A revolution to install... wait for it... TRUE DEMOCRACY! LMAO
Lefties never cease to amaze me.
Roger™ ☬
Scott MacFarland
Founding fathers specifically made the case multiple times that a pure democracy was a very, very bad idea. This only works if you have a population that is well informed and has good critical thinking skills, which is impossible.
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and sadly journalism is dead and socialist tyrannical group think is spreading like a pandemic on fakebook twitter ....
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Divergent Droid
Put your mask back on and obey your tyrannical masters. Don't question. Government knows best. Believe in the pandemic, believe in the spherical Earth spinning in a 2nd law of thermodynamics violation they call space. Government would Never lie to you!
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Yout vil zocial zistence vite nowds
You're a flat-earther aren't you.
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Divergent Droid
I am a True Earther. I tend to believe the physics that is observable testable and repeatable. I don't claim Earth is Flat like a pancake has a dome or an ice wall but I in no way believe the claims of a spinning sphere in a vacuum. I was an ac heating and refrigeration tech for over 20 years and used the principles of thermodynamics everyday. The heliocentric claim of an atmosphere next to a vacuum where equalization fails to occur due to entropy is total rubbish.
so if everyone on the net i see is based and aware of this who the F in enforcing our demise?
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Black IC
Whom you are prohibited to insult is, as a matter of fact, the bigger dog in the power structure, just think, who can´t be insulted, doubted, misrepresented, and so on?
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Ahhhh, someone who is able to think, a rare thing indeed, we should celebrate.
I salute you, but pay them no mind. These people are demoralized, they have been stripped from their capability of recognizing patterns and barely even understand themselves, not to mention the world around them.
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If anyone here was actually following a logical line of thought, they'd come to the conclusion that ultimately, there is no truth for the human consciousness, only belief in what is fact, and even so, facts change based on majority rule and belief, scientists don't always pander actual findings, why do you think the CIA and FBI are so interested in people who practice sciences in an independent setting? So many materials are so heavily controlled, too.. Why do you think governmental structures and politically invested powers VIE to dictate what's fact through media outlets and talking heads, or control what's to be legally analyzed and in what settings in the first place?
Any real thinker will never have a satisfactory answer, only more questions.
Continue on with your rhetoric people. I'm done wasting my energy with this, it'll be the last time I bother speaking up about this particular type of behavior from my fellow smoothmonkies. Lol. I'm getting too old for this shit.
Start thinking for yourselves and going off your own experiences, oh and by the way, if you shut up and stop listening to idiots long enough, your gut will tell you a lot.
Stop following echo chambers.
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You are just deflecting, the questions you claim for he asked them and I shall repeat:
Who are not allowed to be criticized? Doubted? insulted and misrepresented? Who is the bigger dog? ✡️
Democracy for thee, one party rule for me. Diversity for thee, eugenics for me. Multiculti for you, wall, fence and snipers for me. The hypocrisy is over, everyone can see through the smokescreen, the ones who can't are not important anymore.