I can't start the game. It says that UnityPlayer.dll is not found!
Jash Laker (SURParamour)
X-files music plays.
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Blue Bomber
so so, need campaign or objectives, I'm sure they will add missions on the next update. btw you have fans lol
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kids these days ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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OMGG will you stop asking for a rating every time? There is the video, look at it, LOOK AT IT. But since youre so dependent on the opinion of others and apparently unable use your own non functioning brain, here's a rating: It sucks ass/your mother. Happy now?
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Raidevil Fastfinges
Dude why so much hate, Whole reason to view gameplay and actual player reviews are to see whether or not YOU like the game, Its You who will play the game later on, why not make sure you are going to enjoy it by doing sum research bout it. But if it makes you feel better by insulting random people by all means do so, Nobody realy cares about you mate.
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Why are you coming to the defense of this moron? Well exactly, he's NOT doing the research, otherwise he'd open his eyes to what's in front of him, he'd put the game's name in Google and look at the Steam RATING, which he so desires, instead of ask a random shitty video maker on a pirate website what the rating is. He does this all the time. No friends, no brains.
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him asking the rating IS doing research. Like I said to the other person, ratings were created for a reason. To give us an idea of how good or bad the game is, or how smooth the gameplay is etc. Downloading the entire game first is just ridiculous. Especially if u were going to pay money for a game. Are you trying to tell me that u never read reviews or look at ratings of a game? If so, you're a liar. Freaking out on this guy because he asked what the guy would rate the game, makes u look like a complete asshat.
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you butthurt snowflake, you whine like those trump supporters after their beloved cornhead leader lost
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Hey, come on, the elections aren't over yet! 😄
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he already lost blondie
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Maid Lover
As a hard centrist myself I can not quite understand the gall of any side, be it Trump supporters, or Biden ones(if there exists such a creature, judging purely by the lack of people on his rallies).
With that being said, Trump has indeed lost the popular vote, however, the matter over vote fraud is being currently investigated, so while it is unlikely, it may just be that Trump will have his second term IF there truly was a fraud large enough that it would warrant an invalidation of key democrat states votes.
On a more interesting matter, While the Democrat canditdate looks to be made the 46th, they lost in every other field, be it house or senate. So while a loss for trump supporters, it is still a win for the Republicans.
My advice would be to never trust the media/big tech over anything they say, as they weirdly enough choose to ignore all the bad Biden has said/done, or even ban/silence people that opposed him while going hard on any single thing Trump has ever said, or even go as far as creating a list of all trump supporters for God knows what reason, the worst part however, is that I am not even extravagating anything.
Why write this wall of text you may, or may not ask? Boredom, and the need to sound like a condescending asshole on the internet.
Have a good one.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Yeah, I know, but I'm curious to see what will happen with the supreme court, though.
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dunno but one thing for sure, he will undo all the BS that stupid cornhead did before
relax man... and remember
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i think it should be renamed as "dont roast the snowflake" :P
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or maybe he is a....
Raidevil Fastfinges
You rly going at it, then again who cares he can do whatever he wants, I ain't defending anyone just saying if you don't like the guy just avoid him, no need to spill brains bout it, tho some comments make you giggle and you have to respond to it. Gotta get them trolls something like Trumps supporters u know...
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Come on, I feel like we'll regret Trump very soon.
At least, he didn't wage any wars. First president to do that since Carter. Just for this, I wish he had been reelected.
Biden, on the other hand, is already spreading hatred towards Eastern countries... Putin even warned him to tone it down, recently. And China won't be so polite, I think...
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Raidevil Fastfinges
Eh mate can't rly speak about world politics, If I'm not mistaken USA ussualy has only 2 candidates that make it on top right? Anyway just saying my country elected ex commie so in that way we are at this time in new era first to elect such player, but hey you know the will of people and all that so...
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its not the same to watch it and play it yourself kid
theres exceptions but this is not one of them
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Are you an idiot? How can you be smart enough to download cracked games of a website, but not smart enough to put in the research before downloading a game? And why do you do this on every damn game? Need attention? Why don't YOU give us a rating?!
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I scrolled down also to find some ratings or at least some informative comments about the game, because I like to find different opinions here than on Steam, usually...
But instead, all I see is 20+ trolling comments written by a fucktard who has no life. You criticize【Ⓒ】, but your comments sure are way more useless, insignificant, and unsolicited, a bit like your birth.
Top Hat Gaming
all【Ⓒ】did was ask for a rating from the person playing it, not an official rating, he knows what type of game it is, he can see it, but playing it and watching someone else play it is often a different experience and these days reviewers from sites like IGN cant be trusted because they're paid to say nice things, then you pick the game up and find out the mechanics are a mess, unstable so he's asking someone who has no financial motive who was kind enough to upload game footage to rate a game that he played and uploaded?... he didn't kill anyone..
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cant be more clear 👌
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kid you are the idiot here
why do i need to do the research when someone already did it with a video preview and they could give us their experiences so we get an idea at the moment of downloading
thats the point of asking the rating
do i make myself clear or do you need letter cubes like a kindergarten toddler to understand?
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please .. you don't need to ask for a rating when someone has already uploaded the video, you just have to watch it. If you want ratings you can search on steam or on some other page. How important is the user experience to you? download the game, play it and give a rating
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just like @victordrega:disqus said, sites like metacritic and ign are not trusted, remember last of us 2?
the steam reviews sometimes cannot be trusted too, but the other sites are worse
besides, this dude and the other video game testers are giving us a video preview, so theres NOTHING WRONG to ask how was their experiences
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your experiences based on what exactly? If it tells you that it is 4/5 or 3/5 or 7/10 what does it mean? You believe in that but not in a steam review .. the best thing you can do is download the game, try it and give us your experience...
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experiences like how he feel the movement responses, bugs, things like that,
i have asked him a lot of times and most of them hes right when sometimes i give it a try too
so got any more questions?
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They are the same experiences that they give in steam lol
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why do u think ratings were created in the first place? It's so people have an idea of how good the game is. Why go through downloading it and playing it if u can find out first that the game sucked? Yeah maybe don't rely on one person's rating, but there is sure in hell nothing wrong with asking what someone would rate the damn game. This is just getting ridiculous.
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steam are quite liars too but not at the same level as ign
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Value Value
fuck fucker fucker moron omg omg omg u dume pesron u do this every day i see u type ur stuopidty everyday im from uk u mke me look smart
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Let's play a game : guess your age!
I'd say 5! Am I right?
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i see you have been watching anime porn excessively kid,
here take this
not only kills the v1rus, but also make you recover the neurons when watching anime porn :)
Raidevil Fastfinges
This is turning to be quite a fight, Imma collect money for bids for whoever wins This. Even tho this is stupid but funny xD
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do you accept bison dollars?
one bison dollar worths 5 british pounds :)
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Raidevil Fastfinges

I ain't the queen boi xD
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Kravchenko,Dragovich, Steiner. All MUST die
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What does numbers mean, Mason?
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