People hate on gatchas because it's technically a form of gambling and has a massive effect on those with a predisposition to addiction issues. I've spent thousands of dollars on "F2P" gatcha mobile games, and I always regret spending afterwards because the instant gratification never lasts more than a few minutes and even though I always end up being a whale and in the top rankings, it's always hollow feeling because I'm constantly broke from spending every extra bit of money I have, and sometimes even money I don't have, and it isn't even that rewarding to begin with; but it's a compulsion that's literally harder to quit than crack, and I'd know.
You don't even need to leave your house like you would a casino/friends house/drug dealers and it's carefully designed to keep you interested with constant new heroes, which you NEED to get right away if you want to have the meta and remain competitive. It's a toxic genre in 99% of circumstances, has destroyed gaming, and made a significant negative impact on my life and countless others. I've even chosen gatcha over food manyyy times, hahaha.
A better marketing move would be to make DLC cheaper because in the long run having a lot of people buy it at a cheaper price will generate more revenue than a few people buying the high priced DLC.
Devs SHOULD take more time and put out a full game like the old days and charge $10-20 bucks more on the initial purchase to have everything that's meant to be in the game as DLC and just unlock them in-game or by using in-game attainable currency only, as most people I'm sure would agree.
The more we the consumers tolerate/continue to feed into the money extortion tactics/allow devs to continue to lower the quality of a game by releasing it with 50% of its intended content etc, the more/faster the gaming industry is turning to complete shit and die as we know it. Even consoles are hopping on the greed-train now by releasing consoles without disc drives in an attempt to kill the resale market, which prevents a massive number of gamers from being able to actually buy and play games since they can't afford them otherwise.
Some devs are even literally copy/pasting the code for games and just switching all of the names/assets and releasing it as a new game just to make more money, and it's absolutely pathetic. People used to make games because they love them and want others to enjoy their art; Now it's all about the money and they don't care if the game is complete shit, as long as it sells initially.
I'm not saying they don't deserve to get paid for their work whatsoever, but actually do the work and not rely on corrupt gatcha features to make your money. If you're going to charge for content, it needs to be either purely cosmetic or ACTUAL new content. Maps, creatures, equipment, etc. as a big drop in one package and/or available as each individual content type separate for cheaper options for players, for example. (Continued in reply.)
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(Continued from above...) Path of Exile is a perfect example of a good monetization feature by only selling cosmetics for real money.
People supporting these games are literally just throwing away their money for instant gratification/having a sense of being superior for having something that not everyone else has for a brief time anddd are funding a corrupt regime that's trying to take over the industry and ruin it forever.
For instance, there's no reason someone should need to pay to unlock fighters in a fighting game at launch, especially if the roster at the initial release is tiny like in the newer Mortal Kombat games, Dragon Ball Fighterz, etc.
It's all done intentionally and subliminally made us accept, be okay with, or even support the new monetization model. But in reality we all know (With the exception of younger gamers that don't know any better and more often than not are spending their parents' money and as a result don't see the impact on their wallets) that just 15+/- years ago we would have been outraged at the concept of releasing a half-finished game you need to pay extra over the next year or two to fully enjoy; or having it in "Early Access", sometimes for years, to fund the development of a game that they will never actually finish, or any of the other things companies are doing nowadays.
So yeah, as a result of all of that I definitely understand the hate and agree that people fighting for gatchas are simply ignorant to the effect it has made and continues to make in the gaming AND real world with addiction being a huge problem that people who've never experienced true addiction to anything will and can never understand.
It needs to end.
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What does that have to do with this game?
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You'd have to look at earlier comments by others.
Vanitas Ledirc
"For me videogames aren't a job, are a way of release stress, having fun, even challenge yourself. Gacha aren't any of those, they're a vessel of empty achievements and bragging rights" damn this hit like a truck, I completely agree with this.
bipin timsina
A huge part of this update, essences are missing. Why is that, and can you fix it?
riley rosenow
For those who want to request updates for this game, you need to go to the game request tab on IGGgames and follow the request format
Format for this game:
Request: Update
Game: Luck be a Landlord
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1404850/Luck_be_a_Landlord/
IGG: https://igg-games.com/luck-be-a-landlord-free-download.html
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Now update 7 is out...
Rodrigo Ruiz Ortega
I keep looking from time to time to see if it is updated
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Same, but the moderator said they cant do anything because they dont have the cracked version
Walter Vinicius Gaidxinski
where can i find the update 6?
elmo dasie'o
Plssss get update 6
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Jimbob Frigidiginorbez
We need update 6
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Needs update 6
Has this game been updated with the Content Patch #6?
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Fan Incognito
currently nope
update pls
Ali Plays
pls update
do they have the version for mac?
Sky Harrington-Baker
finally lmao
riley rosenow
I would like to thank the updatee for heeding our request :)
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has this update even been added? they added an "update" saying from 5/3/21, but it seems no different from the last version, which itself was 2 or 3 updates behind
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Bunkerman Bunkerman
it was up to date on the 5th of march but yes by now its a couple updates behind despite several people requesting updates repeatedly
Sky Harrington-Baker
not to be rude or anything but this game has updated twice since the last igg update... :(
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I been requesting it almost everyday for a while now, and its not getting updated sorry
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please update this
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Request in the correct section then maybe they will :(
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So I've noticed theres several of us requesting it everyday, but it still hasnt been added to the list. Do you know why?
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No clue sadly, sometimes it just takes them long time to update games no matter how many requests they get, it happened with astronarch while ago too.
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Ân Ân
update please
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request in correct section
Sky Harrington-Baker
update plz
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new update?
thanks for updating!!! much love <3
is this the newest update? i didnt see any new content tho
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i think its updated look at update list and version so propably yes
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nvm its bugged i think or smth
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google drive works
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request it in the correct section
feepy please..
Maximilian Arnold
Does someone know how to get the march update?
Seems to have been updated (http://Mega.nz link at least) Thanks!!
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Krishna K
God oh god please update..
Non Nomen Es
Looking for latest update, content and hotfix
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Bruh i need the endless mode update. Did u find any?
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I just requested the update, I havent find anything
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Same here. Am refreshing torrent page almost daily. :) Thx for the games uploader.
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Non Nomen Es
I requested an update but they deleted my request
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I requested an update too
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Well I did move on. Did you saw me ping you or ask you again on another post ?
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I can discuss the shit I want man, lmao
You're the one that said you didn't want to do it here...
But anyway I won't try to respond to the other part since you said you di...dn't want to ? but no matter if you want or not, curiosity solved, and as expected, void.
See ya'

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Tmer Freug
Imagine defending a toxic and addictive genre that leads weak mind into a crazy spending of their money.
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I never really deffended it , I only asked the person above its reason for having so much hate against it but not toward other shity genre.
You must be super butthurt to come to that conclusion and reply this answer without even read the rest of the post.
(Edit: Okey apparently s/he edited its post to mask everything, so you can't really know why. But hey if you can't control yourself to the point you get mad at someone debating its nature, maybe you should stay away from game in general, addictive behavior can be found outside of gambling y'know)
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the edited comments make it look like you're trying your best to defend something while the other side doesn't seem to care
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And that's why some platform are against edit buton.
But even if you don't read his/her side of the discussion, you can't find anywhere in mine a phrase that say I deffend gacha, nor that they are good. Absolutely nowhere.
But that's not important, I got my answer from him/her, and that's all what matter.
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You don't have to discuss about 21 years of games going to shit, unless you assume it is ENTIRELY because of gacha, which only make a point about how wrong and mad you are.
I'm just curious as to why you hate gacha so much, that's all. But turns out there isn't much reason, you just throw a dart and let it lend on "gacha" instead of "mobile" or "pay to win" or "f2p".
95% ratings out of 42 people base on steam as of Jan. 16, 2021.
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Did..... did you actually made a Pastbin just for this ?
I... I don't know... If I have to be impressed by this or weirded out.
Also your reason are pretty small for the amount of hate you put toward it, but okey I guess.
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Marisa Kirisame
Add some sexy anime girls as prizes and voilá: your first gacha game
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So just out of curiosity, what happened to get you mad about gacha at any occasion you can find ?
Did you like went Wale Mode and still didn't get your Waifu ? Or does the Dev of your favorite game never gave attention/skin to your favorite girl ? She got a Nerf ? Something along those line ?
Don't bring the "shitty genre" excuse, you don't come up with the "mobile game port" on every colorful search'n'click game uploaded here. Nor you point out these flash (r.i.p :( ) game copy that populate steam nowadays.
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Because it is a form of gambling and has a massive effect on those with a predisposition to forming addiction issues, such as myself. I've spent thousands of dollars on "F2P" gatcha mobile games and I always regret spending afterwards because the instant gratification never lasts more than a few minutes, even though I always end up being a whale, but it's a compulsion. You don't even need to leave your house like you would a casino/other establishment and it's carefully designed to keep you interested with constant new heroes, which you NEED to get if you want to have the meta and remain competitive. It's a toxic genre in 99% of circumstances and has destroyed gaming and made a significant negative impact on my life. I've chosen gatcha over food manyyy times, hahaha. So yeah, I definitely understand the hate.
Iale Idioma
indeed the ius primae noctis