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This is honestly better than what I expected. Esoteric Hotline-Miami-esque roguelike with religious undertones set in a train; that should be the store page summary blurb for the game if you ask me.
The core gameplay is pretty tight, fast-paced, and straightforward; this alone is what holds the game up and makes it worth checking out. The visuals and audiowork are also quite alright, though the lack of graphics options is a bit of a PITA. Sadly, the game does go a bit downhill from there; even in the quite enjoyable core gameplay flaws, issues and bugs start to show up. For starters, and this should be game-design basics, your character runs much faster diagonally than he does cardinally: I'm amazed this has somehow slipped past the dev throughout the entire process and the whole almost 1 month the game's been on Steam. It's not strictly a "problem", but it's a really obvious bug that is sort of telling of the experience (or rather, lack thereof) of the developer(s). Though honestly, if this is their first game, they've certainly got a knack for it. Beyond this anecdotal thing, there's a host of issues with the game that detract from the experience:

  • There's no system or mechanic to prevent projectiles piling up on top of each other and there's no invincibility frames to prevent you from being one-shot by this.
  • The items in general have a bunch issues, namely not being usable sometimes (never been able to use the Nuke, even though I've had it drop multiple times), stacking on top of one another on your 'inventory' (which makes it almost impossible to read what they do), and they are generally not quite balanced, with some arguably being a debuff for you, or significantly better/worse than other items dropping around the same 'stage' of the game.
  • The enemies can be a bit flaky; sometimes they fail to notice you at close range, and sometimes they see you from a mile away. I thought this was related to their cone of vision, and it is to an extent, but half the time it doesn't quite work.
  • The one boss I've faced so far is pretty shitty, not much to say about it besides that it's rather boring and will only bother you because it shoots an obscene amount of projectiles that can group into undodgeable patterns.
  • The 'ammo' or 'status' indicator for the guns is a bit confusing; it goes from green (full) to bright red (halved rate of fire), but the way it does this is by shifting into a darker brown-greyish color and then into red as the ammo/condition worsens. The rings that surround the weapons when on the floor share these colors, and thus this issue, but they're generally less of a problem unless you discard guns mid-using them.
    There's a few more minor issues here and there that aren't quite worth mentioning, but all in all, if the above don't put you off intensely, do give this a try. It's certainly fun despite all of it, and who knows, maybe the dev will get enough money to polish it and fix it as time goes on.
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l3o fan de hearthstone
95% ratings out of 22 people base on steam as of Dec. 29, 2020.
The way how the screen moves as you move your character is a no-no for me.
If anything it looks like a clone of Hotline Miami
It needs a lot of polishing anyway
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roguelite + nightmare fuel
Platformer dev
nice requested this 1 few weeks ago