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you can't play because you hate to link your game account to your steam account... is there any way to solve it?
obs: there's the mobile version which you can get a free ticket to play by watching an ad but if you still want to play on pc, you have to login with your game account on the mobile app and the pc, then you watch an ad on your phone and get a free ticket and you will be able to use this ticket on your pc
at first glance, screenshots look kinda promising & raises hope for potentially decent game.
Make typical quick scroll-through of comments to find only disappointment.
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this game has been around for quite a while, can be played in your web browser, 100% multiplayer, and has a shit ton of hackers.
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100% multiplayer game
Rodri Gzlz
you need an account to play. it doesn't let you register. So basically you can't play this game. I was able to register through the website, you can go here and create and account. Then, try the game https://www.blankmediagames.com/TownOfSalem/
Edit: No it's useless. It says you need to link your steam account to the game to play
Did you try the game before uploading it?
This game should be taken down from the website cuz it's not cracked, it's online.
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Was going to say... what is the actual point of uploading an online only game..? lol
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Dark Sorceress
cute cat
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Alex TrollBoss
cute ass