Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。
I'll translate for u guys :)
carperation is a competitive racing party game that uses utilities or abilities(dk how its competitive). Of course utilizing the abilities would make you victorious(bruh, its a racing game). The abilities could increase your speed and harass your opponents. In the game we introduced a plethora of vehicles that are apart of the Hong Kongs old and rich culture such as taxis, rickshaws, 3 wheeled ice cream trucks(never seen one b4 but ok). They all have different abilities, some of them amp up your defense, attack and annoy others, etc. Also this game supports split-screen and multi-controller multiplayer (isn't that a minimum requirement for all party games?) it's perfect game to play with your friends and family
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president pooh will be proud of you xD