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what about newest datadisc/ DLC Tiny Tinas Wonderlands? could You update here on that web? ,was that game cracked also or has it denuvo?
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why do you reupload a game that's already on the site?
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because someone requested it obviously
1 the Best Tell Tale Games(and those similar to it), and arguably 1 the best Borderlands.
Lecaton Baumeister
Thanks for this title. Gameplay: choices matter, visual novel.
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Ana Carolina
choices doenst matter at all, is the same ending always
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what language is that? spanish maybe?
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Curtis Newton
arf..everything wrong with borderlands in this non-game
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lmao you made an account just to piss off fans of this game.
Jash Laker (SURParamour)
I find this better than all Borderlands and most of NuTelltale games.
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jack hyde
you come here to say that and for no other reason, what an asshole xD
telltale borderlands it's amazing, btw not all of the shooter borderlands fans are stupid like you. Many others don't like it bc 'isn't a gearbox shooter' , and this company hasn't stop making borderlands games, we got already B3, so stfu
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Bob Dole
I disagree with OP and think this is actually an excellent game. I think
you're the actual problem though. If you don't agree with his opinion,
then don't agree and move on. You can even go so far as to tell him you
disagree. But why are you acting like he tripped your grandmother in a
grocery store. Why are you throwing personal attacks at him and being
aggressive because he has a different opinion than you?
Sammy Spanks
You can defend it all you want. Borderlands is dog shit.
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I had a lot of fun with the 1st game? what would you recommend, I'm always looking for fun games.
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Sammy Spanks
Any game that doesn't have boring maps and insists on players to shoot a cloned NPC a million times before it dies really.
The Jingo
isn't this reupload?
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the only difference will say published by gearbox.
Effectively. They've re-released the game. There's absolutely nothing different, so if you already have it you don't need to redownload it.