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Aleksandar Miroljub Mladenovic
any have black screen problem?
Autistic guy
this youtube series ruined the whole series for me but i must say this game is amazing really good really fun and i really enjoyed it
This is as bad as the Netflix show, congrats.
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the series are ok, a little lame but acceptable, but not this
this looks mediocre as fuck even the new battletoads game looks better than this and its crap too
WhoAmI? Nobody knows.
What's wrong with the show?
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It's a teen drama/comedy full of cliches, you might enjoy it if you are around 12-16 years old. Or a dumb adult.
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Carbonated Turtle
Right, because the original movies weren't exactly the same thing. The reason so many people like the show is because it stays true to the original, unlike so many remakes and reboots.
it's kinda fun to watch it with friends / girlfriend (assuming you have one), and make fun of the show together, the only "decently written" character is Jhony Lawrence tho. the rest of the cast is a bit of a stinky dogshit tbh. story is shit, and the teenagers are pretty much sick sociopaths.
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Pierre Ross-t
This Netflix series is faithful to what movies are, it's a pleasure to find Daniel Larusso, Lawrence etc who were there during the first films, and I find that the script is not so bad. You judge the series way too quickly, remember that it was not a NETFLIX series but YOUTUBE, and it is not destined to become a groundbreaking series, but simply a series for the Karate Kid fans.
And personally, I'm 24 years old and I really enjoyed watching the entire series, like tons of friends enjoyed it aswell. Does that make me a jerk? I highly doubt it.
If all series were to be judged so harshly for the screenplay or for the actors like you do, I think no series could come out. At least, not for spectators like yours.
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Also don't bother to reply, really. I most likely am not going to read/reply again anyway. since I don't want to Fall even deeper to the shit-show that is "Arguing Online in a Comment section". bye bye
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What the heck do you mean by this exatly?
If all series were to be judged so harshly for the screenplay or for the actors like you do, I think no series could come out. At least, not for spectators like yours.
are you kidding me? all aspect of this movie is dogshit, first of all the choreography, for a movie about "karate" the fighting is a complete dogshit, the only person who know how to fight is Jhony and his sensei. even Laruso the supposedly "Strongest character" fights like a dog taking a shit. not weight in his punches, and worst of all, his fighting stances are an insult to karate http://itself.now this can only be achieved by two things either the choreography departement are a bunch of idiots or the actor themself don't know how to do choreography.
secondly, all the characters are narcissistic sociopathic loosers, especially the samantha and robby. most of the major conflict occoured in the series can be completely avoided if both of those fuckers just acknowledge their mistake and say "Sorry". EXAMPLE-1: The whole reason miguel was paralayzed was because samantha was being whore and kissed him knowing they both are in a different relation ship. but even after causing miquel to be paralyzed. she never apologize and acknowledge her mistake but instead plays the victim card as if she was the victim.
EXAMPLE-2: same as samantha robby, after causing miguel to almost never be able to walk again, never acknowledge his mistake, and when his father "miguel sensei (more of a father figure to miguel at this piont)" didn't visit him and rather stay through miguels Surggery. robby then instead blame his father for not visiting him, KNOWING WELL THAT HE IS THE ONE WHO CAUSED MIGUEL TO ALMOST NEVER WALK AGAIN FOR THE REST OF HIS LIVE
, There are sooo mnany example of the character being sociopath, and if I were to point all of them out the we'll be here for weeks, and I have to re-watch 3seasons OF hell without my gf, and to be frank i can't stand watching this series alone. and Notice how I never said the actors name, cuz I knoiw that these flaws are mostlikely caused by bad shit writitng.
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Rajat Tyagi
I'm 22 and i enjoy the show wtf are you doing here if you think the show is bad.
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Thanks for proving my point, teens or dumb "adults" "young adults". I bet you also enjoy Sandler films...
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born in 85 and rocking with this show 100% brings back that 80s nostalgia while connecting with the kids of today. so corny its great! you can go back to watching what ever it is you watch.. id guess GOT and everything else internet nerds love to watch... cuz ya gotta make sure it follow the story line to every book every made to T right.. lmao internet nerds kill me sometimes.. this show is hot as fuck.. you the only one who aint vibin with it and came on a game site to bitch about it..
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Guess you are a pretty dumb adult.
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Big Papa
i bet you gargle dick.
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Reported for abuse
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Damian LP
Alta garcha xd
Temmie Plays!
fan ofd what franchise? kunio kun, or river city?
bc theyre two completely different gams and stories, rcg blends them together with a new universe. I htink it's fine, they nailed everythign except for the sprites all being different heights, but thats Wayforward's thing.
from a technical standpoint, rcg is more faithful to both series than RCU ever could be.
Blue Bomber
love the cell shading graphics, im not suitable with the controls response
Lecaton Baumeister
100% ratings out of 16 people base on steam as of Jan. 6, 2021.
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1-3 final fight are fine
everything else is dogshit
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if you mean river city underground for sure although its meh but
the girls versions its even more meh
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Lucas Fernandez
Sam = bitch
This is a TV show critic:
Can´t believe this sht´s still going around like in the 80´s/90´s, when they made you think that all the knowlegde you kneed to learn for the rest of you life it´s all about what you live in a fucing US high school with all of its stupidity and classified groups of kids with no personality and weaks as fck...
"Old school american" Outdated crap nowadays. Shtty martial arts moves by the way,
It reminds me of this aberration:
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Thomas Ly
well what I can I said. Every time thing have been westernize it come with huge disappointing.
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furio mil
ok boomer
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Lucas Fernandez
QUIET!!! if you don't love the movies you'll have nothing to critize then! if the show is a success is because we fans loved this, and you really expected complex martial arts moves? then you never watched a Karate Kid movie. in other words......you're not Cobra Kai material so move on looser!
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Thomas Ly
well in my opinion this movie is bad as it, It famous because they feeding on fans " A Hollywood version of Dragon Ball" . This is my childhood memory and after i watch the movie, It a huge disappointing. And don't let me star on Cobra Kai. I feel lucky not to born in that era.
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Artyom Reaper
That dragon ball movie should be lost to time that piece of dog doo doo. This show though, it's the shit. That comes from someone who loved and still loves all of the Karate Kid Films. Except that sequel without Daniel, that one sucked ass. This show was addicting though, no lie.
Luis David Palacios
Hey, say, i love the movies but i can't make up my mind to watch this new show as it gives me off a very different impression...i mean, Mr Miyagi who was the best of it is not even there anymore.
And instead of 80s charming material, it now gives me off the impression of very edgy material.
Am i wrong?
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Big Papa
Sign of the times...
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Luis David Palacios
Artyom Reaper
Nah they somehow manage to bring over that old feeling and mix it well with the shit the new gen likes. I hate a lot of new shows and reprisals, but this show was addicting no lie.
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Luke Shanley
You sure you're not thinking of Dragonball Evolution being that shitty Hollywood Dragonball movie?
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after watching a few gameplays of this game i gonna need tons of bleach
just imagine john kreese is a m.bison/akuma wannabe and his cobra drill its a psycho crusher,
oh my eyes
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jevon small
Cobra Kai Running On RX570(I7-4790)
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Not going to lie, the screenshots looks sexy.
Elliott CG
The texts doesnt work because of error key ui_...
Pls help me
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Adriel Santos
Also with me
Çağlar Menteşeoğlu
after watching the first 4 episodes of second season after a good 1st , and deciding to quit watchin it altogether.... seein this sealed the deal... world is a cashgrab rush.... if darkest dungeon 2 upsets me like these events.. i ll suicide XD
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without this man, anything related to karate kid is dogshit
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Temmie Plays!
but he was in the jayden smith karate kid, AND the next karate kid, both of which are complete dogshit.
Artyom Reaper
Hey I loved all the old films then, and I love them now. All of the ones except that one without Daniel and hell, the new one was meh. It's unmemorable and I dislike it, but don't hate it. This show had me hooked though. They do a good job paying homage to Pat. He was an amazing actor and person and I thought I'd hate the show without him but it's really tight with giving something for old fans and new ones. I love the show so much that I even binge watched it. It's pretty good, imo.
I disagree. The Next Karate Kid had him and it was still dogshit
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it sucked because daniel doesnt appear
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Correct. And the less we talk about the one with Jaden Smith the better
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Temmie Plays!
the jaden smith one was better than karate kid 3/
when you said " the next one " you meant the one where Miyagi trains a girl, ya?
that one is oretty bad, but KK 2 is just as good as KK 1.
get over your nostalgia goggles
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Yep, that's what it was called "The next Karate Kid", it wasn't even called Karate Kid 4. Heck it didn't even have it's own DVD release. I wouldn't say 2 is as good as one, it's slightly worse but only slightly, so slightly that it's barely noticeable. The Karate Kid(The one with Jaden) is not better than 3 because Jaden is not a good actor, AT ALL. The kid can't act. 3 was bad don't get me wrong, it was a dumb rethread of the same plot elements as the first one except worse but The Karate Kid was worse. Jaden is a terrible actor and for as good an actor Jackie Chan is he will never have the same charm nor the same wise old teacher look as Pat Morita. Nothing to do with nostalgia goggles
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Temmie Plays!
like, Im fine with them trying to keep the brand going, but putting mr miyagi in the jaden one wasn't the way to go, haha. it was obviously trying to pander to the crowds of the earlier films. But yeah, that kid can't act his way out of a wet paper bag.
I'd almost say the next karate kid was better, if only for the late 90's cheese
Temmie Plays!
yeah i forgpot they named it " the next karate kid " iu thgought you meant " literally " the next one, as in 2.
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haha xD
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Tom even learned to fly a fighter:
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none yabusiness
Tom is a deranged nutjob, that even acts like he's a cult robot now. This movie was DS back then, unless you were some lovesick girl, or dude that gets choked up when they shoot old yeller. It's a glorified chick flick. LOL This new one will be just as lame, because making movies now is about pooping in a big box, then selling it with commercials
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Yeah, and?
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It's been so many years when I watched it on VHS
Karatê kid is better
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that game was a blast on those years
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The series is cool, this looks like crap, but might as well give it a shot
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Bob Dole
How old are you?? What the fuck is the demographic for Cobra Kai? Is it 60 year olds who liked Karate Kid or 7 year olds who don't know any better?
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none yabusiness
An easier comparison would be. People who know how to write with writing utensils and worked for a living. People who text, think working means you failed, and cry when they can't have anything. This is why in my day, we didn't blow up our country with temper tantrums. On EITHER side. LOL
The hell does age have anything to do with the matter?
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Doot Doo
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Bob Dole
I'm curious about what demographic thinks the Cobra Kai show is a good show.
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Artyom Reaper
I'm 25 and I loved the show. They pay enough homage to Pat and the old movies that it left me satisfied and they also mesh the new shit in pretty well for what it is. I'm not saying it's the greatest, but at least they're not afraid of speaking shit and everything. I loved it.
Çağlar Menteşeoğlu
im 39... first season i watched all episodes thinkin it could be good but it had cringy stuff in it.. second i found it sucks... for the old movies: they were meh for me when i was young.. but i find most good movies meh .... they got their souls thats a fact... i cant remember what did i used nor do between 20 and 28... yet i remember the scenes in the old karate kids still XD .. that must be something righT?
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Bob Dole
39 sounds about right. You were probably the exact age that the Karate Kid movies were trying to attract at the time.
I didn't even know there was a show to be perfectly honest. How recent is it?
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2 years ago and was so cringe tbh
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Bob Dole
It's on Netflix. Called Cobra Kai or something. Been a season or two I believe.
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Kai Chi
Third season just started last week
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The show is alright imo.
I find the clash of generations over the bullying topic pretty entertaining. The fighting scenes between adults are a mess, but the kids do a good job.
I'm currently 28, and always liked fighting tournament movies so Karate Kid was a must watch back then (there were better ones tho).
Cobra Kai has some pretty good music tho, it reminds me of the old PSX games like Tekken.
Oh, no wonder i never heard of it, i don't have Netflix. Is it a Netflix Original?
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Cyber Nukem 3D
It started as a youtube originals or whatever they call it
Çağlar Menteşeoğlu
the show came 2 years ago... cobra kai.. google...