin has the version of the game so, i'm wondering the same!
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If you post a request in the Game Request page, and you don't get an answer, it means the Admin never saw your request. He always responds to the requests he sees.

That is why the rules say to post once every 24h, as the Admin doesn't come here every day, and only checks the requests made within the last 24-36h or so, so a lot of "old" requests just go unnoticed.
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I don't know why I usually type your name "Crime son", then I have to delete it to retype it, lol =))
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I checked your comment history, you seem to have asked for "Farming Simulator 22 update"? I uploaded it a few days ago :D

Just like Crimson said, if I don't reply to your request, I may have missed it. But usually, if there are many people sending the same request at that time, the high chance of me missing it, because I don't remember if I replied to others or not, hehe, sorry for this.
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Can install these games on linux or should I use wine for it?
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In most cases, you need to use Wine. IGG-Games mostly uploads Windows games. It's just that, sometimes, the uploaded package also includes the files for a different platform (Mac or Linux), but that's relatively rare.
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Please crack FIFA 23 THANKS
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VIPHelperRob Conner
FIFA hasn't been cracked yet by any scene group (See -> https://gamestatus.info/fifa-23?lg=en). It's still protected by Denuvo. IGG-Games.com doesn't crack any games. Games protected by more basic DRM like Steam DRM can be played by using the Smart Steam EMU v.1.4.3 -> https://forum.csmania.ru/viewtopic.php?t=43662 or the Goldberg Emulator -> https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator. You'll need to wait until a scene group cracks FIFA 23 (Keep checking the GameStatus site). I hope that this helps you~!
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I downloaded Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles, but the game keeps opening the steam page, even with the crack
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If it keeps opening the Steam page, it means it's not cracked properly.

Check your anti-virus Quarantine area (sometimes called "vault") and check what files it has. If it has any files from CoD-BO3, then you know what the problem is. Add those files to your AV exception list, and restore them to the original folder.

If your AV is very aggressive, and just deletes without quarantine, I suggest you uninstall everything, go back to the original ".rar" files that you downloaded from IGG-Games, and tell your anti-virus to pause for half an hour or so. Then decompress the game and install it, following any instructions you find in the included ".nfo" file (if any).
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Well, it worked, i reinstalled with the AV turned off and its done, thanks a lot :D
I have a problem with both frozen synapse 2 and frozen synapse prime. With Prime I was able to open the app with a black screen but then immediately closes while with Frozen synapse 2 unpacking error keeps popping up at setup
Edit: Got Frozen Synapse 2 fixed just frozen synapse prime left
Edit: Everything is fixed now
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Got the Phonzy Trojan from the Game "Voyage". This is not the typical false positive, is it?
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If you mean this game --> Voyage (click to open) <-- then I just downloaded it and ran it through three different Anti-Virus programs, all say the game is clean.

Usually, games uploaded on IGG-Games are pre-screened and they are clean of viruses. It's very unlikely to get a virus from a game here.

That said, if you downloaded an ad (usually a small file ending in ".exe" then that could be a virus, but that's not the game, and it's not from IGG-Games. You should ignore/delete those files and refresh the download page until the actual game file becomes available (it should end in ".rar", and be around 600MB in size).
VIPHelperRob Conner
Do you mean this game? -> https://igg-games.com/voyage-free-download.html (In the future, please include links for clarity).

If so, that is a release from the scene group "DARKSiDERS". Most of the scene releases have a crack file to bypass the DRM copy protection. Crack files use a methodology that is similar to that used to create malware (See the third FAQ above "Is this game safe? Does it contain viruses or trojans?"). It doesn't matter whether you get the scene release from this site or anywhere else. If it is the same release from the same scene group then it will have the same crack file.

You have two options available:

Check your AV's and/or anti-malware's quarantine section. If the crack file is listed within that section as the cause for the detection then disable real time protection in your AV or anti-malware (Attend to one at a time if both your AV and anti-malware have detected the crack), restore the crack file from the quarantine section, add the crack file into your AV's or anti-malware's exception list and then enable real time protection in your AV or anti-malware.

Or (If you do not trust that it is a "false positive" being detected)

Wait for a non-DRM version of the game to be possibly released from GOG or Humble Bundle sometime in the future.

Ultimately, you have to decide whether or not any detection is worth any possible risk of harm to your machine (No one can truly offer you any guarantees). You can install and use an application like Sandboxie or the WIP Sandboxie Plus to help safeguard your machine from any possible changes (Assuming that it is not a "false positive" that is present) after a crack file has been applied (Both applications allow you to "undo" any possible changes that may occur after a crack has been applied). I hope that this helps you!
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Dead Cells says it has all the DLC's but it doesnt
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So, I downloaded this and you seem to be correct. When clicking on "Downloadable Content", we are taken to GOG's page to buy it, which means the DLC doesn't seem to be accessible.

This is the second time I see a game from GOG being shared in its post-installation form, instead of the usual GOG executable. GOG games are already free of DRM so there should be no need to pre-install it before sharing.

My suggestion is for you to go to the Game Request page (click to open) and make an Update request, explaining to the Admin that the DLC is not included, and that the original GOG executable files would be the better way to share this game.

Hope that helps.
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Why doesn't F1 2021 open for me i downloaded it and extracted it and when i open it ask permission and i press yes and nothing happens can someone help?
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Are you sure you're talking about F1 2021? That game has Denuvo, and it's not cracked - therefore, not available on IGG-Games.

Can you add a link to the game you actually downloaded?
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can not download the call of duty advanced warfare part 4 and so on parts link not loading
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I just confirmed that all parts from MegaUp are working fine.

If you're having trouble with BlueMediaFiles, try adding the site's address to your Anti-Virus exception list.

If that still doesn't help you, try turning off your ad-blocker (if you have one), or at least add BlueMediaFiles to your adblocker exception list as well.

Hope this helps.
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Ok I will try
Yung Boujee
Hello, I downloaded Surviving the Aftermath https://igg-games.com/pc-surviving-the-aftermath-free-download.html (THANKS for the update <3) but the DLCs doesn't launch with the game. I don't know what to do, please help. Here are some screenshots that can provide some context. https://imgur.com/a/TWZrC1Y
Hello, IGG-GAMES doesn't work without using VPN Uploaded Image
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If i download a game that have multiple updates like divinity original sins 2 definitive edition, do i need to download all the updates one by one or just the latest one with the main game?
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bluemediafile is down
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do i need to install all the update patch to get the latest version of the game or i just need to install the newest patch ?
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i can't open skidrow to install cuphead. an error popped up saying i don't have a permission to access it.
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Try opening as administrator
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im already on administrator tho
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Check your AntiVirus and firewall settings. One of those or both could be blocking the Skidrow installer from executing. If it's your AV then add the Skidrow installer into the AV's exception list. If it is your firewall then set it to give permission to the Skidrow installer to execute. I hope that this helps!
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now that judgement and lost judgement are on pc can we request em now? i see its on the cant crack list but that was a few months ago
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why i don't have access to my career mode and how to get it (NBA 2k23)
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In NBA 2k23 you can only play in MyLeague (offline). Certain features, like MyCareer only work when online, and cracked/pirated games can't go online.
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Can you search up multiple Genres?
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Not at the present, no.
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Thank you for your visit. Your links will be created in 5 seconds.
And never get 4,endless 5.
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are you using adblock?
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How I have to install the game if I have 9 rar files?
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First step: those "rar" files are compressed files (smaller file size, but the content is still there). You need a program like WinRAR, 7Zip, or BandiZip (or similar) to extract the full game content.

Second step: After you do that, installation should be straightforward. Just look for any "exe" or "msi" files and install the game as normal.

Third step: After installation is complete you may need to apply a crack and/or patch. To be sure, look for any "nfo" file, open it with any text editor (like Notepad) and follow the instructions.

In some cases, the files meant to crack the game will be missing. If that happens, it's usually because your anti-virus quarantined the files. Search your Anti-virus quarantine vault, to identify which files were caught, and create exceptions for them. You can then remove the files from quarantine back to their original folder, and finish the cracking/patching step.

Fourth step: Block any executable file with a firewall. This step is usually optional, but some games need it, so it's good practice to do it anyway.

Once you do all that, you should be able to play your game perfectly. It may sound complex for a first timer, but once you get into the habit of doing it, it will only take you 2 or 3 minutes to set it all up.
first disable ur antivirus, then extract part 1 the other parts will extract automatically
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Big Shu Shu
Hi ! Recently I am unable to access ALL the download links for all your games: not sure whether it's because of antivirus blocking the connection to the website; I'm using Avast Antivirus, but previously there wasn't such an issue.
Can please kindly advise ?
Thank you very much !
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Shit antivirus tried to prevent people from going to that site because of copyright issues. You can add domain to except in your AV. Temporarily, we have changed to another domain.
How long does it take for a requested game to be uploaded/how can I know its being uploaded and not get forgotten?
and can I request a bundle?
like this one: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/18203/100_hidden_objects/

thx for all you do
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Fair questions, but the answer is a bit complex. Let's break it apart:

  • You can know a requested game is being uploaded when the Admin directly replies to your request saying he will do so. If you get no reply, or the Admin's reply is negative ("I don't have the game", or "It's too old, I can't find it anymore", etc) then it won't be uploaded.

  • If you don't get a reply after 24h since you posted, you can repost the same request. The Admin doesn't check requests every day, so making a request every 24h guarantees he will see it.

  • How long it takes for a requested game to be uploaded is around 24 to 48h after the Admin has replied positively to your request (unless he forgets but he's a cool guy and if you give him a friendly reminder he'll upload it later anyway).

  • I'm not 100% sure if you can request bundles or not, but I remember seeing a moderator (back when the site used Disqus) saying "no, you can only request one title at a time". It could just be the moderator assuming the answer based on his past experiences, or it might be the Admin's official stance, but I'd wait for confirmation on that.

  • Sometimes, one of the moderators will post a list of "incoming" games, but those are titles that weren't necessarily requested by the site's users, but rather titles the staff is helping upload and/or update in addition to user's requests. So those lists don't really help with you knowing if your request will be accepted or not.

Hope this helps.
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thank you. ill just keep requesting it.
There is not set time limit on when a game will be uploaded, and there also is no guarantee it will be uploaded at all. Sometimes the moderators post messages and pin the games being released in the next couple of days so you can check those, but there also is no way to know for sure if a game you request is being uploaded. I recommend just continuing to check before you request the game after the 24 hour wait period.

Also I'm not entirely sure, but I believe you can submit bundles if they're like DLC to a game, as games similar to SAO fatal bullet and Sims 4 have had DLC separately released and have been uploaded here with everything available with the main game.
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thx, the thing with my bundle is, that its multiple games of the same series and theres already 3 of them here. I guess ill try requesting the bundle. If they dont then ill request them 1 by 1. either is ok for me
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Looks like every download link is dead, it only redirect me to bluemediafiles.com, which is down. How can this be fixed?
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It would help if you told us what game are you trying to download, so we can double-check it.

If you're having trouble with BlueMediaFiles site, it may be your browser that's not displaying the page correctly, and not a dead download link. Try refreshing the page a few times. If that doesn't help, try a different browser.

That said, when you find a game that has ALL download options confirmed as dead, you can go to the Game Request page (click to open), read the rules (red letter on top of the page), and then scroll down a post a request of your own - please mimic the format everyone else is using.

You can post one request every 24h.
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I am trying to download Tales of Arise, but I also checked other games and it happens there too. I will check the other methods from you and yea thx for replying!
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Just tried to download it and it's working fine for me. If it's not a browser issue, it could be your ISP who's blocking something. Have you tried changing your DNS settings, or using a VPN?

In the meanwhile, try the torrent version of this site - let us know if that also has the same problem:

Click here to open --> Tales of Arise (Torrent version).
Adam Blade
It may be that you have an adblocker extension on your browser and that can prevent the page from loading correctly.
Either way try a different browser and see if it helps
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So I tried it with Opera GX browser and with Microsoft Edge, originally I use Chrome and I also tried to disable adblocker completely but it doesn´t seem to work for me. Also the thing is that on each browser bluemediafiles says ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. But I mean I write to you guys so my connection is 100% fine.
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my download of the call of the wild is stuck at 3/4Uploaded Image
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Are you getting any type of error or is it just stopping? If you aren't getting an error, how long have you waited before deciding it was broken?

If you aren't getting an error and you've waited a few hours or so and the game still won't install any further, try checking the size of all file parts. They should, besides the last one, be the same size. Any file that is different try redownloading.
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I waited for at least an hr u, under 1.5 hrs. So I didn't think it would take this long
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aliexpress 2.0
hi, i downloaded red dead redemption (empress) after launching the game, the game says "you must be logged into the social club to play red dead"
what can i do to solve this problem?
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hey there, i want to download Nier Automata from IGG, but There are 3 NIer, first is game of the yorha edition, second is the "CPY" nier, and the third is nier only, could you help me which one should i download ? since the posted date kinda odd to me, please help and thank you.
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When IGG-Games website lists search results, the games will be presented in chronological order of upload (with more recent uploads on top).

That said, you can safely ignore the one at the bottom (Nier only).

Regarding the other two, as far as I know, they are, essentially, the same game with the same content, but with two minor differences:

1 - The "NieR Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition" is a re-release of the game, with all the DLC already included. The "CPY" one is the original release of Nier, with DLC treated as unique installations - this is why "Yorha Edition" has a smaller file size, as the content is the same but more efficiently packed.

2 - The "Yorha Edition" was released by the "CODEX" scene group, while the other one was released by the "CPY" scene group. Usually, this doesn't matter, but some people trust some scene groups more than others. If you don't know who they are, or how are they different, you probably don't need to know in the first place.

If I were you, I'd get the more recent one (Yorha Edition), but if you find you're having trouble installing, playing, or finishing the game, come back and try the other option.

Hope this helps.
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Okay, thanks for the help, i really appreciate it 🙏
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paul tzen
"Miko no Kanata: Curious Tales from Oguni Shrine -Cycles-" game is making error of "Failed to initialize IL2CPP" and not starting.
can epic games store's games be cracked?
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I installed the setup of Our Life: Beginning & Always but I still cannot the game.
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If I understand the question, you're saying that you installed the game (Our Life: Beginning & Always), but when you try to play it, nothing happens. Did I get that right?

If so, have you tried the suggestions from the FAQ above? Specifically for Q11 "I have problems related to “Black Screen”, “Nothing Happen when start game”, “Crash”,…"?

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paul tzen
zerg protoss campaign isnt work even offline at starcraft ii.
and being online needed even for language change.
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Hi, mates. First time desided to use PiratBay to get Legendary ed. Mass Effect trilogy of yours edition. Got that 90 gb archive, mounted, installed (1.5 hour in total, blimey) and... it doesn't open, like... at all. Tried run as admin - process doesn't even start (checked via task manager simultaneously. Within folder no info about any issues, only files with links to your site and one more (pcgamestorrents.com) which probably under your hosting as well. Can anyone say where I've managed to fail installation or iso could have been broken from the start?
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Have you tried every suggestion offered above (specifically for Q11 I have problems related to “Black Screen”, “Nothing Happen when start game”, “Crash”,…)?

If you have tried all of the above suggestions, and the game still doesn't launch, you may want to consider how much RAM you have available. Some games won't start if they can't find enough available memory.
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I'm new to this site, I was wondering if online co op games functions properly here, thanks so much!
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Crashes for me after the sumo digital splash screen.
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on command and conquer renegade I finish the 2nd mission and I can not continue I open the door of the prison and the I click on continue and the game sees me again in the main menu
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so whenever i try to search...

Checking if the site connection is secure
igg-games.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

this page pops up from cloudflare and does not pass. no error either just infinite waiting... help
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ZaWarudo is correct. All you need is to refresh the page.

It may take a few tries, and I suggest waiting 5-6 seconds between refreshes (so the site doesn't think you're a bot), but it does work.
ZaWarudo Scrumpeeh
Sometimes for me it gets stuck at that security thing , I just press the refresh thing for the page and it works again try that maybe
VIPHelperRob Conner
If you're using an adblocker then please disable it temporarily. Adblockers, whether built-into your browser or third party add-ons like UBlock, tend to prevent parts of this site like the search engine (More precisely, the security checks behind it), BlueMediaFiles, the ad server for this site and the Random Games section from working properly. You can always re-enable your adblocker after you have all of the required links and are done with your visit at this site. The ads help to pay for the continued maintenance of this site, so blocking them would make it more difficult for IGG-Games.com [admin] to keep running this wonderful site. I hope that this helps you~!
Hey I just want to ask if what happened to Google Drive and why was it replaced with Pixeldrain? Are you going to stop uploading to Drive?
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Adam Blade
You can always use https://multiup.org/en/
Very handy site
Basically what it does is turn any link into Google drive.
So you can use it to make those pixel drain downloads into Google drive downloads hehe
However I've no clue why gdive is no longer uploaded, suppose its because it always ends up removed after a while.
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Might try that site later or some other time, it's a shame that Google drive is no longer an option for downloading files. It's replacement, Pixeldrain, has a download limit and it's slow as MegaUp.
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it's hard to choose some "free and fast" hosts at this point... I'm also disappointed to have to get rid of google drive after almost 10 years. Recently google tightened DMCA policies, so they removed links very quickly. I've been observing this for a few weeks, the game usually gets deleted after about 1-3 days right after it's uploaded.
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in my opinion google drive was just a waste of time, ok the speed was good, but the files did not last long...mega nz n mega up have full speed
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how to add shortcuts
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You need to be more specific. Shortcut to what? On what platform?

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How come all gdrive links need permission to access now? Mega is limited and other links have slow download speed. Gdrive was the only decent link and now it's like this
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GDrive's ''Need Access'' page tricks a lot of people. It really just means the game was deleted. You need to choose one of the other download options.

If all the other download options are down, you can then go to the Game Request page (click to open), and request a Re-Upload (click the red words at the top of the page and read the rules first).
Olaf Darkpassenger
Scared Google is deleting links fast. Nothing IGG can do about it. Try MegaUp or GoFile - they are almost as fast as gdrive for me.
(If GoFile showes no file to download, click Back and then Refresh page.)
can i game request the same game i requested a while ago or just wait?
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You have to wait a minimum of 24h before making a new request - unless you delete your older request first.

But, yes, the request can be for the same game you requested before.
yes u can
When I make an account in the files for stormworks it keeps getting overridden and I need to use my own profile in order to remove the piracy fish so how do I stop it?
a link of what is happening
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I've never played the game so I can't help you much, but here's what I found that might be able to help you
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Can anyone help me, now a days the google drive link asks for access to the link, can someone help?
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Goddess Miku
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Hi guys i just got my oculus quest 2. I wanted to play Vader Immortal: Episode I and download this game from igg. Unfortunately when i try to open it, i only can see black screen and game crashes. Can i solve this?? Thanks in advance.
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VIPHelperRob Conner
The problem that you're experiencing might actually stem from a hardware issue or a combination of software and hardware issues. One user on Reddit was informed by an official Oculus Support technician to try resetting his headset (See the post made by "MetaQuestSupport" here. Warning! - Factory resetting your headset will delete all of the Oculus apps that you have installed in the past for your headset. Use this possible solution as a last resort if nothing else resolves your problem). You can also try deleting the Guardian Boundaries in the installed Oculus Quest software, setting up new boundaries and then rebooting your headset (See the post made by Reddit user "Bazzz3" here. Rebooting your headset will not delete any installed apps for your headset). Also, though it may sound ridiculous, check to see if the proximity sensor inside the headset is not somehow being blocked which would cause the blank screen to appear (See video here). I hope that this helps you~!
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How do I request a new game. The game request page only shows rules and the list of games that were requested on that day.
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VIPHelperRob Conner
See here. I hope that this helps you~!
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Thank you for your help :)
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VIPHelperRob Conner
You're most welcome~! Enjoy this site!
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G'day mates.
I would like to ask, why the old games on GDrive is now password-protected? And you need to request it before able to download?
Is there any way I can download old games on GDrive without asking for permission each and everytime?

Thank you, best regards.
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That GDrive message is a misnomer. What the message should really say is that the file has already been deleted by Google. You can try the other mirror file hosts to get the missing file. IGG will re-post links only if all of the links are down. You can request a re-post of the game in the Game Request section when all of the links are down. I hope that this helps!
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I've had the same issue as some people in the comments section. After reading through the comments and doing a diagnosis, I found out that my antivirus (AVG) was perpetrating the issue. Simply add the bluemediafiles.com URL to your antivirus' exceptions tab and that should resolve the issue with the page not loading properly. I hope that helps.
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Thanks a lot !!! That really fixed it for me.
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In which folder are my progress saved in case I have to make a backup?
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That depends on the game.

What game are you trying to backup?
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I can't download anything because bluemediafiles.com only redirects to advertising pages.
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Try using a different website to download the parts, although be aware that as far as I'm aware that's an issue on a lot of the websites
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not registred
Hi, adds are standing right on top of the downloadbutton so i can never ever download!!!
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r u trolling? it's so simple bypass them
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Ever since yesterday, Bluemediafiles.com has been marked to have URL:Phishing by my antivirus.

Anyone knows what happened?
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I guess you are using Avast/eset or McAfee, it's right? It happens often, it will automatically disappear after a few months, and then, it will come back :D. You can't get a virus when you visit every sites on the world -_-, they only do it for the admins of the sites to use their services, and they will remove the notices on these sites.
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My antivirus is AVG.

BTW, just for information, I tried using Brave and Edge explorer and both marked as having url:Phishing. But when I run it with VPN, for some reason I don't get any warning.
I wonder if it is region or provider issues?
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Try changing your DNS settings to Google, Cisco, Cloudflare, or Quad9.
That seems like something on your side as from what I can see there's no problem for anyone else. A lot of virus securities will mark files or websites as viruses purely because it detects theres a cracked game inside. The website should be fine, but if you'd rather be certain try using another website.
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Is there different website alternative?
Because whenever I click a link, it automatically goes to Bluemediafiles first.
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Hi i need help with mortal kombat 11 it says to install i have to open mk11 but i cant find it
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have u tried to turn on the monitor?
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I think the pizza tower crack: https://igg-games.com/pizza-tower-free-download.html might have a virus, it wants to bypass my firewall for no reason.
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Do I really have to explain what a false positive is? The method used to crack games is similar to the method used to code malware! Anti-virus programs will detect the crack as a virus and delete it, even though it isn’t! :)
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Uploaded Image Pizza Tower does not require internet connection so this cant be a false positive which means the files have been modified to use the internet. So why is it asking me to give it an exception? Also sorry for commenting twice but the first comment didn't appear so I thought it wasn't posted.
Kumuduru Dragon
Hi guys. I cannot access most of igg-games.com like I used to. Can someone please help me figure this out?
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Adam Blade is correct - just refresh the page until it loads properly.
Adam Blade
If you're using adblock extention try disabling it.
Reload page a couple of times and see if it works.
You can also try using a entirely different browser.
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Kunuduru Dragon
I have no ad blocker but my anti-virus browser has a yellow warning to do so. IGG is excluded anyways.
Ctrl + R or just refresh the page until the loading icon show up!
VIPHelperRob Conner
Please see here first.

In the past, there was no security check implemented behind the search engine (This is a relatively new feature that was installed as there have been some covert attacks upon this site months ago, in the past year. Some members may have been affected while others may not have been affected) so back then a browser equipped with an adblocker could proceed with a search uninhibited. Now that the security measures have been installed, temporarily disabling an adblocker should and has worked for almost everyone who has had problems with proceeding past the security checks while their adblockers were enabled in their browsers. You can always re-enable your adblocker after you have all of the required links and are done with your visit at this site.

The ads help to pay for the continued maintenance of this site, so blocking them would make it more difficult for IGG-Games.com [admin] to keep running this wonderful site, especially now that there's rampant inflation and prices for everything are high. If you like using this site as a good source for finding and getting games and wish to continue to see it operate then like the old saying goes,

--------------=[ "Don't bite the hand that feeds you [games]!" ]=--------------

None of that was not directed at you, Kumuduru Dragon. It was directed to those members who already know what I wrote long ago and who still continue to use adblockers, encourage others to use adblockers or advise others to use methods to circumvent the ads which run after the security checks behind the search engine have completed executing in their programmed course! Not every member here does those things. Some of us do our part to help out this site by not blocking the ads. It's okay to close each ad immediately as soon as each one has finished loading. IGG-Games.com [admin] is aware of all of this behavior in our community here. I hope that the comment that I linked to and everything that I wrote in my first paragraph above helps you~!
😐 🙂
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Kunuduru Dragon
Always a helpful hand, Rob. Thanks
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Thank You so very much for your kind words, Kunuduru Dragon! You're most welcome~!
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can i request the same game once every day
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Yes, you can request the same game once within a 24 hour period, afterwards again for the next subsequent 24 hour period and so forth. Also, please try to follow the guidelines for the proper formatting of a request in the Game Request section (See here for more details). I hope that this helps you~!
why does bastard bonds contain a silent cryptominer trojan?
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really??? do you mean the file "steam_api.dll"??? Did you know it was a crack file?. And it exists in almost 99% of the games here.

If you think it's a virus, use another site where no crack is needed for the game to work.

And cryptominer?? Are you telling the truth? are there still cryptocurrency miners, lol. Unfortunately we do not use cryptocurrencies.
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Hi everyone, I've been using this website for years and it has helped me a lot!

But I think it would help many people (including me) if you could add this feature:

Being able to make researches where you can select more than one category/genre that you want, let some categories optional (ie you don't mind if the game meet one (or more than one) of these categories or not) and also select categories that you don't want.

For example, not everyone wants to see in their researches games that meet the following categories: horror, adult, eroge, mature, nudity...

In any case, thank you again for keeping this amazing website alive!
If you need help for anything, don't hesitate to contact me, I'm a developper ; )
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First of all, thank you very much for your idea, this idea has been researched for a while. But the owner of this site (not me, I just do administrative tasks) was unable to release it. Because in the tests, it was used to DDOS too many times. In fact, this site gets DDOS almost every day T_T... So complex features often have to be stripped down.
VIPHelperRob Conner
I'm just curious, which game titles have you worked on? Do you go by a pseudonym when you work on games or do you use your real name? What is your contact information, in case someone wants to contact you?
❓ 🙂
i downloaded La.Pucelle.Ragnarok then extracted rar and clicked exe file and this error shows XInput1_4 ... then i downloaded this dll file and then this error shows 0xc00007b .... ive updated everything mentioned above. im running windows 7. Do i need to copy /paste on steam folder or something?
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hi fazh, I think u should update microsoft.net n vcr
some games require those libraries
cheers :)
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have latest .net framework version 4.8
vcr (2015-2022) ..... well if it doesnt run then i will wait switch version
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My Main IP cannot connect to the Site but my VPN can what's up with that?
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Adam Blade
Where you from?
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Your ISP could be blocking the website.
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Why is it impossible to crack denuvo? Is there a chance it'll ever happen? I'm fiending for the re4 remake
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VIPHelperRob Conner
It's not impossible to crack Denuvo but it is extremely hard to do so! Read the following Crack Status page on Reddit in which user "goldcakes" tries to explain, in detail, one of the many parts of that DRM here. Basically user "goldcakes" says that Denuvo generates multiple versions of a given function in a given game which all ships out incomplete ("Stub functions") but is then completed only for the version of the function that is tailored to the kind of processor in your machine, after a verification process discovers a player's particular processor (It's kind of like how MS's Windows 10 KMS [Key Management System] checks your machine's processor, motherboard and hard drive to generate a unique key to ensure that your copy of Windows 10 only gets installed for your particular machine's hardware configuration).

Another part of Denuvo is that it frequently contacts either the server side or the client side and requests verification checks to see whether the game's executable has not been tampered with and is still genuine (See the first paragraph in the detailed explanation made by user "Michal Safrenak" about how another part of Denuvo works here).

Here's the "kicker" - User "Michal Safrenak" also notes in the second paragraph of his explanation that "... Denuvo is constantly being developed by a group of developers that were active in the cracking scene in the past and therefore know all the hoops." That means that denuvo is constantly made by former Scene crackers to foil attempts by active Scene crackers to break the DRM! It's like how private home security companies use the knowledge of ex-con burglars to strengthen their systems to foil attempts by active burglars to invade homes!

Those are only two known parts of Denuvo. There are many other yet unknown parts that also make up Denuvo as a whole. It's no wonder that Denuvo is extremely hard (But not impossible) to crack! Previous versions of Denuvo in games have been cracked by "CPY" [Conspiracy] and "Empress". I hope that this helps you~!
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when the game This Way Madness Lies gonna update to v.1.25 i wait for 2 week and don't make the lame excuse like i don't own the game so i can't update that a lie for you to make me give up and i will never give up request This Way Madness Lies for everyday every week every year i won't give up
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VIPHelperRob Conner
I think that you may be confused about how any game is possibly acquired and then possibly updated by this site. How a game is acquired may determine whether or not it will be updated sometime in the future.

There are basically three ways in which a game may possibly be acquired:

  1. It is released by P2P (Peer to Peer) or The Scene and then possibly acquired by IGG-Games.com [admin] (See here. Note: Just because P2P or The Scene releases a particular game, does not mean that IGG-Games.com [admin] will acquire it, although he will ensure that the major releases of popular games get listed [Involves uploading to third party file hosts and the posting of mirror links in game threads] on this site). P2P or Scene releases of lesser known games (Both new or old) can be requested in the Game Request section.
  2. It is donated by someone from within our community here like a non-staff member, a member of the staff or from outside in the general public like a casual visitor to this site, following the guidelines in this site's Donation page.
  3. IGG-Games.com [admin] purchases it himself if, after careful consideration, he deems it financially feasible to do so. As the leader of this site, he makes the final decision as to whether a game is purchased from a retail source like Steam, The Humble Store, BigFish Games, ... etc.
A game may possibly be updated:

  1. If an update is released by P2P or The Scene then it may be possibly acquired by IGG-Games.com [admin]. Any updates for such games can also be requested by anyone in the Game Request section.
  2. If the person who donated and possibly owns the game, possibly provides an official (From the retail source) update that he/she personally acquires at any time as the possible purchaser/owner of a given game. If the donated game happens to have originated from a source other than retail then see item 1. above.
  3. If the game is one that IGG-Games.com [admin] had purchased and thus owns which entitles him as the purchaser/owner to free updates from the retail source, he will acquire the update.
In the first case, whether updates happen for such games are entirely dependent upon P2P or The Scene. IGG-Games.com [admin] can't acquire any updates if they aren't available from P2P or The Scene even though official (Retail) updates may already have been released. With the second case, IGG-Games.com [admin] may possibly be able to acquire updates for a donated game depending upon the original source (Not the donator) of the game. Finally, in the third case, as the purchaser/owner of a given game, IGG-Games.com [admin] can always acquire official (Retail) updates. I hope that this helps you~!
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VIPHelperRob Conner
I've run out of space in my prior post (The maximum amount of characters per comment has been reached) but I just wanted to say in addition that you need to consider the source of the game for which you desire an update. Did the game come from P2P or The Scene? Was it donated? Or did IGG-Games.com [admin] purchase it himself? Afterwards, you should be able to understand whether or not an update can possibly be had for the game in question.

On the torrent page for "This Way Madness Lies", it says that the source for the game is a P2P release. Therefore, this game falls under the first case that I've talked about in my first comment above. Whether an update happens depends upon all that I've mentioned above in my prior comment. It has nothing to do with you personally! Of course, you can still continue to try to request update v.1.25 which AFAIK, hasn't been released via P2P or The Scene as of this writing but unless the update appears as a P2P or Scene release, you'd be wasting your requests as you'd most likely receive the same answer, if any. I hope that all of this helps you~!
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another lies i won't accept it then i will keep request this way madness lies v.1.25 over and over and over until you guy update i will not stop request you hear me stop bully me and stop hating me why did everyone ignore me like i never appear i begggggggginggggggg everyoneeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeee accepttttttt myyyyyyy requestttttttttt gameeeeeeee beforeeeeeee i gonnaaaaaaaa madddddd ahhhhhhhhhhhh
That guy songpol must be deranged! After both IGG's and your in-depth explanation as to how a game might get updated, he still refuses to accept the truth! That guy is unbelievable! Well, they're his requests to waste anyway!
Rolling Eyes
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VIPHelperRob Conner
I agree with you. What a waste ...
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i will never give up request This Way Madness Lies v.1.25 i will keep request this game over again the word waste is not in my life you can't stop me for getting my way
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VIPHelperRob Conner
Dude, I wasn't trying to stop you from requesting the update for the game. I was simply informing you that it would be a waste of your requests to IGG-Games.com [admin] since it should now be obvious, even to you, that since IGG-Games.com [admin] is not the owner/purchaser of this game, he is not entitled to free official (retail) updates and that the only way an update will materialize is if one of the Scene groups releases an update in which case, IGG-Games.com [admin] will most likely then list it in the game's thread.

I wasn't and am not going to try to stop you from continuing to make your obsessive requests for that update but IMHO, it's just an exercise in futility!
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then how did you guy get update in the first please if everyone didn't own from the beginning and who give is game i want to talk the person who give is game this way madness lies
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VIPHelperRob Conner
If you visit the torrent page for this game (See here you will notice that the source for the game with update v.1.22 already included is P2P (Peer to Peer) file sharing. That means that some anon, possibly the original purchaser/owner of the game, was kind enough to originally seed the updated game before it was finally listed on this site for Direct Download via a third party file hoster. I hope that you now fully understand the situation.
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if i donate this game will you guy gonna update
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I play on a PICO 4 and Moss: Book 2 works fine.
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Hi. I'm sorry, i was too imprecise.

Here is the link:

My setup:

Windows 11
Intel Core i7-11700KF
MSI Z590 Tomahawk Wifi
Geforce RTX 3060 Ti
RAM 32GO Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB
DirectX 12

Best regards,
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Hi. Thanks for this game (Moss).
I install it. I crack it. I lauch it. Nothing happens... The game does not start.
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Assassin's creed Valhalla and Spiderman Miles morales
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Do you have a sort of video o something like that to follow the instructions and change the language.
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Ich sprech Deutsch. Alles gut diggi ^^ dann stell ich mal ne anfrage
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Is an update for hogwarts legacy in work?
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Just a little message to thank you for all the work you do to make available all the games we want. I couldn't find any email or link for donations because you really deserve it. Thanks again and I hope the site will last a long time ;)
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how can i change the language from english to german?
VIPHelperRob Conner
You're most welcome~!

I'm sorry that I couldn't offer you the response for which you were hoping. Unfortunately, with VR technology still at a relatively early stage and multiple manufacturers offering different "platforms" with the majority being proprietary, not "all games are compatible with all headsets" (The various lines of headsets, regardless of manufacturer, are each considered a "platform", thus "Oculus" headsets are a platform while "HTC Vive" is another platform, "Playstation VR" yet another and the various "Google Cardboards" all together being another platform - See the second paragraph here. This is probably partially why many gamers are "Standoff-ish" about getting into VR games, aside from the high cost of purchasing a VR headset [Excluding the limited functionality, Google Cardboards]). There are many "platforms" because there are different APIs (Application Programming Interface[s] or support libraries) written for each platform (headset) instead of an industry standardized library from which to build upon for game developers to use (Imagine the learning curve for the poor dev who wants to create a VR game that is inclusive of as many platforms as possible that he/she is able to try to master).

Things may not look too promising now but during my investigation of your problem, I came across a possible glimmer of hope for the future of VR gaming called "OpenXR", a cross-platform API that is freely offered for use by The Khronos Group (See here). Basically, without getting technical, games made using the OpenXR API should be able to support virtually any platform (headset) from any VR gear manufacturer who is willing to collaborate with The Khronos Group's efforts (That's probably the tricky part as not all of them might want to reveal their corporation's "industry secrets". Scroll down in that linked article to see which manufacturers, like HTC, have already joined. Sony is another manufacturer which is on that list. At present ByteDance, the makers of PICO headsets, is not on that list but anything is still possible). Perhaps in the future if Bytedance collaborates in the OpenXR effort and PolyArc decides to create a "Remastered" version of "Moss" using OpenXR (If the PICO platform is by then supported), you may get to play the "Remastered" first game with your PICO 4 (If you still have it by then).

I hope that this little bit of possibly prospective news can offer you something good to take away from amid the bad news that you received. I hope that this at least puts a smile on your face~!