Seriously, wtf is this cra4p?
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You new here? This company or companies have been doing this shit for a long time and they keep at it. Same copy pasta, no effort made into the development, just a cash grab. Why haven't the company or companies been shut down and removed? That's what i would like to know.
Rin Franz
Of course...Why the f- not...?
Never stop with these m a s t e r p i e c e s
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Dark Sorceress
lol i think i have almost all these games
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But why? Also, not sure what the rules are against profile pictures like that but i would suggest changing it
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Dark Sorceress
its ok mods said it was fine long as no nudity
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based mods
Bo Yo
At least 80% of the games that get uploaded to this site are random $5 steam turds that look just as awful as this one. So why don't all of those provoke such outrage? Why do all of those have 4 comments under them instead of 80?
Kinda weird huh? It's almost like it's not about the quality of the game. It's almost like it's about something else entirely. Like perhaps some misguided fools feel the need to defend a certain Fuehrer and a certain Reich for some strange reason. Hmmm...
Solid vertx
Miki Flokster
Great Man and generation of people...
I always cheer for National Socialists. In the name of EUROPE.
"The Greatest Story Never Told" (forbidden history)
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Totally agree. National Socialism and Communism are two very different things.
The powers that be have very craftily lumped them together, so when one speaks of National Socialism they're automatically thinking Communism. True National Socialism is very different
"story" is right. it's just a piece of hitler fanboy fanfic propaganda for morons like you to buy copies of. must not be that great if they got their asses handed to them.
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
No shit? That's pretty cool. If it's 2D or pixel art I'm all game
Ryoga Hibiki
The hell? Time to investigate!!!
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I'm here for the comment section, not disappointed LMAO
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Adrien Cooper
lmao yeah
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just move on dude ¬_¬
Ryoga Hibiki
In other news, trash developers clearly desperate for shock value, causes conflict among pirates over trash game. How a team of washouts caused a band of thieves to be washed in rage.
More @ 11PM, right after Judge Judy.
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dude you cant be serious
do you really care for the votes? ¬_¬
i mean look at me i used to have a shitload of stupid lame ass kids stalking my ass all the time downvoting me and never gave a single fuck
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Rin Franz
And at the same time:
"Of course..."
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
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The victors are always the ones to write history but no one ever thinks to ask if they told the truth
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From what other sources tell... He was remarkable soldier in WW1, he took missions has a corrier on front lines, were the death rate was 98% from enemy snipers, and he survived... it almost has this guy could feel he was in the scope of someone... btw they removed "the greatest story never told" from the web.
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Europa the Last Battle another good source on piratebay
Yes, he was the very opposite of what the mainstream media would like you to believe. A very honourable man with principles, who understood the importance of national identity in every country (not just for Germany). It was never about racism but more about cultural preservation. He was not racist. What people need to understand is that everything they know about the man has come from main stream media, whether it be documentaries, movies or the news channels. It is all the same zio- gang. All fabricated propaganda.
A very good source for the truth is Europa the Last Battle documentary. It is on piratebay. Its some 12hrs long but covers alot. A real black pill to those who do not know.
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
It's depends. History written by whom? and for whom?
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by the J's for the J's
The official WWII story is one of the greatest lies in history
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Napoleon: "History is a set of lies agreed upon."
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Not just WWII, it goes way before.There's just way more emphasis on WWII because of Americans "saving the world" (despite coming when the Werhmacht was alreafy kaput on the eastern front) and Hitler killing the juices (the littles ones at least).
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I agree, it goes way before WWII. The J's have lied their way through history for over 2000 years. Even the ancient Egyptians could not stand them.
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you two sound like a couple of inbred morons. p.s. hitler only had one testicle.
Degenerate Bolshevik nonsense.
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Hitler fought to save not just Germany, but all of Europe from the Bolsheviks. Today, this is how we portray him.
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I wonder what games would be like now had the Axis won. Graphics cards would be easily affordable at the very least as crypto currencies would not exist and there would probably be at least ten companies producing them. There would probably be so much originality and imagination, and not the endless "remasters" and DLC cashins.
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no crypto currencies that 10 companies would make? wtf are you smoking?
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All currencies would still be gold backed meaning crypto would be useless.
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You don't know that at all, maybe there would be less imagination and originality for various reasons, hell maybe gaming wouldn't be that strong. But I'm quite sure there would be less degenerate shit unless the leaders post Hitler were shit and even then we still don't know (some high level nazi officers were degenerate).
El oso del acoso sexual
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it looks more unreal than unity to me.
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Stop right there!
Don't get me involved in your little drama, I don't wanna be part of it.
You're kinda asking for it though. Why'd you have to bring her up Everytime something annoys you. 'hey bots are targetting me today, it's her doing!' heeh
How long has this been going on? Maybe it's time to u know flip the page, Hug it out put an end.. hmm move past it.
get on your knees and say that you're sorry. beg for forgivness. :p
For the sake of peace!
I figure the boat thingy was obviously a joke, but it appears someone doesn't know how to take a joke.
You know i sometimes get boats to tail my @ss i figure they must target the newest comments in particular. It's like in youtube, Now everytime i post a video i get some boats posting their shit.
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
It seems to me there will be a lot of filler before we get to redemption arc. Also I wish I learnt Python so I can be as salty as them
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Hey! That's not nice, Miss july's a trusted member in our community, She's been around for years. In other words she's your senpie.
Man those boats are onto you like a fucking magnet ôô
Come to think of it they weren't around b4, Guess the 'coomer' thingy was not the only thing brought from 4chan, Those damn boats as well. :p
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
Might be an inside joke. Btw who did you pissed off this time? That dude be spamming malware like mad
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Adolf Hilter
Its not a game. Its a money laundering scheme... Someone's gonna buy 10 million copies of thiis game. The game developers then return the money to the buyers and get paid. And thats it the money is now laundered...
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Why the fuck would someone take the time to do this, where it can easily be traceable , while you can just buy any crypto currency, use some VPN and a Mixer , and have basicaly the same result with an excuse as in "I'm doing crypto trading"
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1 more thing a VPN is used to hide the traffic from the ISP... The traffic stays in VPN supplier , then goes to the ISP all scrambled. the VPN is the same has the ISP... common sense...
the ISP does not reveal personal data, because of (common sense).
the VPN does not reveal personal data, because of (common sense).
the BANK does not reveal personal data, because of (common sense).
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You gave yourself an another example of how easy it could be done, so my point very much stand, why bother creating a game (with every that involve from stricly creating it, to publishing it with a society) when there is thousand of other far easier and far faster method to do it.
Also while a VPN isn't fullproof and keep these trafic, it is still a very good use when you are mixing your crypto and basically hide some of the traffic that will comes in and out of your account.
It's not fullproof in itself, but that's another layer you put on top of the different things you use (again, such as a crypto mixer , and a crypto money in itself).
While not beeing perfect (again) it will be far more secure and faster to make a money scheme, than this game publishing thing IMO. (especially when you consider most lawman still don't even have a clue of what a crypto is Lol.)
The fact it's traceable only if someone investigate is a void arguement, you get caught for speeding only if there is a cop or a camera. You get arrested for thief only if someone report their missing belongings.
I thought you were trolling and I was half joking, but seeing your two part reply (and the amount of clueless people agreeing) now , that make me question your sanity.
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You are only focusing on crypto currency. Iam not saying y wrong... I just never used crypto currency, and what i learned about it, ive already forgot.
This games dont take make much to make, and the publishing thing its only dificult the 1st time.
I know some credit card loans fraunds..but...
To give a real example... A few years ago an ex prime minister in my country published a book. Later a construction company bought 30 million copies of that book...
You could say, why would someone go trow all that work wrinting and pusblish a book when there are easier ways..? I dont know ?
Ok the book writing part wanst him, i suposed someone just hires some office writers, sits on chair / tells a story and the others do the writing and editing.
But this ex prime minister was being investigated by the authorities, before that, for favoring certain construction companies, and giving them the jobs.
From what iam aware thats how they ve tracked him, the same construction company receiving favors that bought the book, belonged to his childhood friend. And they were partners in that company.
Now did anything happened ? Did he go to jail ? No... why i dont know ? The case stayed years in court and then got suspended.
Would he be arrested if he was caught speeding ? YES problably.
Would he be arrested if he was caught stealing ? YES problably.
That is the easy part, it does not require an investigation, or witnesses.
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I only use Crypto as an example that is more secure and easier, You gave yourself an example in your previous post.
And comparing a prime minister (a.k.a a public figure) with some random that need money is not really a fair trade.
But again, the fact you go so serious about this is something.
I just answered this post to make a point about the "focus on crypto" part that is wrong.
But you do you, if you (and the pepegas) think it's actually a real scheme, keep believing, it's not like that will change the life of the people involved or the earth will go flat.
It's a fun manner to see who is a flat earther tho'.
its only traceable if someone has an order to investigate. I could talk about a million ways of laundering money. 1 Most comom that already happen to you and everybody is... Your boss pays you 2000 instead of 1000, you receive a letter saying there was an error in the payment and to return the extra 1000, those extra 1000 are now tax free and dont exist... Who cares about some nerd writing algoritms to buy any crypto currency.
The Jingo
petition for mod to ignore game with "waifu vs..." kind of game they're all just asset flip anyway
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Petition to ignore this petiton because these games are fucking hilarious to see
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John Fisher
any of my upload declined requested are better than this garbage ...
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Really shows they know their priorities and target audience.
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Pretty sure this was obtained from a random steam key, Not intentionally bought. Some sites sell steam key bundles for a cheap price, You get random cheap games. I doubt anyone actually requested this, Plus it hardly costs anything. At the end of the day, It's all a matter of how much, That's how the requests work.
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Yuu Kannagi
A Born of a new era...
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this would never existed if those fuckers won the war, but same thing, neither any of us too
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Can't won a war if you make too much enemies at the same time.
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they fucked up when they tried to conquer russia in a very bad season
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yeah...hitler was a shitty and incompetent wartime leader.
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and the jokes of everyone (just look the disney cartoons from those years)
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And then declare war on US after his invasion to Soviet Union goes downhill. Congrats, now you have to face 2 war fronts (and give US a reason to enter the war) while at the same time gimped your weapon development by diverting resources to untested wunderwaffe with questionable effectiveness
Nabiel Faiz
another shitty trash weabo UE4 game
whoever request for this is have a low taste in the terms of pc game
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Ugh, another half-asses 3D Unity game
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Who keeps on making these games? It just the same shit over and over again. Just slap something stupid to it. Next one probably going to be Waifu vs Trumpers.
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Solid vertx
I once decided to give one of these games a try as they are sagas. It has many errors, they are badly programmed, they are not worth it.
Rather, terribly poorly programmed
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
Questionable games like this just casually pop up from time to time and I have wondered, did the dev request their own game? Because I'm having a hard time imagine someone want to pirate this. If that's the case then it's fucking hilarious lmao
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Fun fact: If at the end of a name, you see the name of a group, nobody request this, it is a launch published by a bot.
Inglorious Waifu VS Nazi Zombies-TiNYiSO
Nightclub Simulator-DARKSiDERS
Out of Sight-DARKSiDERS
What The Maze-DARKSiDERS
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"nobody request this" I'm somehow not surprised...
Dr. Dedboy
People, and some of them, I use that loosely, actually request these games.
The site may get a triple A game, and for two and a half months after that, it's almost all shovelware/Kemco RPG Maker Games/and then these types. Fantastic Fecalware games!
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Humpkin Yo Pumpkin
Yeah I can imagine this being made just for shit and giggles where the dev can share it with their friends. But putting a pricetag on this thing? Big yikes dude.
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Welcome to Modernity.
You have tons of game on Steam (and especially on mobile for that matter, with paid "bonus") that used to be Flash Game from the 2000's and are now copy-pasted all accross the board with a price tag too.
At least these like above are; as you said, for shit and giggles, Dev aren't probably serious about it (which is not the case for the one I'm reffering to).
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Jayme M.
shit like this can get uploaded quick as you can but Cruelty Squad gets ignored like crazy
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Hey, at least it forces you to support the developer by buying the game. But yeah, those kinds of games get quite ignored for games like these.
I rather play as an actual piece of shit on his journey to fertilize the local plants.
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so you want to be a jew?
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temos que admitir que os nomes valem o jogo! quero dizer, já que não vou comprar ao menos os nomes me divertem!
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Not this shit again 🤦‍♂️
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Dr. Dedboy
There should be a new term, you know, unlike shovelware for these games.
What do ya think?
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Temmie Plays!
we call them kusoge.
means shit game